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- Approved For Rele se 2000/08/04 : CIA-RDP78-0559W00400030034-3 NIS COMMITTEE MEETING NO. 166 23 March 1954 10 The following were presents Mr. Clinton Ifr.Kain Major Jacobson Lieut. Madden 2 9Malone 2. 212.apta_ronNIS3Iran) State State Army Navy Air Force CIA CIA (Chairman) DOOLINII7NT NO. NO ONANr,"'. CI:Lat PaNT Au 6 Mil, imret_______2_1982iii.,w4,44-41.._ 018.645 a, The members were asked to exmmine the final drafts they have received on Chapter I and be prepared, to discuss them at a special Aas Committee Meeting to be held at 1000 hours on Tuesdey? 30 March 1954. This special meeting will be devoted to a review of the drafts which the members have, plus Section 11. 111111111111 Chapter I Editor, will be at 25X1A9a this meeting to go over various points on Chapter I. The Axmy member reported that his Agency-would like to make an extensive review of the whele Chapter, and noted this reflects an increased interest in Chapter I. b, Copies of Section 10 on NIS 33 were distributed to the membere. The Chairman explained that a. master alphabetical index of the entire NIS 33 has been designed to go with this sections and the members will receive copies of this index at the special meeting of the Committee to be held next Tuesday. Section 11 has been held lip as the "A. General" portions of all the other sections are used as the basis for this section. However, it will be ready for the special meeting next Tdesday. c, Because it is anticipated that Chapters I will be used, more extensively than other parts 'of the NIS, the Chairman requested the members to determine the dissemination requirements of their Agencies an (1) specific 'dissemination requirements for Chapter I on Iran, and (2) general dissemination requirements for other Chapters I. The members were requested either to phone in their requirements or have them for the meeting on 30 March. 3. NIS Questionnaire The Chairman reported he had received copies of all NIS questionnaire replies that have come in. These comprise about 315 replies, of which the largest nudber are from Army users, since the Army questionnaire went out to attaches, subordinate commands, and the Technical Services, in addition to the major commands. Oa the other Med, the Navy sent out their questionnaire only Approved For Release 2000/08/04: CIA-RDP78-05597A000400030034-3 Approved For ReleaV000/08/04 : CIA-RDP78-05597000400030034-3 to?majoi commands. Practically all the replies appear to carer fully the various aspects of the NIS Progrea and show a wide range of interests and viewpoints. The high command replies genanaElevreflect a broader appreciation of the NIS Frogrmi and its significance for plenning and operations in the event of war. The peacetime uses also are extenatve at these staff levels. The Chairman said that a complete analysis of the questicenaire repliee will be made at an early data and report made to the Coueittee. He felt the Committee should devote considerable time to the study of the analysis with the view to correcting any weakeesees and deficieecies in the Program. h. 1955 Production Schedule The State and Army members accepted the Chapter I prodection schedule as proposed at the last meeting. However, this new requirement for Chaeters would require some changes in the Aryls schedule for 1955. The Vice Chairman said that OSI might want to have the dates for Chapters I on Norney and Sweden interechanged since no mink had yet been done on the scientific intelligence of Norway. The Vice Chairman requested the State and Army members to re?examine sections scheduled for maintenance in FY 1955, since analysis by staff questioned the necessity of mainteaence on some of them. 5. JANIS Classification Notice The Committee approved the JANIS Classification Notice as revised to include notice for destruction of JANIS which have been superseded by NIS. The Vice Chairman will arrange for the dissemination of this notice with an attached list of JANIS to be destroeed as of 1 March 1954. (Refer to NIS Committee Neeting No, 164 and 165.) It may not be feasible to Cautroy the JANIS hold in dead storage, but the Vice Chairman will investigate this point. Several complete sets of JANIS, will be indefinitely retained by CIA for reference purepses. 6. USograiea The State member reported that his agency was still exemining the problem of classification for the biograehies on the USSR. Although they had been able to &meagre& the twn 10P SECRET biographies that had been prone/zed, there remain many biographies from Army and CIA classfIlled SECRET., The State and Army members and the Chairman are to check with their eespective agencies to determine whether or not the classificatton of SECRET can be reduced to CONFIDENTIAL and Make a report at the next regular meeting of the Committee. 7. Rquest for The Committee approved the request of the Operations Coordinating Board (formerly the Psychological Strategy Board) for sections of Chapters V and VIII on the Satellitee, as outlined in their request dated. 15 Feb 1954. coomommimmems Approved For Release 2000/08/04: CIA-RDP78-05597A000400030034-3 041140111410 Approved For Releacer42000/08/04 : CIA-RDP78-0559700400030034-3 8. Priority for Graphics The Vice Chairman requested all members to give priority to those maps and graphics which DiB is sending back to contributors for corrections. Because of the efforts to eliminate the heavy backlog in rot it has become necessary to shorten the deadline on these corrections from a month to two meeks, The Committee agreed that every effort should be made by the contributors to meet these new deadlines even though it meant SOM9 defections on new production, since it was in the interests of the NIS Program to reduce to the absolute minimum the time lag between preparation of contributions and their publication. The Chairman said that the NB staff was devoting considerable overtime to clearing up all backlog so that review and publication work could be done on a current basis by the beginning of the next fiscal year. 9. NISAreaSO The Chairman reported that the working committee, appointed at the last meeting, had resolved the problems involved in the production of Chapters IV, V, and V/ of NIS Area 50 (West Africa). The general production plan envisages the following: a. There will be four groupings: 1) Geld Coast and British Togoland; 2) Nigeria and British Cameroons. 3) French West Africa, Preach Togoland, and Spanish Sahara; and 4)* Sierra Leone, Gambia, and Portuguese Guinea. b. No letter designations of these groups will be necessary. Instead, the specific territorial groupings will appear on the title page, for examples NIS 50 ?West Africa Chapter V on Nigeria and British Cameroons 0. Production will proceed first on Chapter V on the Gold Coast and British Togoland. This will take approximately two years to finish. Following this other Chapters will be undertaken on this or other portions of NIS 50. Because of the shortage of analysts rpeCialized ? in the African field, the production of NIS 50 will be very prolonged. d, Dependency areas lend themselves to a flexible outline as provided by the consolidated Chapter treatment in which Sections are combined into a single unit. Full advantage mill'be-taken-of this feature in preparing the contributions on this area. Section credit for this consolidated treatment will be determined as appropriate to the work required. e. The unit of publication will. normally be the completed Chapter. As component parts of the Chapter are completed they will be submitted to DA to determine in each case whether or not they should be published. Under the general NIS policy., State meet' distribute in mimeograph fors such portions that are not published immediately to a limited number of users having a pressing requirement for them. Approved For Release 2000/08/0r: -05597A000400030034-3 Approved For Releaspj000/08/04 : CIA-RDP78-05597V0400030034-3 iffereirmit~e 10. Correlation Guide Copies of the revised Correlation Guide were distributed to the members for review. The members were asked to examine the Guide and ommment on it at the next regular meeting of the NIS Committee, It is intended to issue the Correlation Guide as part of the Standeed instructions so that all contributors may have it readily available. - 21. Gazetteers 25X6A 25X6A The Chairman reported that the first of the Gazetteers under the Maintenance Program is scheduled to be publishell!!!!!!! Since the revised Gazetteers will be much more complete than the Preliminary Gazetteers, they will be used for a good many years without farther revision. It is therefore necessary to consider now any desirable changes in their format and arrangement. The members were asked to determine any desired changes and to examine the two sample formats and let the Chairman know of their Agencies' views by the next meting. He said Dit was already considering the use of loose-leaf binders to permit insertion of correction pages to take care of significant name changes, 12. Release of NIS to SHAPE The Army member said that the meeting between the Armed Forces representatives, agreed to at the last NIS Committee meeting, had not yet taken place because the Army position VAS still unclear on release of NIS to SACLANT. He said Army would like to release NIS to SHAPE at this time since such release is approved by all Agencies. A fall discussion by the Cammittee revealed the following: a. IAC policy permits the release of NIS, on specified areas approved by the NIS Committee and SID-MIC? to SHAPE and SACLANT and to theli am subordinate commands on a "need-to- know" basis under security system. b. The NIS Committee bases its recommendations to BID- MIC for the release of NIS to SHAPE and SACLANT on the controls applied to individual Sections by the producing agencies under the provisions of MIC 206/29. c. The "need to know" can logically be established only by the Executive Agency through reference to the commander in question. d, Navy has established* "need to know" by SACLANT for certain NIS elements appearing on the proposed list. Navy desires to have blanket release for all the elements which MEE receives, Approved For Release 2000/08 P78-05597A000400030034-3 Approved For Releaiged2000/08/04 : CIA-RDP78-05597000400030034-3 aetELMOINIMMP but will release ;hem only if and when SACLANT eetablishea a IIIweed to know" for them. This procedure would enable Navy to fulfill subsequent SACLANT requirements for releasable NIS without further reference to the NIS Committee or to SID-!AIC. e, The NIS Committee is not in a position to recommend release of NIS to major subordinate commands of SHAPE until the kocecutive Agency determines their requirements. The Chairman suggested that the Amy member report these considerations to his Agency and if necessary i call a meeting of Army and Wary representatives to resolve the SACLANT problem. He farther requested that Army determine any NIS requirement of major subordinate commands of SHAPE so that the Committee might act on it. At this time there does not appear to be any NIB requirement for the major subordinate commands of SACLANT. 13. luplement IV The Army member distributed copies of the revised Outline and: Outline Guide for Supplement IV (Urban Areas) to the members. ('' 14. A special meeting for the purpose of discussing final drafts on Chapter I of NIS 33 will be held at 1000 hours on 30 March 1954. The next regular meeting of the EIS Committee will be held on 6 April 1954 at 1000 hours. 25X1A9a Distribution: 4-NIS Committee 1-Secy, JIG 1-ED/I 14D/RR 1.-AD/IC 1Chib 2-00 Approved For Release 2000/08 78-05597A000400030034-3