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Document Creation Date: 
November 11, 2016
Document Release Date: 
June 16, 1999
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Publication Date: 
July 19, 1956
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Approved For Release 1999/09/20 : CIA-RDP78-04718A002200130003-2 AWIS)V .,!OIL 3 FZDERAL WORTS 1001 Connecticut Avenue, N. W. Wasnngton 60 D. C. July 19 1956 fite,COMMEMATION t. The following mandatory staridards be establithed-fer 4TencieS: WEVY FE.DatiLL AGiNCY? in the prasulgation of rules and rf,;uaatiom that require tne public to retain,records? shall in ;n every such rule and regulations: A fixed number of years, preferably not sore than a erom a clearly defined starting date (such as the birth of t -.0-victim of ma tial audit, etc.), after whioh tine not require the specified records to be reteined* h, A definition of the records to which the tt merits apply, it being underet,00d that records which *1W-tuft-in within the scope of such definition nay be disposed of at the discretion of the holder, c. Authorisation to the holder of records required to tabled to substitute for such specified records, af-ter the exp of the first two years of the retention period, copies obtained by ohotraohing, microfilning, or other permanent reproducing protestes. PrQvided that in exceptional cares, and for good cause, an Igenc may require longer sp.?cified retention of such specialised and ?art. defined classes of record. Pr-:.e"..ded further that when investigation by any agency indicates trat a company or member of the public should be required to retain Tor, a oeriod of investigation, enforcement activity, audit, or ittigat ,-ertain selected records, the investigation and' enforcement &gentle tie responsiollity and shall identify to the nether of the public compary the narrow class?, of records which it requires thesaber or company to retain until completion of the investige enfarcenont activity, audit, or litigation. 2. The standards established in (1) above be applied when _forma' o i,,,,rtalerits are up for renewal? 3a. With respect to all rules and regulations currently-in effec reTaire the public to retain records, every federal agency ehoad, clusted to review such, rules and regulations and prommlote such rttcnts as may be necessary to bring then into conformity with xlve rr i.ah11shed in (1) above. W.:_th respect to superseded regulations and regulations of ageaclet no longer in existence, the Bureau of the Budget should cause anin- vestigation to be made with the objective of bringing such rwcord.r ten tion requiretnehts into conformity with the Otridardt.estab (1) above. /Approved For Release 1999/09/20 : CIA-RDP78-04718A002200130003-2 Approved For Release 1999/09/20 : CIA-RDP78-04718A002200130003-2 4 s< but this program I assume that you will make tx visory services of the Advisory Council on Feder , ,1 its various specialised committees* You will also with the affected Federal agencies and wnen appto., ;?:-Iato with the General Services Administration. You are aUthorieed,. .d J1.-ected to issue such circulars or other initrustions.eerW'i find uueful in carrying out this assignment* ? should like to ? receive from you by 8eptesiber0V,?`,..4-'!-\,. of your progress together with any reconmendatimne to further stops required for the effeotive eon Ourden on the public, Increased efforts to recluse the reporting Writ, eat with actions being taken by the General envie** other executive agencies aimed at solution of papordo in the Government*, 'mill go fir toward sttlikintOBV.. of the Hoover Commission's r000mmendationa for lapr paperwork nanagenent. They fora a logical ant **1 broader responsibility and program of the DUMP" Ot bring about better internal becineos eenagenuot tive Branch. - The Honorable Percival F. Brundage Director Bureau of the Budget Washington, D. ..? ? , , , , ' '';?;! ? AV!, -s/ . .,-44440tq . -f? plaroVedffor Release 1-999/09/20 : CIA-RDP781'047I8A00 4 ? ?