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Approved For Rele a 2001/03/02 : CIA-RDP78-0400 A001000030027-9
Surrey by CIG has disclosed that an organization dons not
exist at the present;:time for the purpose of engaging in coordinated
comprehensive planning for a national censorship program for use in
the event of emergency or state of war.
A confidential rnemorandwn prepared by Mr. Byron Price,
Director of Censorship 1941 - 1945, entitled u A Basis for Censor-
ship Planning n was presented to the President Aug. 24, 1945. In
this memo the importance of advance planning for censorship opera-
tions is cited. A copy of this ammo was forwarded to CIG informally
by the Bureau of the Budget, it being the thought of the Director of
the Bureau of the Budget that NIA shoulL' consider the assumption of
the responsibility of directing and coordinating the necessary plan-
ning by the several appropriate Federal Agencies and Departments.
ICLP S proposed. that CIG undertake the coordination of planning activi-
ties. This proposal was approved by the Executive Director of CIG.
Action vaa.o thereafter held in abeyance at the direction of the Director
of Central Intelligence for the reason that it was felt that the or-
ganization was not well enough established at the time (Nov. 1946) to
undertake the load.
The importance of this subject should not be discounted.
Resumption of consideration for the activation of this planning
function, primarily one of security, should be undertb.ken at an
early date and the necessary NIA and CIG directives be issued to
authorize im lam n a,ti -in-
For a ease e
Approved 630_1A 8~ O ~A D 11027-9