I. Early Developments
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Approved Fo 9 3/92: CIA-RDP78-04007AO01000030001-7
Approved For Release 2001/03/02 : CIA-RDP78-04007AO01000030001-7
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I Early Developments 1
II OSC) - Special Security Section 1
III CPS (ICAPS) -- Security Branch, OCD 4
IV Security Division 10
V Related Information 15
References 17
Personnel Interviewed 17
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I. Early Developments
1. Following the establishment of the Central Intelligence
Group, National Intelligence Authority Directive No. 2 of 8 February
1946 set forth the initial organization of CIG. It comprised the DCI,
the DDCI, the Central Planning Staff (CPS), and the Central Reports
Staff (CRS).
2. It was not until 22 July 1946 that the present Office of
Security appeared in a tentative CIG organizational chart as the
Security Division, ,Executive for Security. 2 At the
time three other units in CIG were actively involved in security;
namely, the Security Branch, OCD; the Central Planning Staff (CPS);
and the Special Investigative Section, OSO. Of these units, the
Security Branch, OCD, exercised considerable influence over CIG
and early CIA Security policies and practices, and it was envisaged
by certain authorities that it would be the nucleus for an Office of
Security. This also appeared to be the thinking of the DCI in December
1946 when he transmitted CIG organizational charts to 25X1P9a
for these charts contained an Office of
Security along with the note, "Now Security Branch, OCD. "
II. OSO - Special Security Section
1. After the activiation of the Office of Special Operations on
11 July 1946, 4 a series of OSO Directives were published concerning
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OSO functions and responsibilities. The first such Directive, dated
22 July 1946, identified the Special Investigative Section as being
one of the functions of the Chief, Operational Support Division. In
December 1946, its name was changed to the Special Security Section
and it retained this title until July 1947 when it was abbreviated to
Special Security.
2. On 4 October 1946 the Intelligence Advisory Board (IAB)
approved the DCI's proposal that CIG undertake the responsibility for
all security investigations required to clear its people, in accordance
with the security standards established in CIG Directive No. 8.
Following this, the FBI agreed in November 1946 to conduct investiga-
tions of overt and semi-covert CIG employees. Along the same line,
OSO informed the FBI on 24 December 1946 that it had established a
to conduct 25X1 Cod
group of investigators who utilized
3. In conducting background investigations, the Special
25X1 C4a
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Y it
organizations. Also, in November 1946, it established its first
as the first Special Agent in Charge; 2 The function of
this office was to "thoroughly investigate" all applicants for positions
with Special Operations, both under cover, semicovert or open.
Its services were available to conduct reinvestigations, special
investigations or surveillances of certain CIG personnel already
employed within CIG concerning whom some complaint had been
received. Around the same time it was contemplated that it would be
Section managed to obtain a percentage of the agents it requested to
4. In July 1947, the Special Security Section was transferred to
the Office of the Assistant Director, Special Operations, 25X1A9a
25X1 A9a - its title changed to Special Security
continued as the Chief.4 Later, on 6 August 1948, the
DCI directed that effective 9 August 1948, the activities of the Special
Security Division were to be consolidated into the Executive for
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