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Document Release Date: 
March 20, 2001
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Publication Date: 
March 18, 1954
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Approved For Release 2001/06/09 : CIA-ROW001000050014-2 The Inspector General Working Conditions in River de Stadium ER.5-2307 irifiR 18 1954 In order to reply oompletely to your memora_ um of 9 february 1954 on the above subject, this Office has made an extensive inv.atiation of the matter. This investigation included visits to the Riverside Stadium in comm. panywith a representative of the DWI Office EMMME, the Agency 25X1A2a building maintenance personnel responsible for the Stadium, Public Buildings Service District Superintendent, and District Char Service foreman; talks with occupants of Riverside in regard to conditions and their suggestions for improvement; and conferences with high officials of Public Buildings Ser vice. The following sets forth, item by item, what has been done, is being done, or is to be done to improve these conditions. It is not presented as an alibi, but rather to point out what is involved and the difficulties en- eountered in getting work done by another Government agency over whom you have no jurisdiction. a. Painting and Mate at !ntranees In early December 1953 Public Bui]4ingaService was formaLly requested in writing to paint both main entrance vestibules, the area around the receptionist's desk, the corridor leading to rooms four and five, and all washroom and toilet interiors. In addition, Public Buildings Service was requested to provide coco fibre or rubber link mats at both entrances. Subsequently, Public Buildings Service advised compliance with our request would require an outlay of approximately $600, and since far in excess of the allotment for Riverside Stadium had been expended, no funds for work or equipment were presently available. We did not accept this decision as final and as the result of constant contact with Public Buildings Service personnel, including higher level officials have obtained a rever- sal of the decision and an assurance that the paintIng will begin in a few days. b. The Treatment of Floor All floors in aiverside are waxed and buffed every month, a certain of the more heavily-traveled areae receive this treatman as often as once a week. This is far in excess of what is usu done in Government offices -where floors are waxed two to four t a year. In spite of this extra attention, the floor in Riverside continues to appear dull and dirty, rather than polished. We are advised the composition of the tile causes it to absorb the wax and as a result does not take a polish. In regard to the other types of treatment to the floor, the Public Buildings Service re search staff still contends that the use of varnish, lacquers, e would not improve condition of the floor, but in fact would make it worse. Treatment of the floor other than waxing is discussed under the caption "Cleaning". Approved For Release 2001/06/09: re.? ;-04718A0010d0&00144-z ;13 3 za Approved For Release 2001/06/09 : Cl 718A001000050014-2 (10 lkettlie NtiUlna Service vision mi erectien to the duar farce Ali4dU oneider the thane:ye oder that the 'work fical tor thia farce ne3r intitpittr ulth the mat 'kora put in Approved For Release 2001/06/09 : CI - - 18A001000050014-2 Approved For Release 2001/06/09 : CIAJOIPPP6A001000050014-2 (It) Ezuteavor to have th fr=4i-timi1%g inj in gyration as early in the 5pr1ng art (5) itaintranduPt trili be iseen4 instructing the eocupents et the building not to ?hear! the settings on the ventilation mita or to tarn then Art ? There is no doubt that vorting oonittionsth Rviiie Stadium ant 3;* eatistactorytt Muth a this is duet however to the I:034m Approved For Release 2001/06/09 : CIA4971-04718A001000050014-2 OttMW Approved For Release 2001/06/09 ? 04718A001000050014-2 SA fl Distribution: - MACAO I . DD/1 I - DID/A ohrono ka. DD/A subject Approved For Release 2001/06/ WHIM ty Dirootar trstion) 78-04718A001000050014-2