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SSII !? Approved For Release 2000/08/04: ~8-0636SA000200(30d0-8 MEMORANDUM FOR: Executive Assistant FROM : Chief, School of Intelligence and World Affairs SUBJECT : Weekly Report of School of Intelligence and World Affairs No. 23, 2 - 8 October 1970 COURSE ACTIVITY 25X1A 25X1A6a 25X1A 1. Advanced Intelligence Seminar No. 1-71 The last week prior to the beginning of Advanced Intelligence Seminar No. 1-71 on Monday, 12 October was com licated b the unexpected defection from guest speaker ranks of 25X1A our "Third World" expert. He belatedly discovered a schedule conflict and we lost. To replace him we decided to "go local" and have secured 25X1A The congressional spot at the end of the first week will be filled either sole or in. tandem with an opposition viewpoint by Alton Frye, chief staff assistant to Senator Edward Brooke. The Legislative Counsel is beating the bushes for another such in hopes we can stage a debate on "National Priorities. " Our final schedule casualty is Colonel White, too busy to come _ the second week, but he promised us John Clarke instead. On the plus side General Cushman has consented not only to chair the ' but to appear at our closing session on 23 October. Having enrolled a larger number of tominees to senior schools than we had anticipated, we seem likely to be nearer 35 students when the course opens Monday. Approved For Release 2000/08in C7CftE1^?'? 06363A00020003 W sit 1- 11 s~cWr'i Approved For Relee 2000/00/J)A f4-RDP78-063&8A000200030020-8 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 2. Intelligence Production The Intelligence Production Course begins on Monday, 12 October, with six DDI-bound CTs. At the suggestion of Bruce Clarke, we will again give the CTs some of the intelligence fundamentals which we have eliminated from the IPC in past years: imagery analysis skills and working with the details of NSA materials. As in recent courses, we will urge offices to provide case studies rather than lecture on MOF. Contacts with analysts will be encouraged, but will be tied to student assignments which will necessitate interviews with the analysts on such topics as their prime sources of intelligence information, their work in the guidance of collection, and their use of computers. The course research project will deal with methodology, critiques of pro- duction, and similar subjects which relate to the office to which the CT hopes to go. BRIEFING ACTIVITY 1. On Friday evening, 2 October, at Mercersburg, Pennsylvania, gave an unclassified briefing on "Intelligence and CIA." for some 60 members of the Avon Literary Society, a group sponsored by the Mercersburg Academy to advance the general culture of its members. The audience included both faculty members and towns- people. The speaker was introduced by Dr. William C. Fowle, Head- master of the Academy and a graduate of Williams. He claims to know the Director and asked to be remembered to him. 2. On 5 October, at USAINTS (Fort Holabird), gave a 25X1A9a briefing on The Elements of National Power and the Concept of National Security" for 29 students enrolled in the Army's current Senior Foreign Officer Course. The class consisted of field grade officers -- mostly from Vietnam -- but also from Thailand, Malaysia, Japan, Korea, Chile, and Greece. This class was conspicuous by its unusually high level of English comprehension. 3. On Wednesday evening, 7 October, spoke to 10 25X1A9a students at the American University Seminar on Intelligence on the sub- ject of the analytical processes used in intelligence analysis. 4. On 8 October -- -- Fort Holabird -- Senior Foreign Officers Intelligence Course -- "Background of Communist Activity in the Far East and Southeast A.sia" (29). 2 - Approved For Release 2000/08/04 .l pP78-06363A000200030020-8 Approved For Release 2000/08/0EV'P78-0636A000200030020-8 OTHER ACTIVITIES 25X1A9a 1. to Participate in OAS Seminars The International Civil Servants Institute of the Catholic University in Washington, D.C., has again invited to participate 25X1A9a in the 1970-1971 series of seminars being organized for career staff members of the Organization of American States (OAS). Last year there was some apprehension over the security aspects involved in an Agency officer becoming involved with OAS personnel, but the Director of Central Intelligence approved participation. Specialists 25X1A9a in various aspects of the Latin American area are brought in from a number of universities for this program. It is designed to provide upper level staff members, who tend to have a limited national outlook, with both a broader perspective on the area, and a deeper insight into its problems. 2. Research Activities 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 25X1A9a had hoped to have in hand by now a good draft of a paper on Donovan's original plans for COI; as often happens, however, it took more time than anticipated to research certain documents at the Library of Congress and the He has pushed 25X1A his self-imposed deadline ahead two weeks, and re-titled his paper "Donovan's Original Marching Orders. " With helping from the sidelines, has 25X1A9a partially transcribed three small volumes of General Donovan's hand- written World War I and Siberian diaries. The "partially" refers to the indecipherability of numerous words and phrases. These will hopefully become clear when_gets a chance to dig into the sub- stance of Donovan's entries. Meanwhile, it must be noted that Mrs. _has shown much initiative and persistence in tackling a frustrating task. 3. O/L Participation in Orientation for Overseas 25X1A9a OL/TRO told us about 17 September that OL's policy was not to put its staffers or their wives into the 00, and that neither were they registered for this course by the CS Desks. He now reports, after checking further within his Office, that various key officers have 25X1A9a long assumed the CS Desks were enrolling OL personnel and wives in the course. has confirmed that at least EUR has been doing so, though only upon the expressed wish on such persons. Approved For Release 2000/08/04: CIQA F lF "78-06363A000200030020-8 Approved For Release 2000/08/0SkJDP78-0636000200030020-8 25X1A 4. Developments in Cross-cultural Training The Cross-cultural Problems module of the Introduction to Intel- ligence underwent a complete change of format in the second hour of the course completed on 2 October because our plan for a qualified panel discussion fell through at a late hour. Marc utilized this dis- appointment to try out essentially the format he will use in introducing FSI's Area Program on 30 November, and he credits this curriculum shift for a markedly favorable student response to the module. The substitute instruction began with a half hour on the rationale for increasing one's awareness of: his own values and behavior patterns; why and how he acquired these; how they differ from those of most Americans and of important groups in America today; and how his own resulting assumptions about the world play a critical role in his views of foreign problems and foreigners' bevavior. The second half-hour featured the relevant first part of our film of acclaimed demonstration on the many facets of unconscious behavior. Of the 54 students who submitted critiques, 22 rated the module among the "particularly strong" presentations, while four considered that it needs improvement. Ten urged that the present duration of three hours be extended, compared to two suggesting a reduction in 25X1A the allotted time. The films of - and on illusions of perception were both specifically mentioned eight times in the many statements of approval of the visual aids used in this course. PERSONNEL NOTES 25X1A9a 1. checked in on 5 October for a rotational assign- ment in. SIWA. Tom has been a specialist in Soviet military affairs on the ONE staff. Initially, he will be assisting in the administration of the current A. I. S. We're delighted to have Tom, a former CT, with us. 25X1A9a 2. is attending the "Seminar on National Needs and Priorities" sponsored by the Federal Executive Institute in Charlottesville, from 4 - 9 October. 25X1A9a Approved For Release 2000/08/04. CIA,,R~P78-06363A000200030020-8 UHL