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Publication Date: 
February 23, 1971
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Approved For F~eleast~.2000/08/2~i~~~~04722A~'~0200020089-7 MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD SUBJECT: Power Testing, 28 February 1971 2 3 FE B 1971 1. Preliminary acceptance testing of the new 2500 KVI~ generator is being conducted on 2$ February between the hours of 0900 - 1200. These tests will not entail a power outage, however, power transients may develop during these times. 2. Final acceptance testing is tentatively scheduled for 7 March. Additional correspondence concerning this test wi11 be distributed in the near future. 3. For further information please contact Chief, Headquarters Engineering Branch, extension 7543. 25X1A ' Chief Headquarters Engineering Branch, RECD/OL Distribution: D/L / CRS/DDI C/RECD/OL C/DO MCA/OC OCS/DDS&T C/TFB/L5D/OL FMSAC/DDS&T C/BSB/OS OEL/DDS&T GSA Bldgs Manager RID/DDP Approved For Release 2000/08/2~l, 722A000200 ~~~wijeutnmat(c Approved For Rel,ease00/08 MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD SUBJECT: Electrical Testing and Power Outage Scheduled for Sunday, 7 March 1971 2 3 FED 1971 1. Electrical generating equipment designed to provide an automatic power back up capability for the Headquarters Building in the event of commercial power outage has been installed. Before this equipment can be placed in standby readiness for these emergencies, acceptance procedures must be planned and implemented to ascertain that the unit is capable of all required functions with high reliability. In order to complete the acceptance procedure, i.ntexruptions i.n commercial power will be required. ~, 2. Three interruptions are planned each lasting from 90 seconds to several minutes depending on the success of equipment components to function in the proper sequence prescribed for correct operation. The first interruption of power will commence at 1000 hours, the second interxuption at 1200 hours, and the third interruption at 1500 hours. 3. On 12 January 1971 the Headquarters complex experienced the first of a planned and continuing sequence of power system teats scheduled for the second Tuesday of every month. With the exception of the frantic power system, each of the three interruptions scheduled for 7 March will affect the Headquarters complex in generally the same manner as the test of 12 January 1971. There will be no interruption of power. flow on the frantic system during the 7 March testing procedures. 4. The attachments contain pertinent details concerning the specifics of the 7 March tests. . S. Upon successful completion of the acceptance testing procedures the equipment manufacturer is responsible to provide two weeks of operator training. The academic portion of this training will be conducted during the five working days. Actual operation of the equipment, to supplement the academic training, is scheduled for 14 March and 21 March between the hours of 0900 and 1200. Nq outages are required for these training procedures. However, there is an increased pro~~if~~of voltage or frequency transients due to operator error or equipment failure. In addition, there exist various combinations of equipment failures and/or errors which could culminate in a momentary power interru tion th L l k p . n e un i ely event a power interruption is suffered, the damage and inconvenience will be minimized through close coordination between all special use activities -and representatives of HEB. -04722A0200020089-7 Approved For Release 2000/08/28 :CIA-RDP78-04722AOOQ~OQQ~89-7 ~~D ~ GROIIi...,...'j..