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Approved For Rase 2002/06/17 ? t 06363AWD300050026-9 -l I- kjTT-L~ 3 September 1971 MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Training SUBJECT : Support School Weekly Report A. ADMINISTRATIVE TRAINING 1. Field Finance and Logistics Field Finance and Logistics Course #2-72 commenced 20 August. Thirteen students were enrolled, and eight of these had firm assignments for overseas duty. 2. The Project Officer in the Contract Cycle The course outline submitted by l has been reviewed and appears to be pretty much on target. The contractor will meet with representatives of this office and the Office of Logistics next week for a final discussion on the outline. The "Special Bulletin" which was distributed last week has already elicited inquiries on the content of the course from the Supply Division, OL, the Office of Communications facilit and the EUR Division. 25X1A6a 3. Effective Briefing 25{iC1A5a2 has tentatively agreed to the following dates for FY 72 runnings of his Effective Briefing course (all sessions will be on Friday mornings): Begin End 7 January 1972 10 March 1972 17 March 1972 19 May 1972 In addition to inclusion in the OTR Catalog of Courses , these dates will be publicized periodically in the "OTR Newsletter, " citing the'Special Bulletin" dated 10 August 1971 as a reference point for additional information. r~c~~riaat~c'n Approved For Release 2002/06/17 : CIA-RDP78-06363A000300t 50026-9 Approved For Rase 2002/06/17 : CIA-RDP78-06363A 300050026-9 SECRET 4. Clerical Training In response to an informal request to the Clerical Training Faculty, suitable material concerning the Agency, which we use in our Shorthand courses and which was originally in "U.S. News and World Report, " the "New York Times, and Zlotnick's book on the intelligence community, has been forwarded to the instructor who teaches Advanced Shorthand course in the Fairfax County Adult Education Program. A number of Agency employees are enrolled in that course, and the instructor wanted some material which would contain language of the type which might be encountered in the Agency. 5. Experimental Group III Miss I Chief, Clerical Staffing Branch, Office of Personnel, called to discuss further the contemplated use of the Civil Service Commission "upward mobility" program for the next "Experimental Group" now being formed. At present this group of disadvantaged individuals numbers 17, but experience with the two previous groups indicates that the number will probably be reduced to about 10 by the time EOD processing is completed. is 17 September; the training courses begin 27 September. Miss D is going ahead with the paper work required by the Commission to enroll these individuals in the program. Deadline for registration D; Ch/ It has been determined that the cost of training these individuals will be paid from Agency-wide External Training funds. A memorandum informing the DD/,S of how we are proceeding in this matter is to be prepared jointly by representatives of the Offices of Personnel and Training. B. MANAGEMENT TRAINING 1. Managerial Grid On 30 August 1971, Washington representative called the Support School - to "touch base. " He still has hopes that he can further involve the Agency's "top brass" in the Managerial Grid. He is disappointed that Messrs. John Clarke and Charles Briggs will not attend the "Executive O.D. Seminar" I in September. Roy claims great success in getting DIA involved in Grid 25X1A activities, and says that three of DIA's top officials were in an "Executive O. D. Seminar"recently. He would like to see a super-Executive O. D. Seminar and Phases III and IV of the Grid in which senior officials from the 'SIB community would take part in planning for the Intelligence community ,i whole. SECPF ApproQ e ease 2002/06/17: CIA-RDP78-06363A000300050026-9 Approved F9,&2elease 2002/06/17 : IA-RDP78-063MA000300050026-9 SECRET 4. Clerical Training In response to an informal request to the Clerical Training Faculty, suitable material concerning the Agency, which we use in our Shorthand courses and which was originally in "U.S. News and World Report, " the "New York Times, and Zlotnick's book on the intelligence community, has been forwarded to the instructor who teaches Advanced Shorthand course in the Fairfax County Adult Education Program. A number of Agency employees are enrolled in that course, and the instructor wanted some material which would contain language of the type which might be encountered in the Agency. 5. Experimental Group III Miss I Chief, Clerical Staffing Branch, Office of Personnel, called to discuss further the contemplated use of the Civil Service Commission "upward mobility" program for the next "Experimental Group" now being formed. At present this group of disadvantaged individuals numbers 17, but experience with the two previous groups indicates that the number will probably be reduced to about 10 by the time EOD processing is completed. Miss is going ahead with the paper work required by the Commission to enroll these individuals in the program. Deadline for registration is 17 September; the training courses begin 27 September. It has been determined that the cost of training these individuals will be paid from Agency-wide External Training funds. A memorandum informing the DD/,S of how we are proceeding in this matter is to be prepared jointly by representatives of the Offices of Personnel and Training. B. MANAGEMENT TRAINING 1. Managerial Grid 25X1A 25X1A On 30 August 1971,1 Washington representative of , called the Support School - to "touch base. " He still has hopes that he can further involve the Agency's "top brass" in the Managerial Grid. He is disappointed that Messrs. John Clarke and Charles Briggs will not attend the "Executive O. D. Seminar" September. Roy claims great success in getting DIA involved in Grid activities, and says that three of DIA's top officials were in an "Executive O. D. Seminar"recently. He would like to see a super-Executive O. D. Seminar and Phases III and IV of the Grid in which senior officials from the USIB community would take part in planning for the Intelligence community as a whole. - 2 - Approved For Release 2002/0 / 7 : CIA-RDP78-06363A000300050026-9 Approved Felease 2002/06/1 T78-0631A000300050026-9 2. Microfilm Seminar Preliminary arrangements are being made by the Support School for the three day Microfilm Seminar to be held from 20 - 22 October 1971. Registrations for this program will be handled, as in previous cases, through the Senior Records Management Officers in each Directorate. On 19 October the microfilm consultant, will conduct a one day 25X1A5a1 Special Session for senior support of cers. We have also been advised by25XlA5al the Support Services Staff, DD/S, that Mr. Coffey plans to have I put on a special one hour briefing on 19 October for the DD/S and his office chiefs. OTR will bear the expenses for the entire program: $1700 total. 3. Performance Appraisal Workshop (FMSAC) . Twenty-eight FM,SAC supervisors are registered for the special Performance Appraisal Workshop to be held 9 - 10 September 1971. It will be run in DDS&T rooms at Headquarters. Chief, Support School, OTR. 25X1A9a Distribution: Orig + 2 - Ads e 1 - O/Ch/SUS/TR 1 - DC/SUS/MT Ch/SUS./TRO:jdg(3 Sept 71) 3356 Approved For Release 2002/06/17 3 151A-RDP78-06363A000300050026-9 SECRET