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Approved For Reease 2001/03/02 : CIA-RDP78-04,907A001000030013-4 FUNCTIONS OF PHYSICAL SECURITY SECTION 1. To be responsible to the Chief, Security Division, for the 25X1A6a security of nstallations, except those involving the Office of Special Operations, to prevent unauthorized access to, or compromise of, all, CIG activities. 2. To prepare and enforce necessary security regulations as 25X1A6a may be required for CIG installations, except those per- taining to OSO. 3. 1b initiate and maintain a system of pass control as may 25X1A6a be required for installations, with the assistance of; the '5X1A6a Physical Security Unit of.the Special Operations Security Section. 4. ~'b maintain and supervise the necessary guards to protect the premises of individual CIG installation except those pertaining to the Office of Special Operations. 25X1A ''. To maintain and supervise a receptionist staff for all G installations where a receptionist may be required, except in cases involving only the Office of Special Operations. 6. To indoctrinate all new employees, except those of SO, upon their reporting for duty with CIG, and conduct such other periods of instruction and :Security indoctrination as may be directed by the Chief, Security Division, or higher authority. 7. To interview all personnel, except those of OSO, in the process of terminating employment v5i th CIG, and instruct them regar ding seazrity rec1uirements. Approved For Release 2001;I&3/4Zv 04007A001000030013-4 Approved For` RLease 2001 7AO01000030013-4 8. To change all safe combinations, except those of OSO, when a change of combination is necessary, and maintain a file of sealed combinations that may be used in an emergency. 9? To investigate fires, the loss of classified documents, m d security violations and make such other investigations, inspections, or surveys as may be directed from time to time, with respect to CIG less OSO. 10. To handle the requisitioning and procurement of supplies as may be required for the Security Division, other than the OSO Investigative Staff and other purely Special Security Section functions. Also, this Section will mace the necessary checks to insure an ample supply of security forms being available at all time. For Release 2001~~/6~: ~"1~?-F~; 04007A00100003001 3-4 Approved cl. 2C a -2~