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Document Release Date:
December 1, 1998
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Publication Date:
January 1, 1952
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Approved For Release 1999/08/27 : CIA-RDP78-04718A000700060002-8
The followin information is desired for fiscal year 1952:
A list of all newspapers and other publications received
on a subscription basis.
(a) List arnouant raid for each subscri tion per annum.
I subscription less than annual, show _payments for
perio of su - scription.
There is attached herewith as Tab A a machine record run of the
newspapers and periodicals purchased overtly by CIA i the United States
during fiscal year 1952, You will note that the prices paid are included
in many instances; however, as we were converting to the use of machine
records in 1952, and because of certain clerical problems arising from
the fact that bills were not always rendered by the time that the particu-
lar machine card was punched, there are some gaps in the attached
subscription price information. If necessary, we could put people to
work abstracting the remaining price information from the bills rendered
and, of course, these records are still available. However, as this
would require taking people off their current ,orbs, and assigning them
to this task from areas where we are just keeping abreast of the current
work load, we have not prepared this additional information where it
is lacking in the machine run. I can assure you, however, that the
prices paid for these subscriptions are not out of line, and the great
bulk of these publications are secured at the prices stipulated in the
General Services Administration price list,
to List all newspapers and other publications in which
articles and a v+er is144 spears for which payments
...r?YirY-.YrYre rr... a m
are made.
e tvxre of articles or advertiseme
e amount paid for sac
wr~YYY.- i.MIM b -F Y
There are no newspapers or periodicals published in the United
States in which articles appeared for which CIA made any payments during
fiscal year 1952.
During fiscal year 1952, CIA expended $7,979.83 for advertise-
ments which appeared in newspapers throughout the United States. These
Approved For Release 1999/08/27 : CIA-RDP78-04718A000700060002-8
Approved For Release 1999/08/27 : CIA-RDP78-04718A000700060002-8
advertisements were small and inserted by our personnel recruiters
in certain cities and towns where these recruiters were available for
interview. Virtually all of these advertisements were aimed at secur-
ing ing clerical personnel, although in a few instances certain specialized
types of personnel were sought. In no instance did they mention CIA
by name, but stated that the recruiter was recruiting personnel for the
Government. It would be an extremely time-consuming and costly job
to secure from the vouchers submitted for these expenditures the in-
formation as to the amount paid for each publication. In each instance
it would be the normal advertising rate per line charged by the news -
paper concerned.
(3) List all publications and indicate as to each publication
the total, ar ouxmt paa.a. or any and all services, advertis-
ing, subscriptions or otherwise during_ the fiscal yea
Other than as indicated above, there were no su
fiscal year 1952.
eats by
In connection with any feature articles, documentaries, narratives,
*ports o t pro ress or activities, pr2Eaganda.- programs (foreign o
domestic), list the follow g:
of publications, news syndicates, free lance
wr ers, columnists. cartoonists, feature writers rar
field of journal ism
other persons or or anizatir ns in Me
w ve er f orme services for your department, and
also is for each:
The amount o
e payment;
Jc) EX eases including travel and subsistence aids
d Circulation and ox rintin of such articles or
u ica ions at government e !Tense or tt~
government means and the cost thereof.
Approved For Release 1999/08/27 : CIq-IiDp78-04718A000700060002-8
(a) The service or article;
. 'r
Approved For Release 1999/08/27 : CIA-RDP78-04718A000700060002-8
During fiscal year 1952 CIA did not expend any funds for feature
articles, documentaries, narratives, reports of progress or activities,
propaganda, or programs (foreign or domestic) which required pay-
ment either directly or indirectly to any publications, news syndicates,
free lance writers, columnists, cartoonists, feature writers or other
persons or organizations in the field of journalism for any overt ser-
vices performed for CIA.
Indicate whether for the fiscal year 1952 a special allocation in
whole or in part was mai a In-the-budget justification or budge t allowances
or any of a f?regoing.
In connection with fiscal year 1952 CIA budgeted the sum of
$45, 000 for the overt procurement of newspapers and periodicals in the
United States. In addition, an allocation of $25, 244 was made available
for purposes of advertising in the personnel recruitment field, and, as
indicated above, the sum of $7,979.83 was spent for this purpose.
Indicate whether for the fiscal year 1953 an as eciai allocation in
whole or ire t was made in the budget qua i ica~tioa or b_ get allowances
An allocation of $45, 000 has been included in the CIA budget Justi-
fication for the overt purchase in the United States of newspapers and
periodicals in fiscal year 1953. The sum of $Z5, ZOO has also been
budgeted for advertisements in the personnel recruitment field.
Approved For Release 1999/08/27 : CIA-RDP78-04718A000700060002-8