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June 25, 1970
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Approved For Release 2001/031, 0.: Cj -RDP78-04723A000100100005-0 DD/S 70-2625 2 5 JUN 1970 MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Security SUBJECT : Agency Automatic Data. Processing 25X1A 1? submitted a memorandum to the Executive .Director on 25 May 1970 when lie relinquished his post as Chairman of the Information Processing Board. In that memorandum there were several comments which will be of interest to the Office of Security. or,, - of which is paragraph 5, which I will quote below, and a list of problen-i areas for the Information Processing Board, a copy of which is attached. "5. I have already outlined in earlier documents and briefings the main problems I think we confront in the ADP field. A brief summary of these problems is attached as Tab A. Among the larger issues are the ones of security (how to insure that we keep our security provisos realistic and do not incur needless expense in, a fruitless chase after total security and single-purpose computers); Community arrangement (how to insure that the Agency, plays a constructive and innovative role in evolving Commwiity ADP relationships beyond COINS into something wworthwliile); the next generation of ADP acquisitions (should these be more bigger and faster machines or small individualized pieces?); and development of an ADP plan (complete with trends, thoughts, goals, objectives, and actions for each component). All of these are difficult to deal with. Perhaps the most iynportant of these at this stage of the game is the need to develop an Agency AOP plan. We are in high need of an agreed backdrop against which to compare individual ADP proposals. 2. 1 ask that you give special attention. to qualifications and experience of your Security staff that is dealing with ADP application and passing Security Approved For Release 2001 /03/30 jr-MA , -04723A000100100005-0 dcwnvrading and I doctassIfication f Approved For Release 2001i13 CIA-RDP78-04723A000100100Q05-0 Judgments thereon. I a- h sure they are highly competent but in this c:pc:l live program I feel that they should be marts. As I think you can visualize, the Security judgments may have eiCbcte that can be extremely costly in the for;: of dollars and may be restrictive on the accelerated devcio ncu? of our pro- , ram. If the Security dangers are valid then, of course, Security control measures must be invok d. On the other hand, Security controls must bo balanced through discretion, jud hunt end overall Impact based upon export knowledg in the computer field which would permit re.sonablc adaptations and preventive measures. If these officers in your judgmucnt do not have sufficient in-depth knowledge I recommend that you have Chem take the necessary courses inside the Agency. the Governruent or academic institutions necessary to bring their knowledge of this field up to a P d,g=a level. Recognition of their expert qualifications by the various officials working In the ADP field will go a long way towards assurin ; that the voice of Security is heard and acknowledged on , ounds of expert judgment. IfC1;E1 R. 1. rmuoan R. L. I3anncrn-tan Deputy .Director. ~~r ~ l?l t IRS ~~~rrr'G ~ a.~ ;vil; an Att: Problem Areas for the 1213 DD/S:RLS:llc (25 June 1970) Distribution: 0 - Addressee w/xcy att I - DD/S Subject w/att and ref report DD/S Chrono Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP78-04723A000100100005-0 ir`J~O-JUN'r J rA` - V Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP78-04723A000100100005-0 OPJG,VAL DOCU N ' Mx:SSZNG PAGE(S): n // Approved For Release 2001/03/30 : CIA-RDP78-04723A000100100005-0