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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
March 24, 1971
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'- Approved For Release/2000/08/28 :CIA-RDP78-047220200020061-7 CLANDESTINE SERVICE SUPPORT OFFICERS' MEETING DDS Conference Room 24 March 1971 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 2. There was no regular DDP Staff Meeting. 3. Items of interest at the DDS Staff Meeting: a. Key Assignment Mr. Coffey announced that has been designated Chief of the Administrative Staff of the Office of Communications replacing deputy will be announced at a later date. b. Involuntary Separations--Trial and Provisional Period Harry Fisher discussed the need for office heads to be alert to the first year of performance of a new employee and if the person does not successfully complete that trial period to take the necessary action to recommend release from the Agency. Harry went on to point out that the same attention should be given to the first three years of service which constitute the provisional period. An evaluation must be made close to the end of the three-year period as to whether the person should be eligible for conversion to career Approved For Release 2000/08/28 :CIA-RDP78-04722A000200020061-7 -- Approved For Release 2000/08/28 :CIA-RDP78-04722A000200020061-7 employee status, Near the end of the three-year period, heads of career service must make one of three decisions: (1) That the person is eligible for conversion to career employee status. (2} That there is some question of eligibility and recommending extension of the provisional period but not to exceed one year, (3) Recommend termination of employment, 25X1A 25X1A c, New Assignment Dr. Tietjen announced that will retire 16 April from his position of Chief of the Pyschological Services Staff/OMS and will be replaced by 25X1A 4. Other items of interest: 25X1 C 25X1 C 25X1A a. Foreign Service Inspections of CCS has done a fine job of pulling together BD 7831 giving current instructions on how to handle Station/Base participation in periodic inspections, This will fill the void left by the instruction in an earlier BD, No. 4055 of 15 November 1963 which ended with the note "This dispatch should be retained by you until the next inspection of your post by inspectors after which it should be destroyed. " b. _M is use of Pneumatic Tube System You should have received a memo dated 19 March 1971 from on this subject. Have you thought it useful to tape the cautions in paragraph 2, a through f, inside the door of your tube stations? c. Laminated Parking Permits With summer coming on it might be useful to tell you that last summer there were several. instances where a laminated parking permit lying on the top of the dash board charred and could have caught on fire from the intense heat generated through the wind- shield, If you are going to have a laminated permit be sure that your car is parked so that the afternoon sun's rays are not directly on the permit. d. Black Line Telephone Security Last week we dialed a telephone number known to be in the Retirement Bureau of the Civil Service Commission, The ring first indicated a busy line but in a fraction of a second we were suddenly listening to a conversation between a man who was obviously with the retirement group and a female who was talking about some of her retire- ment problems, This seems to us to highlight the absolute insecurity of black lines, If someone attempting to listen to our black line conversations Approved For Release 2000/08/28 :CIA-RDP78-04722A000200020061-7 Approved For Releas~2000/08/28 :CIA-RDP'8-04722A~00200020061-7 25X1A simply kept dialing numbers it is possible they could overhear arty conversation~we might be having, especially internally. It is impossible for an outsider to inadvertently dial into a red line so please watch care- fully what you say on a black line. e. New Assignments of "S" Officers 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A f, Cover--Contacts with Selective Service We have reproduced for you a copy o memo to SSA dated 18 March 1971 on this subject, g, There will be a cocktail party for on 1 April from 5:30 to 7:30 in the Executive Dining Room. Cost is $4. 00 and will include the gift, Money should be given to Carol on x5444, Room 4E 06 Hqs, by 30 March. 3 Approved For Release 2000/08/28 : C1A-RD~78-04722A000200020061-7