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Approved For Release 2000/08/21 : CDP47 -6202A000200020033-3 OTR STAFF MEETING, 25 March 1966 ~5X1A 5iX1A f 1. Admiral Raborn's Visit to Admiral Raborn's visit to the _on 23 March went along beautifully -- with clock-work precision from arrival to departure. The Admiral addressed the combined student body and made a tour of the Station; he saw demonstrations -- spent three hours with TSD in the morning. There- were quite a number of senior DDP officers there. Bannerman was pleased with the whole show, as was and staff did extremely well and did his part from up here. 25X1A 25XIA 2.. NIS. Mr. Richardson stated that we should make the nominations for the next NIS which begins 2 May. Ambassador Kidder had become dissappointed with the nominations of CIA and the State Department. The Agency is determined to put the right people in the course. The CIA officers currently at the NIS are well qualified, DTR mentioned that President Kennedy had wanted to make sure that officers who were going to underdeveloped posts should have a little bucking-up within the frame- work of the brief time that there is to do it, so this course was set up for people occupying key posts to give them the essentials of insurgency and counterinsurgency. Despite the fact that some think the course has its faults, the DTR is sure they can learn something from it. He knows of no one effort that provides what this one does. 3. Inter-agency Roundtable. DTR noted that had attended a 25X1A' recent Inter-agency Roundtable. Mr. Richardson would like to have DDTR or attend; Jim might go along with Tom in the future for a 25X1A while. Approved For Release 2000/08/21 : CIA 2A ~' 0433-3 Approved For Release 2000/08/21 : CIA- ~2A000200020033-3 used for NPIC. He suggested we keep in mind retirees for this kind of contract work. 5. Clandestine Services Review Course, We are now admitting GS-08s and 09s in this course and the DTR wondered if this was wise. Intelligence Review does not go below 13s and 14s. CS Review has been a rather senior course, is endorsin a GS-09; Mr. Richardson has no objection to an occasional exception. The DTR asked to 25X1A talk wit on this. 6. Area Orientation. In response to Mr. Richardson's request as to where we stood on this subject, replied that if we are going to put out a staff study, our present investigation is not adequate to go back to Helms. The paper is in the hands of at this time, The DTR wondered if we shouldn't send an interim note to Helms, expressed the thought that after a more intensive's,urvey the conclusions would probably be the same as they are now. The present conclusions are based on 8 to 10 contacts. Helms may consider that is not a very careful survey of the situation. Mr. Richardson said-may ask the Division Chiefs how they feel about area orientation. Basically the DTR believes rea orientation is the responsibility of the; Division and specifically of the 'ranch and the individual, Richardson asked Army Film, "Why Vietnam. " The Department of the Army has a new, 2-minute film, "Why Vietnam. " DTR suggested we might look into this film which is reported to be very good and very current, a. Senior Management Course, 8-13 May, Bannerman supported this s (OTO M tn . DTR said we sh ould nom',,n som L e for c ur ee i i e eo g. p o e. p this course, has not been to it, -would like to limit ~ 5X1A it to 15s and up. "'f, } b. Language Training Program. DDTR briefed those at.the DDS Meeting on this subject. (OTR Meeting: stated the brief- ing was limited to answering Bannerman's questions and what OTR is going to do in response, The DDS representative on the Language Training Committee will be either Echols o DTR said we should make a standard practice of submitting a quarterly report on the Language Train- ing Program to the DDCI. Accordin to we are now preparing a r e p o r t hat he covered in t e brie ing,) w011 25X1A 25X1A Approved For Release 2000/08/21 : C .R r202A000200020033-3 S F C 6 6 25X1A 1 25X1A 1,25X1A Approved For Release 2 pO108121 : CIA-RDP78-06202A00020094033-3 Building Program. The first part of the DDS Meeting was taken by in discussing the building program. As far as OTR is concerned, for the future it looks as though we may move from 1000 Glebe to still another public building, did not mention anything 25X1A about our At Langley we will be getting additional acreage (around 125 acres) from Public Roads, No mention was made of an academic building, neither were the occupants of any new complex named. They are now gathering space requirements and 25X1A this is a slow process. (OTR Meeting; said that along about next January he would look for space and that he has heard nothing about the plan to move in March 68, ) d. Tax Bill of 1966. talked about the tax bill of 1966. This does not increase the tax rate but increases the rate of withholding. Presently the rate withheld is 14 to 20 percent; in the future it will be 14 to 30 percent. Married persons will have less withheld than single persons. This will be effective for all salaries paid on or after 1 May. Everyone must file a new W-4 Form and if you fail to file it your withholding will be as large as that for a single person. The new withholding rates will be reflected in the May 6 check, There will be an Employee Bulletin on this and the Forms will be coming out next week. Every employee is to read this Bulletin. e. President Johnson's Memo on 1966 Budget Expenditures. This memorandum warns against expecting any year-end funds. According to Bannerman there will be no year-end funds to dish out. (OTR Meeting: DTR reported that OTR will be having budget hearings with Bannerman on Monday regarding the Program Call for 67. The question is what will we do if we don't get any additional funds for 67 in terms of people and money, ) f. Security Violations. Security violations reached an all-time high of 12 violations, of which OTR had one. g, Home Leave, reported State is limiting home leave to 15 days "for people who return to U. S. PCS. We will apply that Agency- wise. If you are coming back, not to return to your post, your home leave is reduced to 15 days. GAO thinks a person should have no home leave. State rejects that view; however, if involuntary retirement is coming up within one year after the officer is returned he won't get the 15 days. We will probably follow this rule. Approved For Release 2000/08/21 : CIA-RDP78-06202A000200020033-3 FRET Approved For Release -0/08/21 : CIA-RDP78-06202A000200gZ9033-3 25X1C 25X1A 25X1A b. The DDP urged supervisors to act now to cushion the shock which employees will experience when the new, greatly increased withholding rates for income tax are applied, Meeting, with only a very few family friends invited. suggests in lieu of flowers anyone wishing to make contributions might do so to the Georgetown University Medical Center, Department of Cardiology, in care of Dr. Hufnagel. funeral was going on at the time of this DDP 25X1A e. A number of ph sical moves are now beginning in the DDP, the most drastic of which i for six months. Various other elements will be moved about the Headquarters Building and after six months will return to Headquarters, this time in the immediate WH area. f. In line with the advent of the era of computers, the DDP has been asked to nominate two officers to attend computer school. Initial survey showed that none of the old hands would be able to understand the mathematics involved, and that the DDP will probably look to a couple of CTs to satisfy this requirement. Approved For Release 2000/08/21 06202A000200020033-3 SECRET Approved For Release 0/08/21 : CIA-RDP78-06202AO00200WO33-3 ~25X1A 25X1A 15X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A g. The DDP asked for any information those present might have on the ~ Task Force which is set up in the DDI. Apparently this was set up during the DDP's recent absence in Africa. None seemed to have very exact information on this subject. j. The DDP remarked that the 303 Committee's IN box seemed to be piling up higher and higher. Discussion indicated that the problem results from the current lack of a chairman. Possibly with the shift of According ti l on, u today, this log jam may be on the way to reso the identity of Mac Bundy's successor is still unknown. 10. George Venable Allen Luncheon. DTR reported that George V. Allen, Dir. FSI, had intelligence community training officers to luncheon on 24 March. was at 25X1A 11. Articles in Foreign Affairs, has for the.second time 25X1A the~with the Admiral on 23 March. ' ithin a year written the lead-off article for Foreign Affairs. Both were on Vietnam, The present one looks like a solid piece of work and the DTR said it is difficult to write judiciously about Vietnam. 12. DDTR's Trip to Naval War College. One of our student's deportment caused his "disenrollment' and he is back home. Admirals Hayward and Schneider were friendly. Schneiders gon to m to visit, derlmadee Agency's concern and regrets, was you ought several comments that were bf interest to us: (1) He wondered if, by 25X1A chance, we had ever sent anyone there against his will, answered that our people are competitively selected and all are anxious to attend.) (2) he noted that they didn't know very much about our candi- date in contrast to the others -- the biographic data was very skimpy, responded that this happens when we have DDP candidates.) know how tou (3) Schneider also mentione Ben st t d thattall the s hools know theh with any official in the Agency, S E0 ET Approved For Release 2000/08/21 : CIA-RIBP78-06202A000200020033-3 1 25X1A 25X1A Approved For Release-Q O/08/21 : C1"W'> 1202A000200 033-3 Registrar's telephone number, but both Admirals were very new at their jobs and were not aware of it. ) Ben said generally the public relations with the schools are handled by the students themselves. (4) Schneider reported that this incident would be treated routinely. 13. International Symposium - Notre Dame. received a call from who runs the Sino-Soviet Studies Group in DDI, asking if we would send a representative out to Notre Dame in April. would like to send who works in this field. 14. Inter-American Defense College, mentioned that one of the 25X1A Mexican students at the College during the question and answer period asked if he (the student) were being followed by a representative of the 25X1A U. S. Government. answer was that he didn't know if the student's own government was having him followed but assured 25X1A him that no one from our government was. 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 15. Orientation Program for the DDS. reported that Mr. Bannerman is interested in having a program of orientation for the DDS. We are in the process of developing such a program in terms of a three or four days schedule and would like to hold it at We have asked the Office Heads to participate by assigning their Support Chiefs or a senior officer to help work up the program. It will become more a review, similar to the CS Review, rather than an orientation. It will be for people who have been in the DDS for a number of years. If it is arranged for t could include two evenings at Mr. Richardson agreed that it should include the evenings if the aim is to integrate the people. 16. CT Program. reported that the April class has leveled off at 48 members which means a "short-fall" of seven. The future looks encouraging, but the time during the next two months is the period of decisions. DTR asked if it was possible for the younger type (just out of college) to go in as junior reports officers, particularly those who may end up going to the DDP. three, the result of the survey indicated that we have no need for putting on four courses. (Mr. Richardson asked that both these items be included in the Weekly to the DDS. ) 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 17. Midcareer. reported a visit from a gentleman from NSA which resulted from his taking the last Midcareer Course over there, A paper will be forthcoming on what he had to say. If anything materializes it will begin in the fall. The first group will be a pilot group, The questions that were asked on the survey through the training officers -- On the question of cutting Brookings to one week, these answers have all come in positive. On the question of should we try to run four instead of 25X1A % OQl)iDP12c3alcIA-.R PMe0 ,0e2A89OM i. ifl3 Rcer at 5E6CFT WY Approved For Release 2 pO108121 : b 15 8-06202A000200W033-3 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A regarding the spring dates. is pleased with the 25X1A tentative spring dates. 18. PPB Course -- Civil Service, reported the Agency has 25X1A six slots for the next running. The people who have gone have been most favorable. 19. Course Reports. Ben urged all concerned to send in end-of-course reports. 20. Stamp Account, stated that we have opened an official stamp account i shop for urgent mail. 21. NPIC Unclassified Course. reported that the Medical Services are also putting in for the space on the 4th floor and Bill asked if we need it for the NPIC class in June, said at the present time we will have one room available beginning 4 April, If we had one additional office on the same floor it would be helpful. said we should hold to a certain target date of 4 April with 15 people -- they now have about four which means a postponement, said the course will not start on the 4th or on the 11th but may start on the 18th if they have enough people. (DTR asked that this be put in the Weekly. ) 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 23. Graduate Systems Analysis Program (PPBS).. brought up 25X1A the subject of this program and asked the DTR if he would care to comment, Mr. Richardson mentioned a memo from President Johnson on the Programming, Planning and Budgeting System, Charles Sc'-ultze, Director of Bureau of the Budget, had written a letter to "Red" Rab i asking that the Agency nominate two officers. They did not necessarily have to be in the management field as long as they had senior supervisory responsibilities, Six leading universities are expected to participate under administrative arrangements similar to those for NIPA career education awards, It will be for a full academic year, It is heavy in the requirement of mathematics. Candidates are supposed to be people who have an analytical flare, DTR said we don't have any candidates that he knows of and has asked that the senior training officers bring it directly to the attention of component chiefs, The nominations have to be in by the 15th of April. We are setting up an earlier internal deadline. 1 Approved For Release 2000/08/21 : CIARDP78-06202A000200020033-3 Approved For Release 2,W108121 : CIA-RDP78-06202A0002000 33-3 25X1A 24. Briefing for Agency Dependents. eported that the Director has ordered that a big program be put on for Agency dependents. 25X1A is in charge. Beginning in May there will be Saturday afternoon sessions at Headquarters for husbands, wives, and children. FitzGerald said he was in favor of it. Security arrangements are being worked out. The program would consist of unclassified orientation in the auditorium, a tour of parts of the building, and refreshments in the cafeteria, It would start probably in May, and they thought of bringing in groups of 300-400 that would be handled at one time. Two or three groups of this size might be brought in on a single afternoon. Integration of Directorates. DDS&T 25X1A 25 . 25X1A and have been on leave and nothing has been done actually to schedule the meetings. Everyone agrees, what "Red" White said will be done -- instead of having two Directorates present their cases in one afternoon, there would be only one presentation on a given day. ?5X1A 5X1A X1A 5X1A 27. Briefing Guide. stated that has drafted an 5X1A outline for a short briefing guide for the compilation of biographical material. on Soviets. He has passed it out to SR Division and FI Staff. Ops School will put it in final form. Approved For Release 2000/08/21 : CIA-RDP78-06202A000200020033-3 r, D T- -fir