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May 1, 2001
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Publication Date:
April 4, 1972
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Approved For Release ~+'I/05/11:CIA-RDP78-06207A0001000~430-6
9: April 1972
2. Re ort on National Conference an Public Administration.
said that the theme of the conference was "Creating Tomorrow`s Public Adminis-
tration" -- that the quality of life in the future would in large part be determined
by how well our public administrators provide services in the areas of
education, safety, etc.
represented the Agency at the conference.
said the conference was excellent and he hoped that the Agency
would participate more broadly in future conferences. In all, about 2, 000 took
part, covering 28 areas of concentration.
distributed copies of a summary report of the conference and
iaidicated that the complete reports of conference presentations are available for
review or retention upon request.
Same areas of interest covered at the confereence were:
a. The Unionization of Local, State and Federal Employees.
The trend appears to be toward increasing unionization, strikes and
threats of strikes. Tlie problem is that local,. state and federal govern-
ment costs have been increasing by about 15~; per year whereas revenues
increase by only 5~. The public admiiustrator of the future will have to
work more efficiently with less resources. Ilia Civil Service Commission
(Office of Labor Ma.nagcment Relations) is currently training administra-
tive personnel in the field of labor negotiatiar~ with the hope that public
administrators will be able to respond as professionals in the field of
labor relations. uggested that it may be beneficial for
the Directorate to consider including a representative in that program.
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Approved For Release 2001/05/11 :CIA-RDP',r F~6~~.~'~,~O~d}'80'~;~~,;;;a,,,,R ,a, '~
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Approved .For Release 201945/11 : CIA-RDP78-06207A000100080~-6
b. EmployiiYent of the Disacivanta.~ed. Blacks were well represented
and spoke up_f~tom the floor, Julian Bond gave a presentation of the
blacks' problcins. I-Ic noted that blacks represent 12~ of the total
population with only 3~ representation in Congress and have 30% of
the fatal unemployed. Jean T. Couturier, Executive Director, National
Civil Service League, noted that:
(1) It was his belief that 70?J~ of -all local, state and federal
jobs can be filled by employees with a 5th grade education. He
claimed that requirements for writl:en tests for these jobs are,
in fact, ~intencied to discriminate against the disadvantaged.
(2) Over half of U. S. citizens over age 25 do not have a
high school education.
(3) The average black high school graduate earns only
one dollar more per week than anon-high school graduate,
and a black college graduate earns only fifty cents per week
more than a high school graduate.
oted that one could conclude from the presentations
.that the entire problem of equal employment opportunities for the dis-
advantaged will get increased attention in the future.
c. Executive Development in the Federal Service. Despite the CSC
guidelines of October 1971, there is very little agreement either on how
to identify managerial potential or on how to increase the movement of
federal executives across bureau and agency lines.
d. Organization Development. aid there was little
consensus in defining OD. The pane concen ra e on the experiences
with OD in Sweden of Dr. Greiner of Harvard. Apparently, the Swedes
have had much greater success in the reorganization of their work force
and management structure than we have had, For example, Swedish
firms have involved organized labor in the decision making process by
including union officials on boards of directors. Z'lie Swedes have also
experimented with work group concepts in public agencies, e, g. , a
study group's membership is drawn from all funct-i.ons and levels of
the organization and tasked with making recommendations far improving
the activities of the agency.
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Approved For Release 20~iU5/11 :CIA-RDP78-06207A000100089~q~0-6
4. National Civil Scrvi.ce League Career Scrvicc Award Dinner.
Mr. Coffey said that the deadline for reservations for the dinner is 11 April.
At present, the number of reservations is not up to expectations; it is about
half of what we ultimately had last year, Mr. Coffey strongly encouraged
Support Directorate offices to increase reservations. Tlie Director will be
present at the dinner.
5. Awards -- Miclcareer/Retirement. Mr. Coffey said that we should
not chink of awards only in terms of retirement or significant events. Awards
may be given for significant contributions up to a point in a career. We might
well have cause to thank employees for overall efforts.
6. Allegations and Answers. Mr. Colby has issued a new FYI -Allegations
and Answers" on the subject"of the alleged CLA./ITT activities in Chile. The paper
quotes a formal press release on the subject issued by the State Department on
23 March. This statement represents U. S. policy, including tlia.t of the Agency.
The Agency does. not respond publically to such charges.
7. NBC Clzronolog. The film of Agency activities in Laos is scheduled to
be roceived by CRS today from NBC. Lf it arrives there will be lunchtime showings
on 7' and 12 April,. A Headquarters Notice will be issued on the subject.. (Later:
Tlie film did not arrive. Showings are now tentatively scheduled for 12 and 13 April. )
8. Around the Table
1 Office of Persomzel. Mr, Fisher said that the Federal Executive Services
Bill will go into hearings on 13 April. The Administratai.on is pushing very hard
for many aspects of it. Mr. Fisher tallced to the man who drafted the bill in the
hopes of excluding the Agency from its provisions. An attempt will be made to
1~, cha:nge it accordingly.
1 '
Office of Security. aid that his office would complete its first
draft today on a new Agency re a z n based on Executive Order 11652 about
security classification and declassification of documents.
Office of Logistics noted that dicd of a heart
attack on Sunday. I-Iis funera wa. e ie at noon on prz a Ives Funeral
Horne, 2847 Wilson Boulevard.
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Approved For Release 2001/05/11 :CIA-RDP8-06207A000100080030-6