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Approved For Release 2007/07/25: CIA-RDP78-04864A000100010005-3 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE GROUP ",VT Ll:ENCE REPORT OUN t RV : Colombia ,BjF-Ci, March Elections ORIGIN : Washington EVALLW T ON OF SOURCE : Documentary CA.%4NOT BE RF_L1AeLE, -ELY1 USUALLY I FAIRLY NOT RELIABLE _ __[RELIABLE RELIABLE LLY I NOT REUA8LE I U iOEU DI STRI VUT ION ~ ~ 8 1 Y WAR NAVY JUSTICE R & E I c & D SOURCE Within CIG MSN~ PAGES 17 April 1 1 EVPLUATEON OF CONTENT : r)o^uimentartl CONFIRMED PROBABLY POSSIBLY DOUSIEUL PRQ AOIY A,I;OT '+ OTHER SOUR TRUE TRUE jF .6! IV H - 1. Electoral Laws and Regulations: . telegraphic circular was sent to ^aovernors, Intendants, Coaauatissioner4 an Mayors on January 18 by the : i;axiste;r of the Interior, Dr. Roberto Urda itaa rbelaez, requesting compliance wit! the Electoral Law of 1946 which r Minister of war annour.==ced can Larch 12 that soldiers would be st::-tit rr id daily reports from local electoral .furies and from inspectors of r egi$i :r atiaii Irregularities reported would. he corrected by duly constituted authortt .i.:s:a (Bogota in Spanish to Co].ornbia. Jan, 18, 1947). On the eve of political rallies in i.Hedellin and other cities of the, D ii Artmei Antioquia Governor Dr. Jose Mazin Bernal prohibited indefinitely pos it?ica . meetings of all types. (edel: in in Spanish to Colombians A= road, Jan, President Qspina Perez' preelection proclamation of March 8 addressed to Governors, Intendants., and Corsui-csioners appeals for orderly electiona and specifics that the Armed Forceb, in cooperation with the police, will g uarantee free balloting and a respect for the decisions of the citizen c , (Bogota in Spanish to Colombia. March 8.: 1947). inforcements" had been sent to tote where political distrubances ie, * w throughout the nation to keep .,soars during the elections, an'~ that aza it.,. EDER"TI AL Approved For Release 2007/07/25: CIA-RDP78-04864A000100010005-3 Approved For Release 2007/07/25: CIA-RDP78-04864A000100010005-3 T IHL a~' iJsrev, a, ... be expected." (Bogota in Spanish to North and South America, ;.:arch 12, 1-uurther regulations for election da,-, banned political gatherings near ,r. 7) polling places, all spoken or written propaganda, the carrying of Liretrms or other weapons, and the sale of a..tcoholic drinks. ",`omen and childre. wouIi not be allowed near the polling places. (Bogota in Spanish to South p,w erica,; Larch 12, 1947). Commissions of "Conciliation and Guarantee" were set up by decree on ,.,.,ICE et- in the capitals of each province to protect citizens exercising their =itlt of franchise. The Conservatives, the Liberals, and the Liberal Marty oi' the People were requested to desiEnate representatives to these three-m-an corm- fissions. (Bogota in Spanish to Colombia, 2.,arch 12, 1947). Party Principles and vain Imes: The Conservative I;arty: Dr. Laureano Gomez, leader of the party, returr.od from an extensive speaking toter of the country on January 15 and led bat apparently was an active canipa:ign. No po r itical speeches were monitor ed, however. Disunity of the Liberal Party was one of the main themer- of the Conservative press. The Administration: President Ospina Perez, member of the Conservative 'any repeatedly stressed that the Government would maintain complete neutruLity in the campaign; that it was "indifferent" to the final results of the on;e.t, in keeping with the inalterable po~_icy of national unity. The Liberal Parma: Dr..a;duardo Santos, leader of the party, together rith Dr. Dario Lchan(tia, launched the campaign early in January. in. a keYrote address Santos pointed out that "the only danger to the Liberal Party is not the Conservative Party, but tht_ disunity" of the Liberals. Throw;hvut the following campaign period Santistas made conciliatory overtures u) ctie Gaitanist faction. The Liberal Pa of the P'eog.k.~: A 52-point program drawn up at the C :it".i. _, Liberal Convention included the following principles: ";omen must be a?-Lowed to vote and hold office, democracy must be upheld, popular elections nu.sst o held for Departmental Governors and classes of mayors, the iWai ' . L in of technicians must be organized, the land laws must be changed, hev.1.t:. ar-a sanitation measures must be provided, and diplomnaLic careers must be u'! 1DbNTIAL Approved For Release 2007/07/25: CIA-RDP78-04864A000100010005-3 Approved For Release 2007/07/25: CIA-RDP78-04864A000100010005-3 vlr o established. In the international field the program approved the Good Neignbor policy, and proclaimed the necessity of good relations i, th the Uni t.ed States of Ai.;erica. (postelection press dispatches reveal anothdr Gaitanist policy; collab(ratiur with the present Government). (Bogota in Spanish forse to the a,nerieas, Jan. 21, 1947). Governnent Jisr?.issalst Liberalo of both factions were united in opposing; the replc.cement of Liberal public service personnel ~.itn Conse:rvrtiv::s at the boginning of the year. For a time it ;as bu--.evcd that the unanimous disapproval of ;:arty loaders and the combined Liberal press :;ou1 l_:ad to a rsco-::c nation. _l~ etion :tesults: Official results announced by the United Frees x. 3. Larch 27 are: Liberals, _16V,2,56, of vhom 442,480 were or the r'G:.f ~, candidates and 346,776 for the official party; Cons ervL.,Tives, 64 , ?5j postelection Developr:ents: Pending the announcement on ;.:larch 23 of official election returns, vi.ciury was conceded to the Liberals ?.ith r'.: majority of the vote of the Gaitar faction of the party. The (Aistx tution of seats in the Senate and Chit i )er was esti .ated; Senate - Liberals, a5, Conservatives, 28; Chamber - r l es:'a