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Approved For ReleaSE ?'2Ob41O5t12 : CIA-RDP78-04723A000100070010-8 14 January 1970 MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD SUBJECT: Visit of Mr. Charles Joyce, Jr., NSC Staff 25X1A 1. On the afternoon of 13 and 14 January, I accorr anied Mr. Jo ce on orientation tours, arranged at his request, of CRS OCS F- -1 NPIC and RIDI 25X1A 25X1A he is not enthusiastic about 25X1A 25X1A 2. Mr. Joyce stated at the outset that he had two purposes: first, to see and hear something of the Agency's activities in information processing; and second, to try to bridge the evident gap in understanding between the Baker Panel members and the Agency. He has been exposed to the PFIAB side of things in EOB and he is setting about to try to under- stand the community better in the hope that ultimately, perhaps, differences can be narrowed or resolved. 3. Mr. Joyce was treated to an excellent series of discussions. He was obviously very favorably impressed by the people to whom he was exposed and their efforts. Joyce, himself, showed a good grasp of systems and technology, and- a fair knowledge of intelligence organizations and processes. He asked searching questions and clearly absorbed most of what he saw and heard. He was urged to return for more detailed discussions at every stop and there is good reason to believe he will do so. He looked on the visit as a first step in the process of getting acquainted. 4. The Agency's attitude toward community efforts in the ADP field, and particularly COINS, was put forth to Joyce on several occasions, most notably in a brief talk with Colonel White who underscored the point that CIA will strive to do what is meaningful and clearly in line with needs insofar as resource constraints will allow. Joyce himself seems to have an open mind in these matters although he does give some weight to the proposition that needs might not always be fully understood. and that the creation of a system tends to generate the need for it. Interestingly enough, 5. Joyce' told me that he was disappointed that it had been decided beforehand that the, PFIAB-sponsored seminar on 8 January would not get into the question of community organization. He hopes to look into.this.. *NSC Declassification & Release Advice on File* Approved For Release 20 -CIA-F pP'8-04?23AO;OO100070010-8 6. Mr. Joyce also said he would like to have an opportunity to discuss in some detail with someone or some group of people in the Agency the point-by-point responses to PFIAB's recommendations which were forwarded in the Director's reply of 1 December 1969 to Mr. Kissinger. This is in line with Joyce's desire to close what he sees as a communications gap between PFIAB's views and those of the Agency. I said we would welcome an opportunity to discuss these points and would be glad to arrange for this at his convenience. 7. I believe Mr. Joyce is worth cultivating. He could be a help to us in our efforts to make sense out of the community's information handling problems. This is his area of responsibility on the NSC staff and it could serve us well for the Agency to have his confidence and backing. 8. Mr. Joyce, whose background and experience is in systems design, is engaged in studying new systems for the White House situation room. OCS is currently working with him on some aspects of this, and I think it important that we keep track of his thinking on the project, so that we can keep our oar in. 25X1A Chief, Information Processing Staff Distribution: Orig - ExDir/D/PPB Approved. For Release 2004./0.5112,: CIA-RDP78-04723A000100070010-8 25X1A 1 - DD/PPB 1 Each Member, IP Board 1- 1 - PPB Reading 1- IPS Chrono DD/S Distribution. 1 DD/S Subjec ,1 -Chief, SSS 25X1A 25X1A Approved For Release 2b04/Op/12 : CIA-RDP78-04723A000100070010-8 25X1A 25X1A App Ap oved sl _ UNCLASSIFIED CONFIDENTIAL SECRET OFFICIAL ROUTING SLIP TO NAME AND ADDRESS DATE I I IALS Chief, Support Services Staff 1 712, Magazine Buildin /1A 3/~o 2 - VA 3 4 5 6 Ell I ACTION DIRECT EPLY PREPARE REPLY APPROVAL DISPATCH RECOMMENDATION COMMENT FILE RETURN CONCURRENCE INFORMATION SIGNATURE Remarks : Bob - 2 After you have had a chance to read FR (PPB 70-0100) on the visits of Mr. Joyce of the NSC Staff, copies of which have been distributed to each IP Board member, I would appreciate learning more about Agency plans, if any, for I (paragraph 4) and the White House situation room changes (paragraph 8) since a significance to us, especially OC, would seem very likely. 25X1A John . Coffey FOLD HERE TO RETURN TO ENDER FROM: NAME, ADDRESS AND PHONE NO. DATE 8 Assistant Depu Director for Support 7D1 s A FORM N0, 237 237 Use previous editions 1-67 X1