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Document Creation Date: 
November 9, 2016
Document Release Date: 
July 7, 1999
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Publication Date: 
October 25, 1973
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PDF icon CIA-RDP78-05927A000300110001-4.pdf71.19 KB
Approved For Rele 0001-4 MEMORANDUM FOR: Director, OBGI SUBJECT Economic penalties of OBGI atlases being printed outside CIA STATINTL 1. of the Printing Services Division have informed me that their superiors, upon being alerted to the OBGI Atlas program, have stated their intent to print these atlases "outside" (i.e., by private contractors, through GPO). STATINTL 2. We discussed with the implications of this decision, if carried out, and it was clear to all of us that certain facts should be brought to light before someone comes down hard with an irrevocable decision. 3. It is common practice in commercial map printing to make press proofs of all complicated or new maps. CIA has by and large been able to avoid this costly process because the close relations between the Printing Services Division and the Cartography Division permit on the spot checks and minor corrections to be made while the job is still in the production chain. If the atlases were printed outside, we would of necessity follow common commercial practice and require press proofs of each plate, thus adding considerably to the total costs. In effect, the contractor would be repeating a good deal of work already done in making the proofs. 4. A second uneconomic aspect of external printing would be the abandonment of an effective existing method of phasing work into PSD from Cartography over a long period of time. By being able to send plates to PSD as they become ready, and to discuss problems as they arise with technicians, Cartography is able to set up a production schedule that spreads the impact of each separate phase on both PSD and Cartography over a long period, removing the severe bottle- necks inherent in contractual relationships. Approved For Release 1999/09/26: CIA-RDP78-05927A000300110001-4 Approved For Release :i'CNA--JR~ njT 2TV (MPY1 0001 -4 5. It is recommended that you bring these facts to D/OL's attention. STATINTL Deputy Chief, CD/BGI -2- Approved For Release 1999/09/26 CIA-RDP78 -011 9ff 0 110001-4 A, 1. ff ELI