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Publication Date: 
February 20, 1971
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PDF icon CIA-RDP78-04722A000200020092-3.pdf200.51 KB
0/08/2 THEt WASHINGTON POST Saturday, Feb 20, 1971 have xtp. go. uu anoth .: ne hn Feb ,,:. rack te_ i ten "nArd"Obt% begin;, existing stook,s of letteri}e rneaal: ; l~; + 1:;^ r mericdn deration Because most pAUX, estroyed because the pbex'; d of eb lerlike t F o IN s DO ~ * iir wife }~ i} m a t} t 11mployees'. work to theme s mute to and1A rnas e s ; w i9 th r k l soil :hold : get max4mum, erd me credit an~l,w the same size DOS zS a with three day auGU soda] se Sion the maximum nuf era p hued new, writing p ef , Feb 25 27 at the M awk 1 checks, impor an 3 refi s name in lar'gef print ` h n would be retirees to et a fa t is subordina e,:a e c Motor Inn in;. Baltimore The g ~1 t g n y' .a big union`s hos me mo ,wen t local far the ulingrgtn CC,,'If GSG,aC' t -out that or=.:___~,_r,_ stroked, , { ,,, w k "` `` vans) " decision to is c a e le ; re- June I , ulc e? t le Or ments of 'they o e , qcp an anhtfity bonus he bonus Smce': then ,F however;" DOT Summer Jobs: Several per- " would be a minimum of 4 er Officialsnsa the edict was a sons have,asked how they can Index (COY) may f es an y get on tta1ific~atipn tests cent, since the CPI has al` Inistakb. that has been cleared early annuity ; bongs,' fox ready ,risen 3 per cent and the up. They say that a two manthfor summer iederah jobs. The 125,000 retired fed. t-a $t ers 'government adds a 1per cent supply of the old-style, equal- answer is they are too late. a d milit fi onu Q l Y to` k m ' n ary ape s p e, ma n the t e up for the two-,s ze asthead stationery is ne t and final summer h Washington area. 4 ,r Y Month delay in computing an- left. It will not; be destroyed. test date'this,year is March 13,, 'Although January kl,v ng Aupty changes and getting the Insteadit has been converted. and that is only for young per- s m ople.. to mcrpo pads and scratch sdns;who registered" by the cost crept up only by one tenth !Status Scratch Papers Die Vapor. Feb. 3 cutoff. of 1 per, cent, a switch in? trine partnient of Transportation The employee who blew the William W. Dayton has been references has "created a di Ilxs acted to save a tWa.Y7nonth whistle on the proposed pap- nameddirector of equal, em- leXnma for persons who c(eei~le suppl~v of stationery hat z ad er-burning ought to get an ployment opportunity, a new been destined for.. burning in a taward "from the, taxpayers. But obfor the Federal Reserve when to order,a federal { status, squabble with then Fed things being the way they are, System .Layton had been with tary annuity boost. era'l Aviation Administration, wo 11 " never tell" who it was, the AgricultureDepartment. U d ' n er. the old rules, the, C1 I was based on an=index-of 1bb or the years 1957-59. Accord- I'ig to ,that! yardstick, living.) costs now measure 138.6, meaning that it "costs '$138.60' to buy goods, ,and services today that could . have,: been ',--: purchased for . $100 back .in- 1959. But the -base year. has been -officially, changed to .1967 and it could be an' important change for the 1.5 million fed- oral and military retirees whose annuities. are tied to the. CPI. Using the old guidelines, the January living cost rise missed -by one-tenth of l per cent- setting in motion machinery that. raises military-civilian re tired pay.,'Under the old :sys- tem, the. CPI has to go:;.up to 138.7, and stay at.that level for. three months, to. trigger , the raise. But by. using 1967 as, the base' year, the CPI figures have changed 'slightly,,, dust; enough to register a 3 percent' raise or, .