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Document Creation Date:
December 9, 2016
Document Release Date:
March 25, 1998
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Publication Date:
July 18, 1947
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Approved For W 001/03/02 : GiA-RDP78-04007AO01000030034-1
Approved For Release 2001/03/02 : CIA-RDP78-04007AO01000030034-1
fpprpved For R Ie,ase 2001/03/02: CIA-RDP78-0W7A001000030034-1
18 July 1947
S. 0. DIRECTIVE NO. 18 2
1. The following changes in S. 0. Directive No. 18 are announced:
a. So much of paragraphs 7a(2), 72(5), 8a(3), and 29c, as reads
"Special Security" is amended to read d Se ecurity Branch, OSO."
b. So much of paragraphs 72(3), l9a(6), and 2~b(9), as reads "Chief
of Special Security" is amended to read "Chief, Security, OSO.".
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c. So much of paragraph 27m as reads, "The Special Security Section
is redesignated Special Security," is amended to read "The Special
Security Section is redisnated Security Branch, OSO."
d. So much of paragraph 29d(2) as reads "Special Security Section to
Special Security," is amended to read "Special Security Section
to Security Branch, OSO."
e. So much of Enclosure No. 1, "Organization and Functions of Office
of Special Operations," as reads "Special Security" is amended to
read "Security Branch."
f. Paragraph 9, SPECIAL SECURITY, is rescinded and the following
substituted therefor:
In accordance with the policies and directives of the Assistant
Director, the Chief, Security, OSOt
a. Shall maintain liaison with the appropriate authorities
of GIG, and with other U. S. Government Departments and
agencies in connection with matters pertaining to the
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security of the Office of Special Operations and shall
insure conformity with over-all security policies of the
Director of Central Intelligence with particular attention
to the Director's policy that all staff personnel who are
assigned to duty in Washington
have a security investigation by the Federal Bureau
Personal History Statements of applic.'ants for staff positions
prior to the forwarding of Personal History Statements to
the Investigations Branch, Executive for I & S for security
of Investigation.
Shall, in coordination with the Personnel Division, review
investigation by the FBI.
Shall receive final reports of security investigations of
staff from the Investigations Branch, Executive for
I & S, and considering the special requirements of OSO,
make final recommendation to the Assistant Director for
Special Operations with respect to employment. Shall return
such final reports to the Investigations Branch, indicating
action of the Assistant Director for Special Operations.
Shall be responsible for the investigation and evaluation
of the integrity and loyalty of all OSO personnel on a
continuing basis.
Shall be responsible for the investigation of all covert
personnel being considered for employment by the Office of
Special Operations. For the purposes of security investi-
gation only, all personnel serving overseas will be con-
sidered as covert personnel. Overseas personnel who may
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J 'J ..f nr11
later return to.Washington for assignment to a staff position
in the United States, will at that time have a security
~tv f igation by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. In rare
however, the personal approval of the
Assistant Director for Special Operations will be obtained
in ecah case for any exceptions to the Director's policy as
outlined in subparagraph a, above.
f. Shall be responsi~b__~~le for operational investigations which
may be necessary ft support of counterespionage activities.
gam. Shall by appropriate inspections insure the security of
personnel and the physical security of all
overseas installations, property, and records of the Office
of Special Operations under the general security policies
prescribed by the Director of Central Intelligence and the
Assistant Director for Special Operations.
h. Shall maintain a field investigative staff sufficient to
carry out the responsibilities set forth in subparagraphs
it e, f, and g. above, to the continuing approval of the
AssiEtant Director for Special Operations.
i. Shall report to the Assistant Director for Special Operations
security violations and recommend appropriate disciplinary
or corrective measures.
Shall be responsible for the maintenance of Security files
on all active personnel of the categories mentioned in
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subparagraph e, above. Shall be responsible for
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Approved For Rese 2001/03/02 : CIA-RDP78-04QQr7A001000030034-1
recommendations to the Assistant Director for Special Opera-
tions for approval of personnel who are to be employed by
the Executive for I & 3 in the Records Section of I & S.
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Shall be further responsible for informing the Executive
for I & S as to any special requirements of 030 in the
k security of files and in the operation of CIG Security Files.
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