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Approved For Release 20/04/17: CIA-RDP78-0621 OA00020003QO 07-9 20 January 1972 # 118 1. I am quite satisfied that the BOC has attained all of the objectives 25X1A9a outlined in introductory letter, probably to a greater degree even than the ins ructor staff -- and I -- can realize at this point. Thin is the more satisfying in my case, and to anyone who has spent some time working "on the outside and in the dark" to one.extent or another. I would recommend the course to all of these types. I would recomiimend also that the course be opened u;o _- and "pushed" -_ for non-CTers who have bee operating in one way or another for a couple of years at least. 2. Re introductory comments to the classes: I would recommend that the "staff versus students" themes and remarks aside'be dropped fromhthe osaeninY commmzents. Several times during the course, I heard various instructors mentioning a sense of antagonism developing between the two groups. This antagonism -- although I don't think the spirit. ever developed to the degree of true antagonism -- was in large measure created from the moment of those opening comments. Instructor/staff over-reaction then fostered and perpetuated it. Sitting somewhere in between -- as neither instructor/staff nor member of the CT student majority -- I was quite amazed at the way this spirit and related attitudes developed on both sides, with little effort at more than non-constructive bitching on both sides in reaction. 3. I have no detailed suggestions on working this. out, but I would recommend that the portion of the course devoted to electronic/technical gear, etc., either be expanded to include student. practice in specific exercises or be limited to a fast "familiarization" conducted all in one brief time frame. I felt quite frustrated when it seemed, because of the large amount of time and "orientation" devoted to these tppics, that we would indeed be using this gear... in field exercises of the off-base t,rpe, and then found that we would not be doing so. 4. As previously suggested to Tradecraft instructors, I would have found it quite helpful to be included in one of perhaps seven or eight small groups of students, accompanied in town on one or more field trips by an instructor who could point out on-the-spot various pluses and minuses in specific town sites from a tradecraft point of view. 25X1A2g 25X1A2g 25X1A2g 25X1A2g 25X1A14a 25X1A2g 25X1A2g 25X1A14a 5. _ per the post critique, this exercise probably could getter be placed far earlier in the BOC. I would recommend placing it in the same period as the (initial phases) exercise, Further, I would recommend expanding the "scenariott"to allow penetration and political action participation. Both measures would raise the political action and CI sensitiviftes of all students for later exercises. At the same time, it would greatly heighten the ' sense of participation. 6. The ~nd AOC surveillance exercises might well be combined, both to allow greater time for coverage of other subject matters (still in the tradecraft area; e.g., see para 4) and to allow better/more effective coordination on the AOC-surveillance end. As it 'damned out, I believe , both AOCers and BOCers felt more frustration than anything else following the AOC su ve' 1 ce Approved for e ease 106 ~f7 : CIA-RDP78-0621 OA000200030037-9 C 0 N F I D E N T I A L C O N F I D E N T I A L Approved For Release 20W/04/17: CIA-RDP78-06210A00020003ip 37-9 - 2 - 7. In s?.hort, I have no bones to pick either with staff or course content, but instead some suggestions regarding allotments of emphasis and time. Most of these, in fact, result more from my personal differences in outlook, etc., and I am quite ready to admit that the BOC may well be tailored properly at present to meet the needs/desires of the majority. (I, for exa,,ple, would have liked to have had more hand-gun, etc., training, but I know that most of the class already had "had that up to here". I know, too, that this type of training is not that whiph reasonably would find application in the CO's everday life.) 8. Finally, I could lik to express my appreciation of the "counselor system" and to credit this s.,rstem with much of the result in bringing home the over-all teaching points to be made in any course of this type. I am particularly appreciative of the Efforts of my own counselor and (I take special pleasure in imagining the expression on your face, and the utterances on your lips, by the time you get to read this, Mr, Counselor...) I still think he should forget about retirement and plan to stay on.... no matter what. Approved For Release 2000/04/17 : CIA-RDP78-06210A000200030037-9 C 0 N F I D E N T I A L