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Document Release Date: 
January 7, 2000
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3 Approv F r Relese 2000/04/17 : CIA-RDP78-06+OA000200030032-4 133 My s;ngle recommendation is that the basis of the BOC should be the personal meeting, and that most of the student's time should be spent mther in one, or preparing for it. I don't think that all of the meeting ha8e to be followed by taper work, rather many more meetings could be arranged. A possible scenarion could be having the student notified of the meeting, a planning session before it, the actual meeting, and a critique immediately afterwards. Another feature should be 00's guidance -his insistence that a certain role be played during the meeting. Perhaps a week of meetings could be scheduled for the start of the course where the student could get used to the format, acquire some confidence in dealing with people during a structu?-e sequence, and have the results of his efforts immediately afterwards. It would also help the student's enthusiasm-he would be constantly active, immersed in the situation, and thinking about how to handle the next meeting. It would allow for more innovation and open expression on the trainee's part, give him more time with the instructors, and most of all let him build his confidence up to handle the meetings. It was hard to wait a week between personal meetings, it might be more realistic to wait that long, but one's attention and enthusiasm waned and had to be pumped up on the day of the meeting. As a personal preference I liked the one-shot meetings, where both the instructor and student could free wheihl a bit, and personalities come out into the open. Approved For Release 2000/04/17 : CIA-RDP78-0621OA000200030032-4