Brief of Activities - Office of Security

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Publication Date: 
March 24, 1955
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Approved For Release 1999/09/20 : -CIA-RDP78-04007A001100010028-9 /9.3 Approved For Release 1999/09/20 : CIA-RDP78-04007A001100010028-9 Approved For Releage 1999/09/20 : CIA-RDP78-040Q1A001100010028-9 24 Larch 1955 ;Mir Deputy D17 eetw.' (Z:upport) 1ref of Activities: Ciffice of Security 1. At the request of the Office of TreininLr. 25X1COAMMMM wen) brie-Ala en PolYararii tcanicluct.. 25X1C4a The first hi i? dyes ani4 ?rirhr ccompanying CIA :as by officia.l.s r renarks br Ilaird fiZteon Ianiate talk was ivcn by a repmsontative of the Office ct Lrit,r Tho -,,orpo of this talc r,:?:Ao to not the secarity fraoswork, in thich the Lr-iorince should be consid.ored. A Secrecy 1,,greenent was obtained from 411 dependents in attenc41nco. The (,)ritire pro4rtui was monitored by a ).'cpr(;scntative of this o.CI:icc in order to deteroine ishetl.,or the fi.,rete T.Le lecturer, adequately covered the security aspects of cover. 4 - cccurity representative will monitor the next several briefings to ensure tt they conform pith fitleurity 11. A Searcy Ar,,menent forn Lac desizxrd for exetra., dependents litho aecoLlpz.l.ny ?Cellferences of all It rsonnaxitv Div.%sion pemonnnl er to discu30 tnattors of Corronnol crity . 1VtiQi1q hese 00;I:C'-r44100f3 i1l icd itlif,,re sixty cr ninety tjay 1.ntorvals. a. , rot, ..., '20 A st/tiff stu,.y was oct-11eted' zrld ;:oriTarded to the DCI throiliA with the folloginz reco'ItIlendatiOnr,1 a. That the Ofeioc of Oecv.rity rovia, on a routine bazis each onployeels vDcurity filo- every five years to dotormino if :further investiation is neeescary at that tine. b. That at the expiration of ten years of e7Ip1o.yr.letit "ap..- propriate Natie.irrAl .;;:gerley riana chcos police and cmdit .chck be rzu'foo that ,suth littited field investiga- tion be conducted as deemed nccet't'ary by the Director Of acurity? 25X1C8a Approved For Relea 09/2tY: CIA-RDP78-04007A001100010028-9 . Approved For Release 1999/09/20 : CIA-RDP78-04007A001100010028-9 6. A roetilv Wan held rith the Ghief rinombers of the Requirements MVP, to disclass liaison cle4rancez'; as they portain to the ooerations !o.thIlt iturin,; tnis rre;ctin it t;., wscortaiLed that in most instancou lialf;on clearances Ilave not buon rocluvetd in conmetion with thei liaison ,nuoted by ths Requimzents L.taff. It finally arrani;ed that a ot x,oroxizately CO6 p:mplo with wh,on liaiven is now ttln4 conducted will d1rnitted fer clor4rance? and tt in the future indiNiduel requests ,ili. zuboitted for new liaison coltact5. 7. ,Securiti advice wan furninhed to 1.1:10 ClA Yonor Awards Board in con.ncetion with a favorahIe reemmendation for a CIA award to an individual ! DAY4 umior cover oNerscas. A reprceentative ?this Cf17i0," moor,tly attended reetings in BAltinoro uith the Bureau a Old rol ancl -rTiv-cm Innurance and with the I:fLr:sotor of the Regional Tnternal Raver= Sorvieo. (Ioncerntm: the BCA:14 '1..7-:a17 is 7,cnoral agreement that the aocuritv prone= of ClAwrild bo bet rM., by CIA naintainirK ita own tvcordt . on social socurity bonsfits with oAdits by cloararl reprosentativez of I. A cataory of reI. ationship, namlyy, the inaependont contractor, still offers some proceural difficulties from a eecurity stanpoint in appropriate roportire 17,Awcen thn Internal Vevenue 3ervico and DUA3I. This subject:VW discassed rit,h the Daltinore Regional Director of thu Internal Rovenue Service and the natter is now undor study. ? 9. Also disonszed with the Perfi,mal Director of Internal Revenue was th 7rc1en of isiTividunla.bein nn.kod by the Internal. Revenu rvice. for ?certtfications rrom their parsnt departent or asency that the deductions thoy rt as/zing for by- reason cf sick leave were in fact amthentic. The :nternal Revenue Regional Lirectcr vas vory cooperative with respect to this ratter and offered to handle such inquiries himself 'talon brow;ht to. his attention. by CIA. It is beliewd that th itcgional :uireotor will such intluiries upon proper oral repreeentation by CIA* 25X1Ata 10. On 21 rarch 1955,. the rove of the Records Center located at 111111111Logan. Two raprescintatives or the Offico of &eourity are providit,4 ar!%ed. e4cort for the material from to tho naw aa-cords Canter at 5X1A641. -The move is expootmd to take from four to six !:xektT. As a side lit, a comleto test of the. nar radios ia ar nrWo , almatly they have proven their uorth* Om of the trucks broke dam in an t5olated section of tht trip., but by radlo contzet,,, Waa pcsiblc: to ha= a new tractor sent out and tho trip wat, reargd within one-half hour* It vas also rOUTISi thxt the opproxinate radio reception range is fourteen ) rifles. Further tests. will be leadC0 )17!'4111111111111";411'11111111111111111,*:. Approved For Release 1999t9/20 : CIA-RDP78-04007A001100010028-9 25X1A6a Approved For Rekiase 1999/09/20 : CIA- p78-0447A001100010028-9 U. Vorkers of ti o ClArk Comittee woro security briefOd regarding area. ccntrol requirements in licu of guard protection during rorkire, hours at their office in Qmoral Accounting Office. Ouard servile? io curront pmvi6cd to Cornitteo ofriee from 5100 p.v. to 9t00 a.m. on weekdays and ! on a 24 hour baal5 over wee4ends and holida7s. , 12. A. survey rvI, comp:lc:tad and Import forwarded to tm DWI through ! Deputy Director (alpport) Covering control xcrcised over the Forein Liaison Officer Pror4a in the ofriou of the rt11,. The r:,,eurity ?Mee arraned for a briefins of ImmEration of;:icials by YI 2taff personnel. cn ox,Abilities of poteral foreizn , cm o& to infiltrate i-' nied F?t:,.ttw; throu:zh the Ian4 bor6om an4 sea bcreera. The Inmigration an nturalizatIon :-ervice officials have advised f that tUt brlerin vac NT:Ty- 1w1pria in or:3.qmtinz; thd.r thinldnz ar4 thv ',would submit epecific px(:)sti,7.= to tha nop to cover inodus oprAndi of foreio agents. 16* A request 'pus reeoiNed by thin Utica from the WE Divibion to iOcntify an individual rho placd a tththon c11 fron Bogota? Columbia to Voxico City, Vexico. The recipient ol tho call i of intorect to the 14vinion. In a short period of tire, identity of the i.ndividual who placed tho call was doterafined by thi- 'co. 25X1C8c 25X11C11b Approved For Release 199y/09/20 : CIA-RDP78-04007A001100010028-9 ' Approved For Release 1999/09/20 : CI 4447A001100010028-9 25X1 C2a A Direct of Becarity Approved For For Release 1999/09/20 : CIA-RDP78-04007A001100010028-9