Memorandum For: Colonel White

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Publication Date: 
October 13, 1952
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Approved For ReJffse-,2O01 ff : CIA-RDP_7.8-04718A00Q500180 MEMORANDUM FOR: Colonel White 13 October 1952 1. I find the facts in the attached staff study rather interesting, particularly 2 f. I have been in-grade over 71 years and have maintained my reserve commission and kept active the entire time. I am a Captain and was one of the first members of our reserve group when it was organ- ized in CIA. I also find it a little difficult to believe that 50 per- cent of the group have been promoted during the past year. It has just occurred to me that perhaps a large part of the 50 percent promoted were the enlisted members of the Detachment; I am not sure. 2. Your attention is also called to the fact that the &er on promotion of the reserve officers assigned to 25X1C 25X1C and does not comment on the treatment accorded those reservists who attend our meetings but cannot be assigned to the Detachment because of the numerical limitations. 3. As late as last Spring (I have attended only one meeting since we started this Fall), there were reservists regularly attending the meets s who were not being paid as are those of us who are assigned to 25X1C At infrequent intervals when we had an administrative meeting the same question would be raised, "When are we going to be 25X1A assigned"? As you know, is the Commanding Officer of the Army Unit. A comparison for the Air Force and the Navy with this report might be interesting. 25X1A 4. Please note that he routing sheet are not applicable. A reserve Captain inc omae volt, nd it difficult 25X1A to be an active member of which meets in 25X1C Washington. 1 Att - Staff Study re Promotion of Reserve Officers Approved For Release 2001/08/21 : CIA-RDP78-04718A00050018003 ROUTING AND RECORD SHEET INSTRUCTIONS.-Officer designations should be used in the "TO" column. Under each comment a line should be drawn across sheet and each comment numbered to correspond with the number in the "TO" column. Each officer should initial (check mark insufficient) before further routing. This Record and Routing Sheet should be returned to Registry. FROM: NO. ~ Vyj7j & DATE ~, k 6 OCT 1952 ROOM DATE OFFICER'S COMMENTS TO_ NO. INITIALS ECEIVED FORWARDED WJ- 2. 8 GT 9 1952 . 3. 2to 3t A/DD/A Your attention is invited to the attached study on Reserve promotion 4. 25 1C DD/A In my report of field trip to Texas, 5. 25X ' IA I mentioned one Captain of reserves at the elt he would lose out on promotion if he was in 6. the CIA Mobilization reserve, rather than in a Reserve Unit. Hence, I had the attached study made and it 7. indicates that promotion in our 25X1 is rather rapid. a. 9 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. JAN 11950 51-9 AL RE i ICTED rr 51 ease RE - 78-U471 BA00U5001 80031 - CONFIDENTIAL