Private Hiring Agreement

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Publication Date: 
September 6, 1950
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25X1A2g For Release 1999/08/30 : CIA-RDP78-05 T. IS " 1140?7,3% L., VIE eve 7 AVILAIrdsi Private Hiring ereement 5 25X1A6a X1A5a1 today, on the ?5X1A9aengineer, and concluded and agreed ea fellows: The first PartY, harainafter called the lessor, lets, by means of the present contract, to 44a second party, hereinafter called the lessee, an apartment With furniture bearing identifying letter A en the semi- basement of the bui-ding located The contract term and agreern'ntu are as foUows: ) The dure.44eDeof the lease is limited for six months, beginnin on September 1. 190 and ending on ebruary 28, 1951. 2) The rental shall be at the ratc f 5X1A6a for the whole pe,rid or t40 3e25X1A6a 5) The premises shall be used only and exclusively as a dwallinge 4) The Presases_shell. be delivered furnished with the following, furniture' See discription in a supplementary mem randnms 5) The lesePr,froM t1* momentthe lessee receives the premises, with- out any reserve concerning defects or deficiencies of the premises, is free from further responsibilities. During the whole duration of the lease, the lessor is free from maintaining in good condition the premises, the utilities and installations of the -euilding. Therefore he is free from performing repairs and/or meadings even if they are necessary an6 the damages were due to unforeseen factors. The lessee shall deliver the use of the premises, but he is not reseensij:le for providing services, e.g., cleanliness, heating, elevator service, building personnel. 6) The lessee is free to break the lease contract whenever he eents, but the advance paid rental shall not be refunded. 7) The lesser, is_rompousitle in fall for violating any ob le ion riliamating.frOm the Present contract and/or existing laws. He is also reePensible,. but only for fraud and extreme negligenoe, if the premises oboes, now or afterwards, deficiencies concerning the agreed qualities or the premises. The lessor is unresponsible for the faults of the persons he is using, 8) The lessee is reePonsileein keeping the premises and utilities he in good condition. Especially is he obliged to keep the e reilises and nest. It is prohibited for the lessee to bring into the see; itepwwleict, areedirty, make noise, smell, are inflammale, and, eiVit;# Items otter then the ones serving the purpose for wtich premises have bean, hired. Items prohibited by police previsions are included in the above mentioned terms. 9) The 10P440-0 is obliaed to leaaP all tne directions which shall be 14*(1,4 the edministrator-Q1' t4e building. But those directions concern 'Mei& Ft6ieRWP4-3/4i0'1/a99/613feet.40VAIRDINT8AM52(14111000.11901M?77%t impede e'er interpose obstacles in the use of premises by the lessee. - Approved For Release 1999/08/30 : CIA-RDP78-052014000100110057-0 .2. 10. The lespee cannot ,perform any substantial alteration or repair and/ or perform additions on the premises without a previous approv41 of the lessor. Permitted or approved repairs, alterations and additiens re main as prefet for the leeeor. The lessee ca-not claim an indemnity and the lease ended, cannot remove theTerformed repairs, alterations and ad- ditions. 11. The lessee shall pgy the water expenditure, the electric lIght ex- nielture and any obligation eMenatine from the present and/or future .1 and decrees. The leesee participates also in theentenses of joint- ownership in a percentage of 2..5 e.g. expenses for repairing and main- taining the bnilding, the sidewalks, the main water supply pipes, the drainage sstem the ceaspools of the sewer, and the main electric - . ? light supply catles. The lessee participates also with the same per- . eintege in e) the doorkeeper's monthly salary, the wages of any person, , permanent _or not, which has b eon hired in order to serve the euilding, b) the sxnenees_performed in order to elaintain the entrance, door- keeper's epartmene,. easbing room, end other etilitiese e) the payment of the eater expc4dit4re which has 'eeen used in order to supply the utilities with Mater, doorkeeper and central heating d) the purchase of the necessary utenei4 and material in order to clean and maintain the utilities and the bUildine, and e) the electric light expenditure in Order to move the. petrol burner and issue with electric light to the entrances, corridors, washing roons, the boiler room, the apartment of the doorkeeper and the utilities. According to the size e- ee the radiators Of each apartment, the lessee shall pay theeentral heating emppeees? efgee fuel purchase, purchse of various tools Sr order to eUPPly heatinEo maintain the boiler, the cliimney with its different Part', and replace various spare parts. The lessee is obliged to par- ticipate in the payment of these expenses even if he is not using the issued central heating* The lessee shall pay the hot water' expenditure of his ePaeetmeet as indicated in the hotemater meter which is located In his apartment in order to over the general e xpenees of the hot water supply. The above mentioned share of general expenses, shall be paid to the ad- mlnistrator of the beilding by the lessee within five days of his call. In ease the term expires without the bill betn pa, the lessee is indebted to a fine, fixed at the rate of the double sum of the r'egular one. 12. The lessee is responsible for violatiniL any obligation emanating from the present contract and/or laws. Fe is also reseonsIble to all his faults or omissions and those of his agents, superiors, eeployees and visiting persons. 13. It is prohibited for the lessee to sublease, totally or partially the premises. It is prohibited for in also to cede the premises in an/ way, to other persons. 14* The lease ended, the lessee is cblIgec3 tod eliver the pre4ises in good condition and accordine to the teres of the present c ontract. In oleo of delay, he is subject, witeoet further warning, to a fine and Approved For Release 1999/08/30 : CIA-RDP78-05201A000100110057-0 Approved For.Relea46,1999/08/30 : CIA-RDP78-052014000100110057-0 hi ii it obliged to reinstate any loss 17ri has to the lessor. The lestei-stallOt.1 for each -day.of delay 1/5 of the monthly rental as a flake. The lessee than ferralt, to persons wishing to rent the promisee, td-littit the PriOltet every day, except Sunday, and holidays, tor a perl6d or 100 It0tittiSiterore 'Elle termination of the lease. The further rential Of the leare with a Tlet understanding is forbidden. t. The ,violation of any term of the present Contract, a/or the break - - tlit the so 1J711eal o':-I!Fatf-ons-of the lessee, all of Which are de- termintd at e0ential, Titotiltei rightfully the broak of tne pvesent con- tract tind:theliViction of the lesSee according-to the procedvre of the 444$114.1B.ZIL Fiibout evictInp neevilh lessees" as it has been subse- qUentIT moetifleA% The break Of the contract it performed even if the lee didn't sctpeevishly. The remaining rentals shall remain at the advantaee_pf the,Ieissee, who has else the ric-ht to cl.aim an indemnity in Order to reinstite any further losses. 16. It Is explicitly stated and/or additional agreement, tvithbnce atenst bfm, can be Other meatit of evidence, Inc7 that any amendment of the present contract approval, statemunt of the lessee and Troved only If they are in a written form. ud1n7 the oath, are excepted. 17. Aftr Uneexpiration of the time allotted to the present lease, it Is potati1e to extend the lease for six more consecutive mo-ths with the same rental. 18. The lessee declares that he abandons any privilege emanating from the pro44ioni of the present rent price control, the decrees protecting the leesees, sPealally the articlesNo. 8-10of the present rent price eelItre%, the speclil protection of the articles no. 53, para. 3, of tne future rent price Control, and the provisions of the decree 845/948 and 13429,1*49. - The present private hiring agreement has been written in two copies and each of the eontractint parties received one. The Contractors 6.-At az? 4e. Ala-A.0" Approved For Release 1999/08/30 : CIA-RDP78-05201A000100110057-0