Personnel Requirements, OBI

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Document Creation Date: 
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Document Release Date: 
August 7, 1998
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Publication Date: 
May 13, 1957
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PDF icon CIA-RDP78-05597A000200060085-6.pdf174.3 KB
AM& Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP78-05597A000200060085-6 13 May 1957 M ,dOftANDUM IO. R. Deputy Director (Intelligence) Personnel Requirements, COSI As we have discussed many times before, the workload in 031 is steadily growing under the impact of expanding NITS coverage and require- rents and attendant Office rssponsi=Sitities. Our personnel level, an the other haad, has increased only nominally, not at all In proportion to the eased demands on try staff. In particular, an urgent and immediate need exists for two additional clerical positions, as follows: cap of the Assistant - Cleric-typist, G5-5 To handle the largo volume of typing and incident to the responsi ili- hies of the Assistant Director. At present, only a Secretary (GS-7) is able to devote full-time attention to typing and her time is largely consumed by the secretariat dines of the NIS Committee which this Office must provide. Administrative and other reports, aex-meemoranda, and staff studios t at present be typed icy the Admrain Officer and the Adrr.4i* Assistant, at the expense of their attention to other more important responot ilities. Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP78-05597A000200060085-6 AdMIML Approved For Release 2000/0 AOL 7A000200060085-6 i 3' May 19 57 /3 typist, -t 1itar " branch, tit t+upport uct'--i. t#icers rraeessir* (_Arrh4Taarc a 0j , and IX ( hp and . hart Appraisal), and thy. Kay erson&lities Unit. At present the Military Branch has no clarical p.erso l and r, *st rely apou the I:ylrric ,atNln~d to ae~ttte st cne maer e - rictuad tht'au;hc' ut the r* isio i Distribution: Orig and 2 - Addressee 1 - Pero 1 - SA chrc+-) 1-nh " SA/AD/BI: :nh it-feeasibla for the other bmuebes to (urai+h this corttuteral support: To keep pro uctiar~ pin Military Dranch pe 'soraneii oftr hair it* reecouriae but to type thoir o w'n terial. increAsingly difficult and free etty has j1 own to the poltst where It. is Assistant Director Basic Intelligence Approv@6)Ft9cgbelease 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP78-05597A000200060085-6 1v1 I ;lstp sra i sttfk , 'd`11 Approved For Release 2000/ IA-RDP78-05597A000%060085-6 we have discussed many tines steadily growing under the im ptct of a 2q ments and attendant Office reap si!$I1tie other hand, has Increased only n' ninally increased der ands on my staff. i duty and a h :avy overtime sched tle abreast of the steady denands of t: the situation Rally justifies an rtcre I will defer such a regtest for the need exists, howevrtr, for at least eA is simply no economic ; ustificati it .c}i positions. ?lilrte + attinsel is el handle themselves the typing and filing Auties their therefore, that two additional positions be e >t r uire5. tt is r1l:goseted, ish to 081 se foIiiiw,: F bf typing tatlkhtpAnlttbili - A s s: pr se.rt, cyttiy a able to devote full iltCtEitC. ` !t Y (c t* typing and her time i the secretariat du gely consumed f the N15 Com- mittee which this Oaf?ice`.uat provide. Administrative and c the . ports, memoranda, and staff stw$es must at present typed ?:ay th~~ .dn 1n Officer and the . - drr n `- s s i s ant, at the expense aryl, the warkload in ; 3I is f NU,-,, overage and require. ;,wor4 sat1. White t believe verai prof ess stitiri-a cat crrt e s , An urigent andtrnrlediate their attenion to other rror'e vital responsibilities. sonAeilevel, on the at all its gr ortian tc the dedicated applicati0ii, to 'been ltts?,t tez keep reasonAhl y Approved For Release 2000/08/29 : CIA-RDP78-05597A000200060085-6