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September 3, 1971
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Approved For Re4pase 2002/06/17 78-06363AOGO300050024-1 ULVTTET 25X1A8a 25X1A8a MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Training 3 September 1971 SUBJECT : Weekly Activities Report - Language School 1. I I and I met with of on Monday to discuss long-range Chinese require- ments. FE is presently in the middle of long-range analysis of their needs for placing people overseas. They promised to provide us some data on training requirements sometime in October. In broad terms they felt that their input of beginning language students would probably drop. However, they predicted that, since there is a large body of personnel who already have some Chinese language skills, they would probably have requirements for refresher or maintenance training. 2. The Linguistic Steering Committee has concerned itself in recent weeks with the standardization of language tapes produced at IS. As the first of its proposed guidelines, the committee recommended a unified tape labeling system. Since our tape collection has been put together by several different hands over the years, and since tape formats have changed with the evolution of new approaches to language teaching, our current labeling system is not consistent. The new system will not only introduce consistency, but also more clarity and convenience for the tape user. Box labels will be typed instead of hand stamped; labels will identify not only the series and tape number, but also give an indication of the type of material on the reel. A special large-type selectric typewriter ball is the new ingredient that makes the new labeling system practicable. We hope to make extensive use of the secretarial pool for help in typing up the new labels. 3. Danish is a language for which we have a stand-by instructor, but which we very rarely teach. This week Mrs. an 25,X1A9a independent contract teacher who has occasionally taught part-time tutorials at home, joined our faculty to teach a full-time Danish class at IS. The course is scheduled to last 28 weeks. Approved For Release 2002/06/17 . - P78-06363A000300050024-1 Approved For Release 2002/06/17 : CIA-RDP78-06363A000300050024-1 SECRET -__ 4. language School Statistics: Having reached their nadir in the last month, enrollment figures are now beginning to climb again. About 60 requests have been approved for classes beginning at LS on 13 September and 119 for the BAHLT program. Here are the figures for the week of 23 - 27 August 1971: Students Classes Full-time - 32 Full-time - 18 Part-time - 65 (28 Hqs.) Part-time - 29 (6 Hqs.) TOTA.L...... 97 TOTAL ...... 47 Laboratory hours for the week of 23 - 27 August 1971: language School - 49 There were 43 proficiency tests given during the week of 23 - 27 August 1971. 25X1A9a 5. our two summer employees, left us this week after a busy three months. Because of the great changes in the lab and library that were brought about by the move to new quarters, there was a lot to do in those two areas. We were very happy to have these two young people with us. They did an excellent job. Chief, Language School/TR SECRET Approved For Release 2002/06/17 : CIA-RDP78-06363A000300050024-1