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Document Release Date: 
August 11, 2000
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Publication Date: 
September 18, 1956
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25X1A6c 25X1A2e eiNikitqfflfirr Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA-R-DP7805252A0001001300040A..6:,L Chief, SE 25X1A6a tqtal chior of Station, 70o amoral - ideleistrative peolfis YPA Procedures ld Septeaber 3.y56 Irmo, dated 18 hey 1956 7$71.1. dated 5 JUDO 1956 35239, dated ll September 1.900 4IOIIMUM' (1) Disease with senior Station offlaills who have tly returned to iteedquerters necessitY sad tioality af TPA prosedures. Advise the Station an reeults at these disesseions vmd conolusions resehed from study of problem resulting from visit at Chia. Teehnical Aceeuntieg none last P. 1. Continuing encertaintcy regarding Headquarter, soesideretion en king with respect to our deop and eerlooe aeopticismeoccersing the prootioality. =demo= eense of the FPA system as now directed ,rsctioed is caosIng frustration and on. Our and 25X1A2e views have been extensively dioeuseed with have been presented by cable and diepatch and are known Le detilI. p 25X1A2e new at Vendquarters. The latter two are pertLeularly mU informed an the technical aspects. P. It is earnestly requested that full discussion of %he problem U5 made at Reedeuerters in, conjunction uith these officials. me believe FM at the field level is not nommummr/telAgemescopgrjrolmolyeecounto- bility and believe all_intUrmittemikriremeatm or field and-Wei1irdC ean be entlifiedbiltecncor_mnttir.porta as ont. Gir-uemoes and 25X1A61: invoitlatilliii.-Protederes followed by t.-Wiraii?prior to the inetalletton of PP* permitted, in our opinion, adequate control over "'- property furnished pre4eets and mare accurate emits through ) nf actual costs as contrasted to the preeent system of timed prdsee. This r control was exereised through our allotment struetave, thus ensuring proper utilisation of property within kpprovsl motions. 1. It is felt that tho present prosedures, involving deplieste manual promising in the field of vaiwainois pager sed rewords, is tasically anaeva4 toraallartlat to the needs ef MAU, sod it is extremely doubtful if eciaditicap would ever permit its 114111eatials en a Wriorld'eldilrA is" 7 bas. Me therefore* so sonsiderstion of altaraskive sad molar moans aeoemplith the valid sed We believe manpowerto ran better be Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP78-05252A000100130004-0 Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP78-05252A000100130004-0 is -t2.1 in Trod to be essential for specific typer of ye recommend lding to s minimum. If Headquarters, desires U1c analysea or oritioisma of tha Mk problem at the ,-, 25X1A644 which viii assist In an objective review, please advise. ) 1 PTIOVIZo 25X1A2e . P y 25X1A2e Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP78-05252A000100130004-0