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25X1 25X1 A la ' Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/10/30: CIA-RDP78-06096A000200030029-6 5010-104 4NO *Mee UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Memorandum CONFIDENTIAL To Director of Training FROM SUBJECT: Registrar, TR Weekly Activities Report No. 12 24 - 28 May 1965 I. SIGNIFICANT ITEMS None DATE: 28 May 1965 25 YEAR RE-REVIEW . II. OTHERS A. On 25 May I met with Mr. David Arnold, Director, Center for International Studies, Ohio? University, at the Department of State. Amemorandum dated 27 May 1965 regarding this subject is attached. B. We have presently under development an addition to our Academic Library. In coordination with we are setting up a Professional Reading Shelf for OTR use. This Will include books and periodicals containing material of in- terest to the Training Officer and flyers on new literature, concepts, materiel and hardware of interest. will administer this new service in addition to her continuing handling of the Academic Library and Counseling Service. C. We have had a request from American University concern- ing requirements for a fall off-campus program. Appropriate offices are presently being queried on their needs and desires. The next OTR Bulletin will carry an announcement of possible courses to be offered by George Washington University in the Off-Campus Program. D. Assistance of the Registrar Staff was sought by Mr. 0/Commo, in deciding upon Home Study or Correspondence Courses most suitable for meeting 8th and 9th grade general educational needs. In the late summer or early fall accompanied by his family, will move into a two-year tour at One of his daughters will enter the 8th grade next year and has been in- 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 formed that suitable schooling beyond the 7th grade is not available where he will be located. Naturally, the parents hope that the child can keep step academically with her present peers and fit into the normal level for her age in the Fairfax Public School sys- tem when the family returns to this area. In addition to consult- 25X1 nas visited the offices of the Calvert 2bAi UP I Zrzttshil from adematin dowagading and tectsittlfitatida Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/10/30 : CIA-RDP78-06096A000200030029-6 *Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2009/10/30 : CIA-RDP78-06096A000200030029-6 Weekly Activities Report No. 12 (Cont'd) 24 - 28 May 1965 School in Baltimore and it is very likely that he will make use of the 8th grade course from that school for his daughter. However, because the Calvert School only goes through the 8th grade, he will probably use the High School Supervised. Corres- pondence Study from the University of Nebraska for the 9th grade. E. We recently received from the U. S. Civil Service Com- mission a tentative schedule of seminars to be offered in Fiscal Year 1966 at the Kings Point Executive Seminar Center, New York. In the same communication CSC requested that we report by 23 June 1965 the number of reservations the Agency desires for each scheduled session. We have transmitted pertinent in- formation on this transaction to Senior Training Officers and have asked them to move as rapidly as possible in firming up the anticipated total needs of their directorates for the vari- ous seminars. 15 June '65 has been set as the due date for in- forming the Registrar/TR of the numbers of training spaces de- sired in specific Seminars at the Kings Point Center. (Rela- tive to this program, I mentioned to you recently in a separate report that CSC has decided, because of economic considerations, to defer until September 1966 the opening of a second Executive Seminar Center on the West Coast. Attachmen: a/s - 2 - ecronrT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/10/30: CIA-RDP78-06096A000200030029-6 25X1 Gfiblv trout . Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/10/30: CIA-RDP78-06096A000200030029-6 7- 5010-104 Nwe UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Memorandum TO : Director of Training FROM : Registrar, TR mMir DATE: 27 May 1965, suBjEcT: Meeting with Mr. David Arnold - Director, Center for Inter- national Studies, Ohio University 1. On 25 May I met at the Department of State with Mr. David Arnold, Director, Center for International Studies, Ohio University. The meeting was held in the offices of the Deputy Under Secretary for Administration, William J. Crockett, Department of State. It appears that under Ni'. Crockett's direction, the Department is taking advantage of the changeover in the directorship of the Foreign Ser- vice Institute to once again examine how best to train the foreign service officer. Ohio University, for a variety of reasons, has been asked to make recommendations to the Department on this matter. 2. Mr. Arnold was in town to talk with various agen6ies on how they train their personnel. His call to you was at the suggestion 25X1 of now at the Bureau of the Budget. In essence, Mr. Arnold wanted to know why the CIA training program was as good as it is reputed to be. I explained that Whatever excellence was attributed to our training effort, was the result of a variety of things but mostly because of strong support from top management and the choice of a dynamic and knowledgeable Director of Training who, for the most part, had been given unusual autonomy and authority. He agreed that those agencies, Where the training was less effective than ours, did not have these same things going for them. He was interested in a myriad of details pertaining to the subject; some of Which I was able to give him, and some, because of the classification of the material, I was unable to discuss with him. He appeared pleased with our conversation and indicated that he would like to contact us again When he returns to Washington. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/10/30: CIA-RDP78-06096A000200030029-6 25X1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/10/30: CIA-RDP78-06096A000200030029-6 Director of 2taining Registrar, rn 27 May 1965 th Mr. David Arrwld or inter- Ohio bitwersi I met at the Department of State with Mt. David , Center for International Studies, Ohio University. held in the offices of the Deputy Under Secretary on, William Crockett, Department of State. It appears that under Mt. Crockett 's direction, the Department is taking advantage of the Changeover in the directorship of the Foreign Ser- vice Institute to once again examine how best to train the foreign service officer. Ohio University, for a variety of reasons, has been asked to make recommendations to the Department on this matter. 2. Xt. Arnold was in town to talk with various agencies on how they train their personnel. His call to you was at the suggestion of now at the Bureau of the Budget. In essence, Xt. Arnold wanted to know Why the CIA training prowls' was as good as it is reputed to be. I explained that whatever excellence was attributed to our training effort, was the result of a variety of things but mostly because of strong support from top management and the choice of a dynamic and knowledgeable Director of Training mho, for the most part, had been given unusual autonomy and authority. He Weed that those agencies, Where the training was leas effective than ours, did not have these same things going for than. Be was interested in e myriad of details pertaining to the subject; some of Vida I we able to !give him, and some, because of the classification of the material, I was unable to discuss with him. Be appeared pleased with our conversation and indicated that be would like to contact us again when be returns to Veshington Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/10/30: CIA-RDP78-06096A000200030029-6 25X1