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Document Release Date: 
August 18, 2000
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PDF icon CIA-RDP78-04007A001000050017-8.pdf129.03 KB
Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-04007AO01000050017-8 Approved For Release 20OW108 : CIA-RDP78-04007AO01000050017;-8 OI 71~,CTIV~;S .~ D .CCi,i.P'L:i.S lj'. :sTSS .,INSPECTION DIVISION/ 1. To provide for the DCI nnn. Insoooct .on service for all activities cox' ti:o t+"c,"c:Ylcy for t e purpo.;o o pro idiing efficient deteriiihia-sion of s u 4i aii{ preparation of a. p propria.te reco,,wiend vjone. 2. To co: a rLb .is i contacts niica :f '_ail orY `vrith-a l domestic and fore-,L n ouexratj o' ns of V-10 1 rs cwy t v> on able Q pcditious inspewtion. As- c C)L'A i.e`Y7'T., to C i1wt `t'J.r.f7,', a { : r `'k'C,7.e of poriodic visitati on to " r- ci n s fat'; ons for of obserira4L oY: r nd con; citation y i G,:1 a vic to rd a^f:Poct*ri.f, in_ x:t mrcd xmlers? ax c i ng and consequent in creased efficieicy, ry 3. To increases the l{~ZE7 7' c~ of in p'oation 1jiuriVi.o+.4 personnel In all of c_ncy aativ: ti ox id a nt:i.c .}atec probion;rs in order ?i;hat, the .`.+c o re of : ' pport J' d :providod by the division ray be 1ioro d ve: 0,:.fted -d ,a l't o~r:Y native? 1`tarot~Y Ji the sr3 icy mil, r crn s vY()1" ar;ii indoctrination of peraomlcOt for' )G'4 'Y 2rt{r a~ s --M Qi O 0- 02 I iorko. 1 3:ai o21'u' as scetlr.'yity of cenm to provide coiil etoily S a ~1~ Y..I cci s6cul'i'iy service through Agency Operatiohsa projects and iriisc , oni as recjaired. i L Vi e. ?s ? U.sh e is (Fi..sca1 Year 1. ill c Onafec;t:.on With arcs.. -rand resr~o' s A, I i ties under the px'ovision a of .,`C-?.29 a. ::~~ a o< in repcatc 1 6 ,.: i' r aces with officia."-_S of the D. pa ~ cnt Of State in the detornina don of moans to be el-,, -oyes in carrj'- 3. I out the joint CI r -',tate olr jcc tiv'cs of Ne d 'o br in e 1-.)-ve c'a sc e ss on and prepared security own.luations Laid : occsrer ender t;i e)r' ; '?c)' ' '.ncorooratjon in the roscv rch s ;ud- os c: