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Approved For ReIWe 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP78-04722A000W0020050-9 CLANDESTINE SERVICE SUPPORT OFFICERS" MEETING DDS Conference Room 7 April 1971 2. No regular DDP Staff Meeting. 3. No regular DDS Staff Meeting. 4. Other items of interest: evaluation system. gave an explanation of the CS personnel b. Retirement Party A retirement party has been planned for Alan on 14 May from 5:30 to 7:30 p. m. in the Rendezvous Room. The cost will be $4. 50 per person. Please make your reservation with Pat on x 4142 not later than 12 May. Send checks to 2E 45 Hqs. c. Support Service Personnel Retiring April 1971 Name Effective Date Office 30 Apr 71 30 Apr 71 Security Security Approved For Release 2002/05/01'~f'A=fE78-04722A00020002000-9 lw ~R.. '.P.i y~? Approved For Relse 2002/05/01 CIA-RDP78-04722A00Q0020050-9 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 30 Apr 71 30 Apr 71 30 Apr 71 30 Apr 71 30 Apr 71 ce) 2Apr 71 30 Apr 71 3 Apr 71 30 Apr 71 Comm o Commo Commo Commo d. Staff Operations Panel Since by custom the SSA and his Deputy have not both served on the Staff Operations Panel at the same time, Mr. Coffey has appointed Office Personnel Finance Logistics Ito replace Max) Comm o Personnel other members of the Panel arel is our Executive Secretary and Neil will be replaced by e. Temporary Lodging Allowance has given us a copy of a proposal he received from the Chief of the Allowances Division at State which would change the time range governing the period during which the TLA may be granted. As proposed, Section 252. 21 of the Standardized Regulations would change the time range from 60 calendar days prior to the employee's entrance on duty and ending 60 calendar days after his entrance on duty. As you know, the limit is now 30 days before and 30 days after entrance on duty. The 30 calendar days for which the TLA may be granted will remain the same. You may expect early publication of the revision. f. Proposed Allowances Legislation Last week we mentioned a couple of items of interest in State's legislative package on allowances. You will be pleased to know State is recommending a change in the law on transfer allowances to permit payment of that allowance to people who return to the United States with no prospect of further overseas service. Also in the proposed amendment would be the payment of a "pre-departure allowance" to cover a brief period before departure from the United States for a foreign assignment. g. Actions Requiring Headquarters Approval Please make the following changes in your copy of the Headquarters Addendum: C. 0 Series * TRAVEL Deputy Directors, redelegated to C/OPSER by DDP and to SSA/DDS by DDS. Director of Training when with respect to an Appnw hFio ReIee e12Q/Q 9;oQQ- Mr 71 9gQ0020050-9 Approved For RelQe 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP78-04722A00?0020050-9 10. 11. Deputy Directors, redelegated to SSA/DDS by DDP. Deputy Directors, redelegated to SSA/DDS by DDP, gated to SSA/DDS by DDS, memo 29 November 1965. h. Support Officers' Conference Because of calendar conflicts, but more particularly his interest in having a meaningful Support Officers' Conference, Mr. Coffey has decided to plan for after Labor Day. Bob Wattles will be sending each of you a note about the conference and soliciting your ideas for topics. i. Federal Income Tax Withholding for 1971 You will soon be receiving copies of two publications circulated by Internal Revenue Service. One is a message for employees entitled "Will Your Withholding Tax Cover Your 1971 Income Tax?" The other is a copy of the 1971 income tax tables and rates. IRS has calculated that among those who are most likely to need more withholding are the following: (1) Each employee who expects to earn more than $11, 500 in 1971 and expects to claim the $1, 500 standard deduction or itemize deductions totaling less than 13 percent of their salaries. (2) Each single employee who expects to earn $15, 000 or more in 1971. (3) Each married employee who expects to earn $25, 000 or more in 1971 whose spouse is not employed. (4) All working couples. j. Personnel Assignments o 4 month TDY to OC/Admin as Deputy Chief/OC/Admin lace on DDS Staff has been promoted to GS-9. 1. Guidance on Preparation of Summary of Agency Employment (SAE) OP has compiled a folder of sample SAE's and resumes with narrative explana- tion of the purpose of each. The SAE's and the resumes included are actual documents which have, individually, been approved by Cover, Security and CI Staff but from which the names of the persons involved have been deleted. When Cover, Security and CI Staff approve the idea, a folder will be given to the Support Officer of each operating component so that he may use them for guidance to employees who are preparing their SAE's. Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : CIA-FRDP8-04722A000200020050-9