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Publication Date: 
February 24, 1971
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Approved For Release 20QS/~U8/28 : CIA-RDP78 Q4722A000200020-0 h ~~ .. .. - :..:: 1 CLANDESTINE SERVICE SUPPORT CHIEFS' MEETING DDS Conference Room 24 February 1971 2. No DDP Staff Meeting. 3. Items of interest at the DDS Staff Meeting: a. Full UBLIC Insurance for Retirees reported that because of UBLIC's adverse experience with claims exceeding income during the last six months (reported in our meeting of 10 February 1971) the UBLIC reserve cannot be increased as anticipated and as a consequence the Board of Directors of GEHA concluded that they must defer an earlier reported hope to allow retirees to continue full coverage at regular premiums until age 60. This was to be the first step of a two-step program to give greater insurance coverage through the UBLIC plan to retirees, the second step being the hope that greater coverage could be offered retirees between the ages of 60 and 65. b. Finance Conference Mr. Bush reported that Finance is planning to have a conference on 2, 3 and 4 June 1971. a. Increase in Retirement Annuities As you know, there was a slight increase in the Consumer Price Index during January. Under the CPI of 100 for the years 1957-59, the increase in January brought the CPI Approved For Release 2000/08/28 :CIA-R~7$=0~2A00~200020086 0 ? Approved For Release 20#18/28 :CIA-RDP78~04~2A0002000208il3-0 to 138.6 or 1/10th of 1 percent less than required to trigger the 3 month waiting period. In January, the Bureau of Labor Statistics decided to change the CPI of 100 to the year 1967 and converting to that yardstick the CPI now registers 119. 2 which is just 3 percent greater than the base CPI of 115. 7 as of May 1970, or enough, if the 1967 base is used to trigger the 3 month waiting period which would be January, February and March. The Administration has the dilemma of choosing to stay with the old CPI for January or now going forward with the 1967 index. We'll let you know as soon as a decision has been reached, and whatever the decision, we will send a book cable to all posts where there are retirement eligibles. b. Returns Short of Tour to Retire If a CLI is predicted to be effective 1 June 1971, there may be some employees now overseas who will ask to be returned short of tour to retire. Harry Fisher affirms such cases would come within the "convenience of the government" provision due to our overall overstreilgth situation. c. O/Commo Interest in Area Division Overseas Administration as brought to our attention the situation where an area division may establish an administrative policy, practice or procedure for a DDP Station or Base which, for consistency, should be applied to Commo personnel at the Station/Base and personnel of the Communications area involved. Will you please keep this in mind and coordinate, as appropriate, with OC /A? d. Maryland 1972 License Stickers .The State of Maryland has a rule that the gummed stickers representing 1972 license fees are not to be affixed until 1 March. If you are stopped you can be given a summons. e. Passports We assume you have all seen a memo from Chief, CCS to All Divisions and Staffs dated 23 February 1971 in which CCS again asks for your assistance in reducing the number of expedite passport requests to true emergencies. 25X1A any comments or suggestions not later than Friday, 26 February. g. Power Testing--7 March 1971 There will be three brief interruptions of certain power circuits in the Headquarters building at 1000, 1200 and 1500 hours on 7 March 1971. These interruptions will be due to testing the new 2500 KW emergency backup power. DDP has copies of the details and if you do not receive copies from DDP, we will be glad to provide you the details. Approved For Release 2000/08/28 :CIA-RBP~22A000200020086-0