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Approved For Release 2003/01/24 : Velter5-551A000200060005-4 Management Officer Budget Officer Comments on Survey-Report of the CIA Budget Staff 24 March 1950 The various recommendations involved in the subject report have been carefully considered by this office. Our comments are presented in response to the management Report under the appropriate citation references set forth in the report. Item 1. General problemz 3udget Staff man-year control card file. Comment During the interval since performance of the Mananement gurvey the Budget Staff has engaged in a number of discusaions with the Personnel Division, Administrative staff, and Machine Methods Division, OCD, on the subject. The discussions so far have served to justify the ballowing statetents: a, The Personnel Division records upon which position control is maintained cannot furnish the Budget Staff the information it requires. b. For budgetary record purposes advices of personnel action in the case of some assignments must be improved to include more specific information as to the intent of the action, (Personnel Division concurs.) c. There is a possibility that the Budget Staff requirement with regard to budget control card records can be satisfied by transfer of existing card records to machine accounting processing. Detailed problems of accomplishing this transfer are, now being studied by the Budget Staff and Machine Methods Division. The Machine Methods Division will soon be in a position to furnish to the Budget Staff "dry runs,' of the personnel information it requires,. These test experiments will continue until such time as there is a general agreement as to whether or not existing card records in Budget Staff can be eliminated. Item 2. 11 dialler amounts than were provided in the Budget Oeneraljaroblem: Allotments of funds to Offices and Staff 0 SectiOns in e for operations during the fiscal year. Comment: At the beginning of fiscal year 1950 partial allotmehta of fund" were made by the nAtdget Staff to offices and staff sections for reasons directly attributable to the Approved For Release 2003/01/24: CIA-RDP78-05551 III' 1011105.4 ' g Approved For Release 2003/01/24 . UtE :Lateness of appropriation action. It is not expected that a similar situation will apply in the future but in any case corrective arrangeeents have been meds by the Budget Staff which should prevent any confusion or misunderstanding. It is our present plan that allocations covering fiscal year 1951 will be made to Assistant Directors and Staff Chiefs shortly before 1 July. Such allocations will be made by memorandum from the Budget Officer to Assistant Directors and Staff Chiefs on the basis of "subject to availability of f ? Advices of Allotment Authorisation will be released after appropriation enactment and will be directly predicated on the allocation memorandum. It might be pointed out that despite the fact that a partial allotment of funds resulted in some awkwardness during the current fiscal year, the amount available for initial allotment was legally restricted in view of the fact that the Agency authority for initial operation was based on interim resolutions during the period July to September. Under normal circumstances not mere than a "10%" reserve for contingencies will be withheld by the Budget Staff, unless it is obvious that funds included in the budget for a particular activity(s) are in excess of known requirements. ,Item 3. General problen Release of Advice of Allotment Authorisation on lite basis of dividing the yearly figure in amounts rather than upon a cumulative basis. four quarterly Comment: This matter was previously discussed with the Fiscal Division, Administrative Staff, and an agreement had been reached wherebl the action recommended would be taken with regard to allotment advioes issued during fiscal year 1951. Itam Oeperal probiest Revision of Report of Obligations and Expenditures by Object Classes, Form No. 34-12, to furnish obligation information to Assistant Directors and Staff Chiefs in a more convenient manner. Comment, The Budget Staff concurs in the tact that Form No. 3442 will require revision on the basis of present a3.1oteent and control procedures as indicated by drafts of procedures which have been submitted to the Management Office for suggested incorporation within Series "80" of the Manual of Agency Regulations. At present the Budget Staff is developing revisions of not only the Form No. 34-12 but also the Advice of Allotment Authorisation, Form No. 32-5 and Request for Change in Allotment, Form 32-7. Under "Recommended Solution" the Management Office has indicated its feeling that Form 34-12 should not be issued more often than quarterly. Such an arranzement might be considered adequate for the smaller offices, however, the larger offices, which contain a number of highly active accounte? rust receive Approved For Release 2003/01/24 iitin-05551AOM rroi TIAL Approved For Release 2003/01/24 : 0-04-2/Wif - 3 - obligation reports monthly if they are to have assurance that they are operating within available fundi. Budget Staff analysts must receive monthly etaterents of Obligations to enable them to perform their assigned reeponeibilities if they are to furnish adequate assistance and guidance to operating offices on fund problems. /tea 5. General problems Submission of Form No. 34-12 by Fiscal Diviiion, Administrative Staff, directly to organisational uniti rather than through the Budget Staff. Comments The Budget Staff feels that the present arrangement shoulaWnrinus. Delivery through the Budget Staff affords the Budget analyst an additional opportunity to maintain necessary liaiton with operating offices and to advise regarding any matters of import in connection with fund status. 6. General problems Prevention of last minute rush in eudget presentation. Comment: The eudget Staff feels that a paramount consideration under this subject is to obtain general agreement as to a deadline beyond 'which no budgetary additions or changes will be submitted for incorporation within the estimatee. Last year the Budget Staff received information for incorporation within the budget document as late as the 14th of September. From 15 August to 14September a number of changes were received by the Budget staff which required the =pieta reworking of entire sections of the budget. In this connection it might also be mentioned that a change within a section after the presentation has been "shaped up* also requires revision in a numeer of recapitulation schedules, the overall spreadsheet and similar data. Accordingly, it is of the utmost importance that the Budget Staff be kept entirely free from such changes for a substantial period prior to 15 September. Reference a. It is believed that the Budget staff has made a sulstantial beginning toward the issuance of comprehensive *dministrative Instructions by preparation of the various chapters already submitted to the Management Office for incorporation within the Agency Manual of Operating Proceduree. It is the present intention to improve and extend these issuances during fiscal year 1951. Reference b. The Budget Staff has in operation an analyit program which will provide additional budget information for operating offices which should result in a better understanding of budgeting and budget problems. In connection with quarterly analysis of funds which are now Approved For Release 2003/01/24: C 5551A01102090912074. COKI DEN TIA Approved For Release 2003/01/ being prepared by Budget Analysts conforencee are held with program operators at regular intervals on the complete budgetary status of their activities. There is reason to believe that the strength of the Budget Analyst Program Operator liaison program is improving daily. Subsequent to the release of the Call forAati mates general. aciii-ferwraiiiill behT?ereyj1 he a complete apelaretandiaLon the art o f who will be expected to *i upt}ii detailed requiremente expressed in thi-airr-fiYi-Estimatee. Reference c. Same convent as 0301,45. Reference 44 Same comment as above, Reference 0. The present plan is to release the cal/ for Estimates not later than 15 April with the requirement that agency estimates be transmitted to the Budget Officer on or before 1 June. This will provide operating offices six weeks for preparation prior to the due date of 1 June. This deadline will coincide with the requirement for submission to the Projects Review Committee of estimates covering unvouche red activities. Reference f. Hearings will be held pr nal estimate preparation in accordance with the schedule prepared by the Budget Officer and transmitted to the management Officer on 17 January 1950. 7. Review all PRC s prior to Committee The Budget Staff is in c omplete concurrence with dation and has recently prepared nt the request of nt Office a suggested revision of Administrative 25X1 Instruction Subject: ',Projector', for incorporation within f Agency Regulations, which will require the FRC be submitted through the Tiudget Officer. This 11 permit additional information to be made available members of the ItC. Item 8. Generalproblem: issuance of one Advice of Allotment Authorisation tor the year or a given activity with changes required during the year being accomplished by a change slip in lieu of the issuance of revised Advice of liolment Authorisation. Approved For Release 2003/01/24 : GISCCEMP *UAL A 10 NT Approved For Release 2003/01/2.1 :5CIA-RD 'Wee It 05-4 Coxnents This office wishes to retain in substance the present system for the following reasonat a. The information which would be included on this change slip would be almost identical to that which would be required if a revised Advice of Allotment ruthorisation were to be issued and such a change would result in the use of two forms where one now suffices. b. At present it is intended that throughout the fiscal year 1951 budget analysts will prepare a quarterly analysis of funds covering the activities to which they are assigned. It is believed that this procedure will result in better budgetary planning and consequently reduce the number of changes required. co The Budget Staff at the present moment is engaged in a atudy to effect a reduction in the number of allotment accounts required for operating offices. It is believed that a reduction can be Lade in the number of allotment accounts through consolidation of those accounts which involve small amounts of money. This action mill be effective in reducing the number of revisions necessary in Advices of Allotment Authorizations. d. It is oelieved that on the basis of Change slip usage there would be a greater possibility of error. Miscellaneous Item 1: Object and sub-object classification study for possible iMprovement and for possible application of IBM Machine Methods for cost accounting purposes. Coments (a) Object classes of expenditure are prescribed by udget-treasury Regulation el and are standard for the U. S. Government. The present schedule of sub-object classifications is under study by the Budget Staff for consideration as to whether or not it can be improved. (b) The Budget Staff does not have a definite reaction at this time as to the applicability of It achine methods for cost accounting purposes. It is believed that this matter may servo as a subject for future consideration in discussions with representatives of the Machine Methods Division, and Fiscal Division, Administrative Staff. Budgeteelanagement Survey coordination and foil Comment: The Budget staff feels that the arrangement of having iudge taTf analysts make follow ups on Manaeement surveys is an appropriate and valuable Budget-Wanagement arrangement. The plan is dependent upon very close liaison between both staffs and, accordingly, the Budget Staff will insure that there is complete Approved For Release 2003/01/24: itartiMERTAL Approved For Release 2003/01/2 A-RDP78-17-tV5iitie40- 0 agreement upon matters on which a follow up should be made before implementation by the budget analyst. Item ,e Statement of functions for the Budget Staff and unct tonal statements for the analyst and other personnel of the eudget Staff. Comment: Uth regard to the statement of fanAions for the'uget Staff included in the survey report under Tab A, it is suggested that further consideration be given to clarification of some of the major responsibilities. The Budget Staff has prepared drafts covering functional statements for each employee within the Staff and it ie anticipsted that these will be ready for submission to the Menagement Staff within the near future. Item 41 Reference is made to Tab B which includes a list of proposed procedures and problems currently under consideration by the Budget Staff and the status of each is reported below by appropriate paragraph reference. 1. k nudget Staff analyst is now engaged in making a detailed study of the problem for recommendation to the Budget Officer. 2. A tentative system covering this point been developed and is now in use on a trial basis. 3. It is anticipated that the developed system should be ready for review by the Management Officer on 1 July. 4. This subject is covered under Item 3, "Miscellaneous". 5. This sebject is covered under Item it, "Recomendations and findingsff. 6. These are in the process of preparation. 7. A draft covering a filing system has been completed. S. The annual revision of Chart of Allotment #cjpnte is now in process. 9. This matter has been under study for some time and it is our intention that essential points pertaining to possible improvements in the present system will be developed and appear ma a part of the Call for Estimates to be released 15 April. It is our opinion that the management survey was valuable in jirniehing the Budget staff an objective appraisal of its existing operations md providing a sound base for Budget-Management operations in matters of common concern. The Budget Staff also wishes to express it. appreciation of the manner and spirit in which the Management Survey was conducted. Approved For Release 2003/01/24: CIA-RDP78-05551Alilrenagiit