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Approved For R Iggase 2002/06/17: CIA-RDP78-06363A000300030021-6 12 July 1971 MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Training SUBJECT Weekly Report of School of Intelligence and World Affairs No. 27, 2 - 8 July 1971 COURSE ACTIVITIES 1. Intelligence and World Affairs I.W.A, began 12 July with an enrollment of 61, including 27 CT's. This is the first "fully integrated" course we have run; i.e., the CT's and other professionals will be receiving exactly the same basic training from now on. ~ DDP Training Officer, has advised us that a sizable number of RID professionals will be entering the I.W.A. three or four times a year (beginning in January) as part of a newly constituted RID internal training program. We can accommodate this group by a slight modification of our schedule for the second half of FY '72, but we have urged RID to avoid large inputs during the periods when CT's will be taking the course. 2. Geography of Communist China geography of Communist G?hina course was completed on Friday with 11 students, all but one of whom were from NPIC. This time we 25X1A9a called upon the Q for participation in this course. gave two good lectures, one an overview of China's economic prospects and the other 25X1A8 on recent developments in industrial and transportation expansion. He also provided strong support throughout the course. We are now considering how we can further interrelate efforts in future runnings. Approved For Release 2002/06/17: CIA-RDP78-06363A000300030021-6 EPU ~.~~ ~A :::.. aJ Ya iI4 Ji 1 ~~4i dCL ':~~ is i~~411l}~~-i dnClaSSiflC ~~' ia~~ ii 11~ Approved For Release 2002/06/17: CIA-RDP78-0636300300030021-6 3. Writing Workshops Another running of the basic and intermediate writing workshops began on 6 July. Each course will have eight sessions, meeting on Tuesdays and Thursdays until 29 July. The basic course is taught by 25X1Aga Mrs. Leanne Stallman, a USDA contract instructor. The intermediate course is handled by 25X1A STATSPEC 25X1Aga 25X1Aga BRIEFING ACTIVITIES 1. on behalf of the Crypto-Linguistic Association at NSA, has re uested an to address the membership~on lg October. has a reed to the re uest and we have so confirmed. (Paul is considering The group, under a NSA charter, has about 200 members, and meets monthly for a morning in-service program from October through June. 2. On 8 July, at DIS, two briefings were given for the current Joint Intelligence Orientation Course. "The National Security Structure" and Functions, and Organization of CIA." OTHER ACTIVITIES spoke on on "The Mission, spent two days studying General Donovan's 201 file which had been sent in three days (:) from St. Louis to the Pentagon for his use. The file provides Tom with some useful information on Donovan's pre-World War II trips to Ethiopa, Germany, and Spain, as well as clues to the location of reports he submitted on these trips to the War Depart- ment. Also found was a copy of a promotion recommendation in which FDR was quoted as favoring making Donovan a brigadier general rather than major general and holding out the latter as a goal to look forward to in six months. Chief, School of I to igence and World Affairs - 2 - Approved For Release 2002/06/17: CIA-RDP78-06363A000300030021-6 ~~Studies Donovan File ~~