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Approved For Release 2002/06/17: CIA-RDP78-06363AQW300030029-8 2 July 19 71 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 25X1A9a MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Training SUBJECT : Support School Weekly Report A. ADMINISTRATIVE TRAINING 1. Training Course for Technical Officers (Contract Overrun) Instructions and procedures for evaluating contractors' proposals for the course have been completed and will be distributed to members of the evaluation panel this week. We aim to have evaluations completed on or about 13 July so that an award can be made by 15 July. 2. Automated Communications Terminal The Automated Communications Terminal (ACT-1) is progressing satisfactorily. On 28 June, , Cable Secretariat, advisedi I that parts of AF, FE, and NE Divisions are already using the new IBM #108 font in typing outgoing cables. During this reporting period, the Office of Logistics let the contract for the new cable forms. Proofs of the five different forms to be used will be ready approximately 20 July. for experimentation and test runs through the "reader" in After final approval, printing of the forms will be undertaken. The present estimate is that the first batch of forms for use will appear about 15 - 20 October. The "reader" will then be set up at Headquarters around the end of October or first of November for testing until approximately the end of November. 3. Field Finance and Logistics a. The schedule for Course No. 1-72, to be conducted from 19 July - 6 August, was distributed to Training Officers and guest speakers this week. Approved For Release 2002/06/17 : CIA-RDP78-06363A000300030029-8 Approved For Rase 2002/06/17: Caj6363A&Qp300030029-8 b. Two students from the CS are receiving tutorial instruction this week. uis receiving instruction in Class B financial accounting procedures and is scheduled for PCS assignment in is receiving instruction in Class B financial accounting, foreign travel, and Type III property accounting. 4. Additional Dictation Drill for Shorthand Trainees Chief, Clerical Staffing Branch, Office of Personnel, is faced with the necessity of providing an unusually large number of stenographers to fill vacancies in the Agency. The dearth of incoming qualified stenographers is posing problems for her. As a consequence, she requested dictation materials from the Clerical Training Faculty for use in a dictation practice period each day in TAS. Her request for this training material was honored and, in addition, arrangements were made to have conduct an extra dictation drill period daily in Clerical Induction. B. MANAGEMENT TRAINING 1. Microfilm Information Systems Seminar Arrangements have been completed for the third running of the Microfilm Information Systems Seminar to be conducted at Headquarters Building during the week of 18 October 1971. We expect the consultant, to present this usual three day Seminar, plus an additional one day program specifically designed for Support officers within the DD/S. As in the past, coordination for these matters is being handled jointly by the Support School, OTR, and Support Services Staff, DD/S. 2. Advanced Management (Planning) In the guest speaker presentation On application of PPB, John added a description of methodology of the DELPHI technique. A specific CS DELPHI exercise on CS goals was used to illustrate the method and it was evident that the CS had considered it a useful and rewarding exercise. The students evinced considerable interest during the question and answer period that lasted almost a half hour. Approved For Release 2002/06/17 : CI-RDP78 - 6363A000300030029-8 Approved For ReWase 2002/06/17: 8J.06363A008300030029-8 3. Supervision Student interest, reflected in questions and discussions, has remained at a high level during the week. The Intelligence Directorate representation (six offices) was at an all-time high of 17 students constituting 63% of the class. 4. Management Science We hope to get Round One of the OTR DELPHI into the mail by 9 July. 5. Midcareer Course a. The following substitutions have taken place this week in Phase II of the Midcareer Course: b. presentation was not too good according to reports from the MC staff. was in the audience during Ray's talk, so we will try to get his reactions and any suggestions for the future. C. GENERAL 1. was back at work on Monday. His father came through the emergency operation quite well and is on the way to satisfactory recovery. is on Annual Leave until 21 July. C ief, Support School, R "RDI7 -6363A000300030029-8 Approved For Release 2002/06/17 : C1~1~ _