Annual Management Report

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p1v.Fo-r'R 209,1 A Chief, tautagoment $taf DR78-0 `AdOO8OOo6O Deputy Chief yry'` titration tra riing Managei*ent Report l The Saourit otfio? i Ann a1 ka:letge~snt pelt ok, furnished herein according to your :morandum 'of : s~m-e 1954. :... . 2e A,,. ~AJM MAID ZK3,WAjCH o I : 11, 1 OF-THE OBCOITI-OFFINIP ? Restrictio;W, for budget #M other reasons an then i'. number, of peruonns] aV8~1ea Insu ii ,onto 4 ortw itias for genon nei to . edvanc. atQ -i gher ;race positions, pair .cu1ar1 in fihe ]firer c1er a'1. positions. A contirzuisag problem invrilves the a tious 1proces of name cfec:1 With Omer Miral, A$ufoiee::: An, *reuu of ;,this motivity, we are at. bUhe m~areV of the peen dthin those agencies. Contthuous efforts are made to cure #erenoes~ with ewer Gorr"nWMt ofltoi,als. w . . Air, V+ _ 125,1 MIM st~irerm A conoerte4' effort iII be directed toirsrd tba more expeditious processing of -Investigative cam". 2. Establish a Quird Trainitt Program. 9ispU-ty t &S Security processing of new stploysee entfiring $elocate the `Ri t Seouriti- t t ice and elti-blieb it aft . more operational basis. Relocate1 redesign, said Consolidate the phot okra ahi+ laminating roans. Develop a system with Public Buildings Service to permit better control over expenditures for "reimbursable gum service. :.. 7 Qrg z ~ re t .. Z ees xi Wit ,ved`For Release 200T/04/ CIA~RD B'04 07 0006000v9 ce 44 MAjOR IA FI 1146 200/ DP78' rA000160006 0016 4'' power$ pre .off s1y delegated by G3A, and develop a rigid trsinin4 era.. for such enploysea. Prepare "ftocldurei M snug " for "all operations in ,the teal Sec3urity( Branch# Security Division. Cantralisi thS' st orage We f ceuutpem nt and r*atertal tathetr t ofties tsppliee utilised by Physical Security io Revise and eiaplify the Huard Hanna1 sn *ight arltj Officer )annul.. 13 Reduce be 4e record fide throe. h posting of pertifent i n f o r tio4 G r o g old badge records to new cards so that old files a,q7 be stared or eventui stroyed. 12.' Prepare a* sun s ,easriiasuanoe to, and dwas of 1 . Increase support and ?e3~ae to Foreigxi Security Offisers in os to obtain ? T, of ici~s f . j. SP l ACTION HAM Mt3 (3)? Cooversion is one figs series of legal to letter situ file jackets saved in tome of_spaoe and-eqmipmant oasts. Ito t.OTtC Tamer to?Conser yee i -t~ 1 A (i). Justifications recii .r d for a4 rei ii1tiona of supplies and equi nt. (2). Cost of commicatioas reduced th substitut an of matil for TWI faailities and long distance telephone r oS aaopis+e.:. ;,cac, and alto 6y `e1~tlnating ones* KU" V W e ' glia nation of a triplicate file of ZHH.badge xaaords. rletured to the gsnssal supply areas. FIS katerlals and supplies found to, be a rplus have been L . Iawiroved ~3sn fo (1). The We (2) sdf~ioru truort re L Pu ttor s. and Ps~oo u ~ Y nstions of maintaining a security 'tics itbr and coordinating publication procure ent wag asoi 7 graploy>q entitled to, c raer security files" here leaned new' coded badges.. Approved For Release 2,000.4W -itilrn4 'M 25X1A,; ~? Ccr ttss on Records waslestabli.smd and directed to a9ndaict an over321 study of the :3scurity Office File of 4k3? s?-ttff me+stiazgs rrer'e 'ttit9Gaf~d for VAMPS i+rt....,.....~.,,,A 4m waa ubwed iota 'a'lert bsti~reen`the w t* ii Vle deyS ~rs. 4 ~ . A . x .w uy ge systeo wasp eat. , ` - i Sao, Wad by 4" for iki mard. service,; a yta was establiBbed e i by tko tb! hazer . Q guard a tails sub tts -a daily report of Worms "at eaah 4 post. ($ j1"ved e+tbod of ?intaining a Aiastsr fi i on safe aas nations, uuziber a!' sates in Agency, and { " s of 'i tz Lbsring sack sate was iuttiated. q . Asti= Was t?akan to inprq a the rccordss? saia#s3ned . an the location and m berof-vauit+v and rshtirictid ~l to .O ! st~resseai t ron& toatinu i emphasis ATa tra_s___ to PvCr'JJft ; Dot ., ype ` hgsat a11Q 3aaparrisor wise can handle ~"? i 11 prob2 ss~ as thcJ-' .+ rias~. VIM 4_- 0 40 'Ion A ravead 'Fi1r ke eAt 2( 4C82 IR-RDF7- a a~ Approved For el a 2001/04/0 7 j77 ,LT I Each section of the 'hysical S:ec;irity Branch is now required to submit daily work sheets pertaining to the operations of section and where applicable, to indicate the a:.signrrient of casea to, and the work completed by each employee. (2). A standard check list was adopted for use by employees making Physical and Technical inspections in order to further improve coverage.and reports. 25X1A (2). Progress has been made in the direction of specific instructions to field personnel in each investigative assignment and the scheduling of stereotype "leads" is closely guarded against. (3)? e. Improved Scheduling of Operations. (1). Maximum effectiveness through close supervision and justification was achieved over the schedulin of expedite type investi&ttive cases to -gfield offices. As a result of the ac,,uiaition of firearm range facilities on specific days each week it is now possible to more definitely ached-Ale the training of individuals in the use of fire4rus. f. Use of Business Machines. practicable at the present time. (1). Agency badge records were converted to I3.14 methods. (2). Recent surveys in connection with the proposed use of IBM card punch and sorting machines showed that the application of such equipment to the operati'aa of the Special Security Division is neither possible nor Use of Statistical Sampling Methods (1). A count is being made of the number of personnel using a particular building entrance in order to determine posaibilities of closing or relocating the entrance. , A cart febeing taken of the number of personnel '. cartfin4 brief cases, manila envelopes, sto., out of a given building' through a specificentrance during a curtain period of time in order to determine the. ppossi. bili'ty or advisability of spot checking for, classified information. m ., IA-RDP78-04000600050016-4 Approved For RA We 2001/04/Q,,24 A A manual issued during FY 1y54 for the guidance of all. Head,;uarters personnel in Special Security Division reiterated and ar:1phasi*e.d previous in- structions for the uniform preparation and sub- mission of periodic performance reports. (2).. Emphasis was also placed on previous instructions to the Field with regard to performance reports which are intended tv provide adequate infor ation on personnel for evaluation in career development and in selection for available positions. (3). Installed daily reports system on operations of each section of the Physical Security Branch and weekly and monthly reports by all branches of the Security Division. i. Actions _Taken to IrnLrovca Coordirssstion, W. Constant strove and ezaphaain has been wide to guard against duplication and to insure the waxi. ra util- ization of all facilities without overlapping. Improved Project Control Systems. Negative k. Blitrination of Duplication of ':.ffort. Negative 1. Gains. Both Inter and Intra-Agency, Realized_ Committee or Board ::echanisms. (1). Conferences and meetings, ;is an a -As :ratlve device, play an important role within the Specia? Security Division. Their importance in the field of r anagesaent communication Is fully recognized. They are held on a regularly scheduled b~L.ois at Division, Branch, and Desk levels, as well as in the Field$ to achieve the maxin~ium benefit resulting from free discussion and an interchange of ideas as well as to implement training procedures and define and re-define policy. (2). Another illustration of the utilization of this mechanism is the presence of an 55D emp:? ..~, ee re- presenting the Zeeuri.ty Office on the Project Adm3.r.- istrative Planning 3taff, snt, ch prepares and tr. y-$ in ad_-dnistrative plans covering the operation of all Agency proprietary and subsidy projects. Through representation on this staff, it is possible for the Security Office to insure confor::.ance by other Agency components with existing A sac Se ~ Approved For Release 2QIId.CIA-RDP7840v0 and Approved For Fe001/04/02 : CI' x personnel. Thu ;)uhlication of those two manuals re )reeer.Ln significant progress in uis.w,~gement acinic:ve-:e it. The ::security Office is ever striving, through constant study and analyeiu, to improve its management meths and effect the highest level in operational efficiency. SOIW IUi :p it (8-17-54) Distribution: 2 Addressee 1 A&T5 Files 25X1A9a I Chief, Training Staff 25X1A9a Approved For Release 2001/047Q;2 CIA-RDP78-04007A000600050016-4