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Approved For Release 2001/11/01 :CIA-RDP78-05054A000100100036-8 EXCERPT FROM FEDERAL REGISTER - 28 August 1975 5ystc*tt uttrrr~; Parking Permit Fdcs. 5yst~a lo~cnt3on: Ceotzai Inuiligence" Agency -t~ashingion, I:i:C: 20505: Categafaies of iadividuals. covered by the system: Employees. Cate~ar~~r of records in tine system: Reeorris include name. vehi- cle licES:se numbez'. office designation, location, and extension. ~,.utirority for' msintenancr. ~ the system: Section 5C6(a), Federal Records Acx of 1950 (44 U.S.C~, Section 3101). Federal Property bfanagement Regulation D-.47 (GSA)- Routiue rtsFS o$ recwrds trutixrtained in the system, including catzgo. ties of usexs acid the purposes of sucl'r rues: Used by ASency ent- pioyees rpsponsil:lc for allo~tion and control of parising spaces at file I~ieadqu.~rters Buildittg. Pciicies arxd practices for sior~ing,, rntaievfag, wing, retainiiag, and dispersing of. n~ords tat the sytem: , Stura~e: Paper. . ILetrievabliity: By name, vehicle license number, assigned parking. space number and assigned reference number. - - Safegurtrrls: Stored in safes, vaults or secttrc azea. Access limited to stiff employees, Retr~tion and disposal: Records marlc?d void upon updatirivq of izt- System marras~er{s) and address: - .. ~ . Director, t~ffice of Logistics Central Intelligence A$en~y. Washington, D.C. 20505... - _ . :~lotifiratiou procedut~: Individuals seeking to learn if this system of records contains information about them should. direct their. inquiries. to; _' Privacy Act Caordinatnr- Ceatral Intelligence Agency . ~/ashingron, D.C:20545,'" Inds:nti#icatioa rcquiremr:nts are specified irt- the CTA miles published in the Federal Register (32CFR 1901.13). Individuals must .comply- with these rules. lte~urd acc~sr proredu;es: Request fmm individuals should be ad- dressed as indicated in the. notification section above, Contesting rec~ri pro~ce3ures: The Central Intelligence Agency's regulations for access to individual records, for disputing the con- tents thereof, and for appealitra an initial deterninatioa by CIA concerning, access to or correction of records. ate promulgated in thy: CIr\ rules s~ctioa of the Federal Register. , Itecarti source caeegorles: Employees. C7A-i7.-_ .. - Sysxem r,a.me: Vehicle Operators Fde. Sys'tern location: ~ _ Centre! Intelligence Agency ~ ~xJashington, D.C. 20505. . t'.,ategorier of irxiividuals ?covered by rho system: Employees. Categories of n~arr>;4 in the system: :dame, medical qualification fortns_score sheets for dxiver's test, registers of permits issued and records regarding accidents. Accident report records include police data and investigation. reports in addition 'ter information on vehicle involved, A.ut3wr~ity fur maintesrarx~e of 2hQ systeu~: National Securir/ .pct of 194?, as Amended-Public Law SO-?S3. Centaad Intelligence Agency .Act of 14149, as Amended--Public SecGarr 506{x), Federal Recrittiis Act~of 1950 (44 U.S,C.. Section 3101). . _ - itoutiree ft5o?`i of rrrnrcis~ roatrstart~ed hr the $y5tkn7, includinl~ catCgo- riet of ups and the ptupos~~ of such uses: Used, by :agency em- ployees for issuing official U.S. Government driver's licenses and Ce:tew318. - . . 1;~ar review by CTA officials in accident cases, r1, rcrcerd ftvm this system of rep:orris may be disclosed as a "routi;tx; tkec:" "to a Federal, state or local agency maintaining ci4~i1, ATTACHMENT to LI 70-15 tinene information, such as current licenses, if necessary to obtain information relevant t+o any agency decision concerning the hiring or retention of as employee, the issuance of a security clearance, the letting of a contract, or the issuance of a license, Brant or other benefit ~ - Palicies and practices for staring, retrieving, accessing, retaiairtg, StorsgerPaper. ~" . Retrievability: Individual name or driver`s permit nttmiser. Saicgnards: Physically protected in a seatrc area Access is limited to employees who have toe need-ter-know, Retention and disposal: Destroyed by busing .three years aftet license is no longer valid, Accident reports are destroyed six years after case is closed. .System mautager{s) and address: Director,. Office of Logistics Central Intelligence Agency Washington, D.C. 20505. Notificadoa procedure: Individuals seeking to learn if,this system of records contains information alwut them should direct. their inquiries ter: - Privacy Act Coot~finator - ? Central Intelligence .Agency ,, Washington, D.C. 20505. IdctttiLication requirements are- specified in the CIA rules published in the Federal Register (3ZCFR 1941.13). Individuals must " comply with these rules. , Record access procedures: Request from iadividuaTs should be ad- ? dressed as indicated is the notification section above. Contesting record prrocericues: The Central Inteiligcnca Agency's regulations for access to individual records, for disputing the. eon- tents- thereof, .and for appealing an initial determination by CIA.. canceruing access to or correction of records, era promulgated in the CIA rules section of the? Federal Register.. Record source cate;ories: individual" , -Agency officials. - ~ - Fedezai. State and local ]aw enforcement agencies ire cases when employee is involved in an auto; accident. System dame; Persoaai Property Claim Records. - , SYstemi iocatioa: ." Centre! intelll$ence Agency Washington, D.C. 20505. Categacies of individuals covered by tine system: -Employees and former employees. - Caee"==ones of records in the system: Claimant same, address, na- ture and lass or damage. to personal effects. including inventory of items. ,, ~ ~ - .-luthority for rnaintenancs of the system: Naional Seeur.'ry A.ci of 1947, as-Amended-Public lraw $0-2.53. - Czntral Intelligence Agency A~;t of 1949, as Amended-l~ubHc Law 81-1I0. Section 506(a), Federal Records Act of 1950 (~ U:S.C., Section 3101). ~~ ltautine uses of records maintained in the system, including cate;;o- ries of users artd the purposes of such uses: Claiats Review Boaxd detcrnru~es amount of financier.! lass sustained by claimant. Reimbursement for propzrty loss. A record from this system of records tray be ,,iiscioyed as a "routine use" to a Federal, state err loco! agency mainG-tinin$ civil, criminal or other relevant enforcement inforz:ratian err outer pcr- Linent utfarmauon, such as current licenses, i.f necessary to obtain inforrrtation relevant to an Agency dzcisian coacerring tttt hiag err retentive of an employee, the- issuaucc of a security cizarancc, the letc.ng of a contract, or cite issuance of a,liccnse, grant or-ether benefit. Policies sad practices for sinrirrg, retrieving, ace and disp+~sixu; of re+:arcLs In cue 5yt~ztt: crvnanal err ath~rdr8~v~2F~`eS#~~I~~"2~'14~11~/b~:p~TFA-RDP78-050540000100100036-8 Approved. For Release 2001/11/01 :CIA-RDP78-05054A000100100036-8 Storage: Paper. ? F.etrievability: By name., Safeguards: Information is stored in safes or secure areas. Access is iiu7ited to staff employees wort-irt~ on such cases. . Rereutian and disposal: Records are destroyed by burning two .years after final action on case. Systctt asanrrfier(s) auFd address: Director, Crf6cs of Logistics - ? Central Intelligeace ~1Sency . Washi;:tt;tou, 17.C. 20505. ' riotifir~ntiorr perosedkrre: Individuals seeidrtg to leatxt if this system of records contains information about them ? should direct their inquiries ta: - Privacy Act CootYiiaator Central IntclliE?nce Agency Washington, IJ.C. 213505. Identification rrquirentents are specified in the CIA rules published in tike Federal Register (32CFR 1901.13). Individuals must tamp(y with these rules: . Racot~d ac:,~ss procedures: Requc~t from individuals should be ad- drrased as indicated in the notification section above. Contesting retard proc+-dares: '1~~ Central Inteiigence Agency's regulations for access to individual records, for disputing the coa- tent^x thereof, and for appealing as initial determination by CI.a coucernutg access to or correction of records, are promulgated in rite CIA rules section of the Federal Register. - Reoord :,Dome cktegories; Individual concerned and ~+arious A$en- ty sk-rff elements involved in processing and adjudication of claims. CIA-19. System rramn:: Equipuscnt and Supplies AccouncabtTity Retards System laa~looa: - Central Intelligence Agency ~ - '" Waslvngtou, D.C. 20505. ` Cate~orie;; of frtdlvidkuils covered by Use system: Employees. Categorira of records i1t the system: Name, signature, office loca- _ fleet, telephone extension and item of government equipment on loan ar charged u~ fete rnzptoYee. - A,utltority for mai.ntertance of the systemr National Security Act of 1947. as Amended--Public Law 80-253. Central Intelit?vence Agency Aci of 1949, as Amended-Public -Lave 81-110. Section .QE(a),. Federal Records Act of 1950 (44 U.S.C., Section .3101). _ - Igokatine usrs at rewords ntaurtaitt~i in rite system, including catego- tics of users anal rite purposes at. such uses: 13sed by Agency officials who crintm4 and account for government nonexpeadable"items. fk record fram this system of records may be disclosed as a "ratrtine use" to a Federal, state ar local agency maintaining civzl, cxinkirral or other relevant enforcement information or other per- tinent` infaruratian, such as current licenses, if necessary to obtain information relevant to an Agency decision concerning the hirinE or retention of an employee., the issu:knca of a security clearance, the ltitinS of a contra4t, or the issuance of a licease, grastt or other benefit. -? - Poiirles and pracr3crs tar storvrg, retrieving, accessing, retaining, and disposing of reaoa?ds its tlae sytetn: Storage: Paper. _ 1'.etrievability: By aerate. ' Sa[e~?kxzis: Physically protected in secure areas. Only employees charged wiUl the rz:spcsrtsibility of controlling Sovernment property have access, lteteatiart and disposal: Signature card is returned to individual chargPri upark a-nturn or itr:m. Record is destroyed by burning after inve;ntoty adjustment w property records. Sy:.nrrzt.tuo-tuagcr(s) and addre,'s: flieector, Ct#fice of L.ogistics? C~`rttral lnteltigeace r'lgency ~i7asty-ugton, D.C. LO505. Notification pt-acedure; Individtka.ls seeking to learn i# [his system of records contains iafoanatiort about them should direct their inquiries to: - PrrYaCy ACt ~.'4ard7.rkdtar ~ - Cential Intelligence Agency Waslungion, D.C. 20505. Identification requir?emettts are specified in the CL~ cults published in the Federal Register (32CFR lr>01.i3). Individuals must comply with these rules. Retard access prnceclkzrxrs: Request fram individuals should be ad- dressed as indicated in L`te notification section above. ' Contesting retard prrn-edkkr~es: "fhu Central Inu:lligencc Agency's ~ regulations for access to in~'ividuaii re.orda, far disputing Ukc con- tents thereof, ands for appe:-aiinp, an initial d~terrt:ination by CJA concerning, access to or correction of recorder z~re promulgated is the CIA rules section of the Fedcr.~l Ite?~ster. ~ Reeatd source catefinries:. Individual .concerned and appropriate ac..auntabie property officers.. - CIA.--2tt. _ . system name: Logistics SecurigC Clearance Accords. _ i Systeta loeatiaat: ~ ~ . Central InteUigerice Agency Waslrirtgton, D.C. 7.0505. Cagegorics of LsdiYidus~ls covered by thr, system; Commercial tan- tractors aqd vendors, persons in the private sector associated with. Ute Agency, and individuals in ot,`ter 8overarr:,;nt agencies coa- tacted for liaison gurposes. Categories of rdc:ords. iki the systrnt: Biograpbit data including -name, address, posit%an,-and ~~eturity clearance held... Authority for maiateaaace of the sysicrn: Natiauai Setuxiiy Act. of 1947, as Amt:ndcd-?Ptzt,lic I..aw 80-2.53. - Central Intelligence Agency Act of 1949,: as Amended--Public _I,aw 81-110. Section 505(a),'Fedcral Records Act of 1950 (44 U.S.C? Seciiorl? 3101).. - -_ Routine uses of records maintained isi Utc sys?~tem. including catego- ries of users and thy: purpnsP.s of such ~.rs~~s: Used by staff employees in conducting Agency business with the contcnerciai senor and liaison with tither government agencies. PotlcEes~ and practices for stociug, retrieving, aecescin~, retairkin$, and disposing of records in rho s'ytent: Storage:' Paper. . - Itetaiarability: By individual or_companY name. ..--. _ ? Safeguards: Information scared in safes, vaults or secure ;arias.. -Access is limited .s staff?empioyces with? the need-to-know. Ttetentlon and disposal; Records destroyed upon expiration of clear?ancc:, Clearances. mxY be.revaiidated- three years aster initial Sj?steat utanagxr(s} and address: ? I?rrector, Office of Logistics Central Intelli3ener. Agency- - VVashiuugton. D.C. 20505. . Notification procedure: Individuals"seekins3'to leant if this "system of records contains information about them should direct their inquiries toe - ~ Privacy Act Coordinator - ~ _- - Central Intelligence .'1.gency ~ ~ .. _ Washington, D.C. 20505. - Identification requirements _ are specified -in the CIA.- rules published. in the Federal Register (32C'I?'R 1901.13). Individuals must Recorai acces.3 pracxdur-es: I{equest_frern individuals should be ad-? dressed a9 indicated in the noti7ication section above. d"outestiug recot~.{ procedures; 'Ihe C~rtttal Intelligence Agency's regulations for access to?individna! records, for disputing the con- icnts thereo#, sad for appealing an initial determination by CIA's concerning access to or correc;tton of records, ar?e. proma,tL;ated in the CIA rotes section of the :Federal Rester. - - Record "xraurce categorix:s; Information obtained from individual concerned and certific.3tion of:ciearance from Office of Security.. Approved For Release 2001/11/01 :CIA-RDP7$-05054A000100100036-8