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Approved'F?or Release 2002/05/06,,: - 78-0J7.'I 8A000400180011-8 MEMM?AMUM TO: Acting Executive, CIA SUBJECT: Personnel Problems in the Event of a National Mobilization. REFERENCE: (a) (b) Acting Executive Secret memorandum dated 12 July 1950, same subject. Proposed OPC memorandum to JSPD, Subject: Mobilization Assignments, OPC. (attached) Executive ReQj.s ry t C- ldls~ 1. Based on a telephone conversation between the Acting Executive, CIA and Acting Deputy Chief, Staff III/OPC, on 18 July 1950, it is OPC's understanding that it is DCI's intent as stated in reference (a), para. 1, not to make any approaches leading to the consummation of agreements on the above subject to either the Selective Service System or the Department of Defense until a general mobilization has been declared. OPC believes that agreements with Selective Service and the Department of Defense should be made immediately for the following reasons: Selective Service:, a. Some of our employees are presently liable to the draft and may be called any day. OPC's efficiency may be considerably hampered should the services of its employees be lost to the draft. b. If the mechanics of special CIA draft boards are not established until mobilization has been announced, the time and energies of CIA personnel will be required for this task at a time when their efforts could be more profitably spent in other directions. Setting up the mechanics at the time of mobilization rather than now will be made more difficult in that the full energies of the Selective Service System will be strained to the utmost at that time. c. The confusion that will exist at the time of a general mobilization will be such that some of our employees may be actually drafted before the proper machinery has been set up, with resultant loss of efficiency, danger to security, and possibly actual loss of personnel. DeDartment of Defens Approved-For Release 2002/O Cn1DP78-04718A000400180011-8 Approve&*or Release 2002/05/ ',Ct, - 78-0~7r'18A000400180011-8 Department of Defense: d. Several reserve officers whom OPC hopes to secure or retain in the event of mobilization have already received their mobilization assignments to other branches of the Service and some are being ordered to extended active duty. It is essential to OPCIs war plans that such individuals be immediately available to CPC in case of emergency. Serious damage to OPC's operations and the compromise of the security of several individuals may take place unless pro- vision has been made in advance of mobilization for the secure handling of the war-time assignments of these reservists. f. Several regular officers occupy key positions in OPCts organization. Arrangements must be made now for their mobilization assignments to OPC if a serious disruption of OPC's activities is to be avoided. 2. Para. 2 a of reference (a) gives the Personnel Director planning responsibility for the "preparation and coordination of the desired agreement with the Office of the Secretary of Defense". OPC believes that it should share this responsibility so far as OPC is concerned. The JSPD has been established for the purpose of helping OPC solve such of its problems as relate to the Defense Department. OPC believes that discussions with JSPD at the planning stage will facilitate and expedite the completion of final arrangements with the Defense Department. Prior to receipt of reference (a), it had been OPCts plan to make its approach to JSPD simultaneously with CIA's approach to the Secretary of Defense. Reference (b), attached, had been prepared by OPC as its instrument for preliminary negotia- tions with JSPD, and OPC still believes that it should initiate discussions with JSPD at once, as outlined in reference (b), with the hope of establishing agreements that will protect OPO. 3. OPC concurs in general with paragraphs 3 a and b of reference (a), but recommends that the interim period be made no longer than is necessary to establish agreements with the Secretary of Defense and the Selective Service System. It is believed that, for security reasons, the mobilization arrangements for many individ- uals, either reservists or regular military, who are now occupying covert positions, can best be made by OPC through existing channels. OPC therefore requests the privilege of deciding which cases require ._ ._OPC concurs Approved For Release 2002/05/(x :.CI -RDP78-04718A000400180011-8 Approvedor Release 2002/05/06 -6ii18A000400180011-8 4. OPO concurs with that section of para. 4 requiring that "lists of individuals desired for designation for assignment to OSO and OPC in case of national mobilization, for whom there is no current T/0 authorization, will be prepared by those offices and delivered to the Personnel Director as soon as'practicablett. It is assumed that the Personnel Director will make the necessary arrangements for secur- ity clearances so that the individuals on these lists will be available for duty immediately on announcement of mobilization. The final sentence of reference (a), para. 4, prohibits further action pending further instructions from the Director, so far as negotiating agree- ments with either the Department of Defense or the Selective Service System. As has been indicated above, OPC urges that immediate approaches be made to both these organizations and that negotiations with JSPD be undertaken at once. Assistant Director for Policy Coordination Approved For Release 2002/05/06 C;f1QP78-04718A000400180011-8