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25X1A6a Approved For Riease 20Catie7CIA-RDP78-Ca538A000200130013-2 li'0111!!#a7.140_4fflm for Financial Accouatimg for Prcperty wes estab- effective 16 September 1955. Physical on Rand and Property in Use sere taken by were reflected on the Stock Record Cards. monetary extensions of each line item reflected e verified by members of the team. The Stock and the totals found to he in agreement . Each document representing property the inventory sea priced, extended, eem of the Logistics Office. The trans- and additioa of each document processed by verified by the Finance Office and the down- by family group and entered in the Posting ansactions. At the cleee of the accounting 1915, the trial balance at the Stock Record in agreement with the control accounts reflected O. Sbse4v.t visits to tbAll11111111111revealed that the reconcil- iatj Stock Record C to the balances reflected in the Accounts 40 at 31 October 19,5 required several days es of the Base. However, it is felt that this served errors made in the maintenance of the Stock Record d the necessity of accuracy in posting the care ation of the docunents. This is coafirmed by the illation as at 30 November 1955 was accomaplished of a fey hours. Lyi'u LII. Approved For Release :2001/0,3/02 : CIA-RDP78-05538A000200130013-2 25X1A6 25X1 25X1C Approved For Release 2001/03/02 : CIA-RDP78-05538A000200130013-2 Next 1 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2001/03/02 : CIA-RDP78-05538A000200130013-2 5X1A6a 25X1A6a 25X1C 'CONFIDENTIAL - Approved For Rase 200141-RDP78-046538A000200130013-2 ocedwe far the Ftm1 AccountgProperty was the effective 16 Noveer 1955. Physi- hadbeen taen as of 16 September 1955 and all trans- nt to this date hid been posted to Stock record Cards to erz'ive st the be31ance of Property en Hand one In Use as at 13 Noveie l9. The Stock Record Cards were listed and extended so as to fczm the basis far the opening entry an the property financial records. Utensioes wore verified by embers of the team and a trial balance of the Steck Record Cards vas found to be in agreement with the iaventery listings. Each decuneat representing property transac- tices subneleant to the Institution of the procedure wes ericed, extendedwtotalled and _coded by empleyees of the Logistics Office. The transact$On code, extensions, end addition of each document processed by the Logistics Office was verified by the Mineece Office and the docu- ments then re44114ed by famllY group and entered in the Posting journal for Property Transactions. At the close of the accounting period. 30 Xteteber L953, the trial balance of the Stock Record Cards was found to be in agreement with the control accounts reflected in the General ledger. 25X1A6a 2a. Considerable difficulty vas experienced in balancing the Stock Record Cards to the General Ledger. This me due primerily to laeh of document control, errors in recording unit prices on the sly documents, errors in posting to the Stock Record Cards, end errors in extension of the Stock Record Cards. 'b. Patrols its documentation by the reubi- stated that this as necessary in order to of the requisitions at any given time. Bowyer, requisition meter it vas impossible to determine be reflected in the accounting procedure for e were lapses of hundreds of nuMbers in the to Mance. This has been remedied by institu- s of nuMbers for the *WAY vouchers. This numerical sequence and all nembers must be Ii accounting period. c. Errors in. ictug, Posting and extending the Stock Reccrd Cards were to the inemperie=e of the esoloweee prepsring the documents and maintalning the Stock Record Cards. These will only he eliminated as the personnel in experience. _Of u-- CONFIDENT'T Approved For Release 2001/03-42.4 IAiRDP78-05538A000200130013-2 25X1C Approved For Release 2001/03/02 : CIA-RDP78-05538A000200130013-2 Approved For Release 2001/03/02 : CIA-RDP78-05538A000200130013-2 25X1A6a 25X1A 95X1A6a 25X1A6a Approved For Release 200:463iffi CIA-RDP78-Z538A000200130013-2 -'010IDENTIAL 25X1A6a 25X1A6a At it i oc ounteblo Otftc.Y for the Office tr fErily mod S or the n - consider* ,prty under the cations. .A4titiffiOr EIVI; Approved For For Release 2001/03/02 : CIA-RDP78-05538A000200130013-2 25X1A6a 25X1A6a 25X1A6a 25X1A 25X1A6a CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Retase 200#126CIA-RDP78-05538A000200130013-2 1111111111!Illts vim ed during the pert . The purpose visit to thei111111Station tical procedures with the vie4-6V4itermining uting the procedure for financial accountability included a survey of the physical facilities N; Record Cords and a survey of the volume of do4umen 3. Ma it is flat the procedure 1 *Arch 29* unity and the 4vu?t cC the b.JTh0Qk, Station A-Ube in a osticito tp1n Accounting for Property an or o the ?Onion of the Finance persanne tag ProPerty authorizaticas could be since this date would permit time for ivision Budget Officer at property authorizations in connec 00 7 on ineludrit only hr accont*b1 Id not iuc1ue the recor? o the 1seco'untability tor pr . thew,. property hould be givfqi to Inc er the control of the ( seem cent officec 1)1 " c".1 ki4 i?? -CONFIDENTIAL v but,0rrEbf Approved For Release 200449510-;.CIA-RDP78-05538A000200130013-2 25X1A6 25X1A 25X1A