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Approved For Release 2002/0*". L1' - DP78-06363 0300030023-4' MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Training 9 July 1971 SUBJEC T: Weekly Activities Report No. 27 6 - 9 July 19 71 1. The National Interdepartmental Seminar, which begins on Monday, has changed line-ups about every hour in the last two days. Yesterday we were down to three, with the withdrawal 2. An interesting statement was contained in a critique just Office of Personnel, who attended the Civil Service Commission's course, "Mathematics for Middle Managers," completed on 9 June 1971. We quote: "The CSC had understated the prerequisites of the course in order to keep the enrollment -up and this slowed down the professors so they could not review all of the material." 3. We have received the FSI tuition rates for Fiscal Year 1972. The charge for language training has changed considerably this year. In FY 71 the charge for World Languages was $3. 32 per hour and $3.66 per hour for Hard Languages. In FY 72 there is a flat hourly rate of $3. 70 for all language instruction. Assuming full-time language is scheduled for six hours of instruction a day, as it was in FY 1971, the following comparison of costs for FY 72 vs FY 71 was compiled by AIR: received from one of our external students, Approved For Release 2002/06/17 : CIA-RDP78-0636 Approved For Release 2002/06/17~gcJ8-06363Ag,00300030023-4 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 25X1A9a th of Course Len FY 72 FY 71 g 4 weeks $ 444 $ 398 8 weeks 888 797 16 weeks 1,776 1,594 20 weeks 2,220 1,992 24 weeks Z,664 Z,635 32 weeks 3,552 3,513 44 weeks 4,884 4$831 The two-week Area Seminars have also increased -- from $374 to $430. The Advanced Area Courses were increased by only a dollar. The Senior Seminar in Foreign Policy was reduced from $7, 500 to $7, 300; this is offset, however, by an increase in the Foreign Service Economics Studies Course which was increased from $3, 150 to $4, 326. AIR plans to carry an item on this in the next Weekly Newsletter so Training Officers will be reminded that FSI training costs money, and a lot of it! 4. The letter of nomination for the Survey of Intelligence Tnfnrmati_on Systems was carried to the Defense Intelligence School 5. An administrative briefing was given to Chief of OER's International Research Area, in connection with his full-time academic training at Harvard's John F. Kennedy School of Government. At the School, I Iwill have the status of a non-degree post-doctoral special student. This status gives him the right to attend any courses he wishes and to have access to the faculty and research facilities. His objective in the program is to "gain an opportunity for intellectual reflection, stimulation, and recharging away from office routine." The cost of this training will run around $5, 000, including tuition, travel and per diem. 6. Assistant General Counsel, informed AIR on 8 July that he will not begin his approved nine-month program in Systems Analysis and Law at M. I. T. this fall. Mr. said he "agonized over the decision but made it because of strong personal reasons." The case is well known to this office; sought guidance on the selection of a facility early Approved 1 or a ease 2002/06/17: C Vrqty 363AO00300030023-4 Approved For Release 2002/06/1 ~: A ~78-06363A0P0300030023-4 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 25X1C4d this year and made exploratory trips to both Stanford and M. I. T. has already written M. I. T. and talked to Mr. Houston about his change of plans. As an alternative, he has asked us for information on certain senior executive/ management programs, and related training which might be available in the local area, e. g. , DODCI courses, etc. 8. The National Security Agency's Standard Three-hour Cryptologic Briefing scheduled for 8 July was rescheduled due to a date mix-up. NSA said, "some of the other agencies who were to participate in the briefing though it was to be held on 13 July." Apparently the other agencies involved had a greater input to the briefing, so it was easier for NSA to just change the date. Six of our candidates (OSI) cannot attend on the new date because of prior commitments. They will be scheduled for a later running. 9. It appears that we have reached the saturation point for awhile on the DODCI Intermediate Executive Course. All Directorates have been contacted; there are no candidates for our two spaces in the 12 July running. We also have a space in the 26 July course. 10. NPIC, who recently attended the Defense Atomic Support Agency's Nuclear Weapons Capabilities and Design Course at the Sandia Base, reported in his critique that "the entire value of the course to others may be academic at this point since this is reported to be the last nuclear weapons course to be presented at Sandia. All future training will be the responsibility of the Individual Services. None of the Services currently have plans for a national level course." This statement led to an inquiry by AIR to DASA's local office (in Arlington). DASA explained that there are such changes in the mill and a letter was being mailed to user agencies. On 8 July the letter was received. Approved For Release 2002/06/1 Er DM8-06363A000300030023-4 Approved For R 4ease 2002/06/17 U-948-06363A, 000300030023-4 The first noteable change is that the DASA is now the Defense Nuclear Agency (DNA). Relevant to statement, the letter states the following: a.) The Field Command DNA Nuclear Weapons School program will continue with only minor changes for approximately the first half of fiscal year 1972. The Weapons Orientation Advanced Course and the Nuclear Weapons Capabilities and Design Course are scheduled to run as planned for the first half of FY 1972. b.) The military departments will assume full responsibility for nuclear technical training prior to 1 July 1972. The effects of this second change are not known at this time because of the uncertainty as to who will be running what. It appears likely that we may be able to obtain spaces from what- ever source is providing said training. AIR will send copies of DNA's letter to those Agency components who are consistent users of DNA's courses. 11. The Guidance and Counseling service has initiated action to expand its coverage. On Monday will meet with representatives from NPIC to discuss a group counseling session. On the same day a meeting is scheduled with the DDP/TRO to talk about various aspects of assistance to the Clandestine Service. An analysis is being made of the list of non-recipients of EAF Assistance, provided by I with the intent to offer further counseling. This is being done at the request of the EAF Committee; Ruth has served as consultant to this group. The results of these activities will be reported as they develop. Mean- time, a readjustment of duties in AIR is being made to free Ruth to pursue, at the request of the DTR, some of these expanded activities. AIR since 19 May and beginshis CT training on Monday, 12 July. It has been a pleasure to have him in the Branch, and he has made a major contribution to our external training "follow-up" and statistical reporting projects. He was a diligent worker, interested and enthusiastic. A special note of thanks and recognition will be written to Chief, CTP, citing the outstanding job Bob has done for us. A second CT, I I, was on detail for a much shorter period, 21 June - 7 July, but pitched right in and accomplished a great deal in the time he was assigned to us. Both men impressed us most favorably, and we are grateful to the CT Office for "detailing" them to our Branch. 13. Chief, ITB met with Chief, Operations School, and Deputy Chief, Staff Training Approved For Release 2002/06/1 teMT 78-06363A000300030023-4 Approved For Release 2002/06/17 : CIA-R 78-06363A000300030023-4 SECRET Branch, OS, to discuss Instructor Training Branch capabilities and how it can assist the Operations School in the improvement and development of instructors and curricula. Chief, ITB met with Chief, Senior Seminar, for the same purpose as above. ITB plans to monitor the Senior Seminar instructor practice presentations, which have been videotaped, and suggest how these presentations can be improved. In addition, we have provided instructional material used in the Instructor Training Workshop that may be of value. Chief, ITB has reviewed two case studies with Mr. 0 ITB spent a full day with development of courses who is working full time in the of instruction using the "systems approach." We have been working with him in the revision and development of three courses of instruction and this day was spent in reviewing the final copies prior to their being typed in final form and handout material being printed. Deputy Chief, Administrative Training, SuS, and staff in the final draft of a "feedback" questionnaire to be sent to former students of Clerical Training. The questionnaire incorporates most of the ideas expressed in a paper written previously by Chief, ITB. 15. Chief, ITB participated at a meeting with Chief Instructional Support Staff SECRET. Approved For Release 2002/06/17: CIA-RDP78-06363A000300030023-4