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Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP78-06365A000 THE ADMINISTRATOR 1.alci Edition 195j The dates of the case and the general World War IT setting gives an impression of age and dating. In the Third Edition, 1957, the dates have been eliminated or updated- and would seam to create a more favorable firatIvimpression. Aa_g.Q.0.191AREBY Pitched at a very low level of personnel problem -involving Jim Patton, Department Foreman; John Roberts, Shift Foreman, George Jackson; Shift Worker, and a personality clash between an older skilled mbrker and Roberto. The general idea being tc identity the problem and to give the time dimension in it the various actions, if there should be actions, take place. A good middle management case since'saveral.:tevels of supervision are involved but the setting would require a lot of adjustment,tod,on the part of our tap axecutivee. A1111-NgSf9JERROT . A salad executive mereting involving the major naorganization- vi cf, of the Eastern sales region and personnel reassignments involved in regional and district offices. This one may, have come applicability. 04 Zhg! ?-???? 8.4 /b4 ??4 good a. k 25X1A9a A 4120-lakeL18 Ch*4 4ie gf Rash actiot on the part of the bank whiA.1 had to be judged by FCC At t later datein connection wdth licenrw to operate a recii. broadcasting alatem.. Gets at the bosInes6 of testing the validity of asegimptions before) taking actiorn, Not advised. POS.Pt1 1:4011*4)1ta... 0;40411Y Induetrial relations problem involving, several layer@ of management but uhich could perhaps be to close4 duplicated in our own printing cervices ditwisiOn to create too mu& interest on the part of the top braes. Approved For Relea e 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP78-06365A000500050003-0 4 Approved For Release 1999/09/26: CIA-RDP78-06365A000500050003-0 I, Belmont-White Company Involves forecast of sales and inventory requirements to improve factory schedules, financial planning and the like. Through the medium of an ad hoc group reporting to the president through an operating committee. Again the emphasis is on the time frame. What would you say or do during the next minute, next 24 hours, the next week or two. This one has possibilities. Bomber Raid Over the Rujir Involves a new gunner, green to combat, who approached the bombing of Germany as a personal thing taking along private bricks to throw at the Nazis to the disruptiU of the crew. Not advised. Brockway Machinery Company 'fp Involves a personnel counseling program at a machinery company. Form is that of an interview between the counselor and employee wherein the employee violently states his'grievances and what is wrong with the company. Seams to be law level for our group. 2Q19-1111-kMaTa: e, Involves the decision of establishing a central stenographic pool. Probably too low level a problem for our group. on ajtsri_As e. Involves the director of research and pet:sonnel. Clash between two scientists. Probably an excellent ease for ResearchEuit Le and Might Might very well do. colibrcp*' 1394E, C4aVitnY Involves a detailed study of one manufacturing plant where turnover and absenteeism were at a high level and a comprehensive study involving relationships between plant and home office, management personnel, factory personnel, placement, transfer, and incentives is undertaken. The situation is one resulting from rapid expansion and over-promotion. The context is so completely industrial that a considerable adjustment would Approved For Release, 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP78-06365AG50500050003-0 Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP78-06365A000500050003-0 3 would be required to transfer the situation to the Agency and maybe our group would refuse. If this mental adjustment could be made, the case has possibilities. g2.1.12111-9-9.11 A good one involving the overconscientious foreman where conscientious scruples begin to interfere with his value as a leader. An excellent case now used by-Aanagement Training but again one requiring quite *NW imaginative approach by the class. Recommended. ?vry r e ' atruttaLlmmy A high level case with same unfortunate old dates in it, involving in the final analysis a pereonnel ptoblem employee who possessed considerable leadership ability unfortunately channeled against the corporation. Has possibilities. Pubmaa_22mpta A sort of a used in Management Training involving staff and line relationships and the basic assumption of high-ranking staff officiale that the line is just waiting with open arms for suggestions from the staff as to what they should do.4necormended. 6 piiiewirage_EL._2sgt Narrates the etory of how an assistant to the president gradually gets to be left out of the industrial relations picture by resistance to his suggestions on the part of the foreman of the Maintainance Department, a key factory line official. Pi-obably too industrial although it does dramatize the difficult position of the "assistant to." Doctor' IL 040 m A Morava' scruples of a medical student who discovers evidence of oheatins on the part of the fellow student; serious enough to raise question as to the suitability to be doctors, and his efforts to get faculty action. Net recommended. Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP78-06365A000500050003-0 Tr Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP78-06365A000500050003-0 4 John Edwards Involves the appointment of ,a division chief in the Purchasing Department which is protested by three other men in the division and a review of the appointment action including the records of the three protestors. Could be stretched to get at the specialist versus generalist conflict. The organizational level is not the top level but the case does have possibilities. Field Pub11 ehing. Company Involves the lack of receptivity of the employees of an old and well-established printingplant to time and cost studies to increase productivity. Not recommended. Involves a handicappedl)erson'and the involvement of the company in his emergencies. Not advised Iff? 210mILIAlmuLa_colsony Changes to a long establieheepolicy of personalized and lenient handling of accounts. Leads to basic disagreement between two key employees and the general manager. Not recommended. Lorien_g_mally A rather comprehensive look at the operations of a small manufacturing concern involving technical skills and social groups, supervisory organization, the introduction of a new foundry manager, problems among the Skilled workers. It appears tic) have little application. e egzats_p_gasgaz Deals with the problewe of telephone Company which laOrganized into fire departmentt with friction developing between the department heads over each others duties and the way in which these duties were being carried out. The level of management involved is a bit higher and probably the case could be used. Approved For Release 1)999/09/26 : CIA-RDP78-06365n30500050003-0 r 1\1 Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP78-06365A000500050003-0 Hampton Shipyard Describes the trials and tribulations of the general superintendent of a large Shipyard who used the device of a roving committee of supervisors and foreman to check up on the way things were going in hia large and scattered domain. Emphasizes discipline. The union labels these tactics as similar to the Gestapo and develops a much more efficient organization to counteract it. Not recommended. Hinton's Tool & Dye ComPallY A small fsmi3y-type manufacturing business runs into difficulties with its telephone operators who proceed to reary mess things up by messing up the switchboard at each other, leaving the management to make the ill-advised remark that the executives of this company decide who is going to have what job, not the employees This case might be an interlude, and might even*disabuse same of our awn top officials who retain this quaint idea. Industrial Chemicals,_ Inc. A very comprehensive ease set 'at an organization level which Would probably be of interest. LWoduction gives the setting .including the competitive situation, the organization of research , and development including policies that had been developed on committees. N right of appeals information channels, and cooperation and the general ------pieture of atmosphere and emplqyee morale. Then follows a series of seven special case each dealing with a problem in human relations and ,managerial assumptione:. This a very comprehensive view of adsdnistrative problems and might well serve the purpose of wrap up. If our people could be persuaded to become interested in it since the setting is a bit remote. Wilapp COMMIT Involves a mall independent oil company and the supervision of teohnical crewman., Other reports by student A and student B on the organizational and other changes which they would introduce. Not recommended. ' Liwomipt j4ao1ine Works Deals with the problem of integrating overseas and domestic operations with the problem of merger as the occasion for change. EmOhasisee personnel implications. Could be used. Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP78-06365A000500050003-0 Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP78-06365A000500050003-0 Liddick Company The method of treatment here is rather unusual coming in the form of a letter to the Harvard Business School Dean, a rather comprehensive letter from a former student which gives in great detail the reasons why he had resigned from the Liddick Company after a short term of office. The report is quite typical of the younger man's view of the organization from where ne stands and might be useful. Lincoln Electric Company The story of a C1eve1ai4 engineer with a manla for incentive pay and employee participatipn in managemeni and earnings of the corporation except for a slightly sour note sounded by the Internal Revenue Service and the Department or the Navy. This case which is in two parts is an interesting 8te0y in per,icipative manarement and might induce speculation ,on phiJosophy ane attitude. Its lindtation is in AWN* heavy prof:It orientation. leillDE2114290UX The problem of .a amall-textile.manuracturer when racial and national tensions irise in its force of multi-national female operators because of Wixr. Not recommended. Describes the problem of employee utilization, in a production unit of an aircraft factory. Not recommended diIe'to limited scope. Marshall Company Similar to Industrial Chemicals in that it is very c,omprehensive, beginning with introductory statement of the situation and then a series of three cases dealing moetly with industrial relations problems. Manages to bring in all the various aspects of organization growth and complexities although frameit completely in the industrial context of a large and real paper mill. Approved For Releas0,999/09/26 : CIA-RDP78-06365A090500050003-0 Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP78-06365A000600050003-0 - 7 - Martin Company Describes the efforts of the- ,Jeneral manager of a.larae textile manufacturing firm to cope with the deMoralization of the clerical force in a wartime situation. ifJ.he adjustment can be made to the context, considerable concludions can be reached regarding human motivations,_ attitudes andresponses in the workinp situation. Marginal. Jim McFee Deals with the experiences of a veteran who becomes a production worker in a Detroit automobile factory after having been an officer in the Navy. He is approached by the union to become a union official and in the process reacts to management policies. Would appear to stress industrial and job relation problems of management. Not recommended. - Meon Cony The organizationlevel is gone here being set at the president of a larke manufacturing concern level. But the problem deals with the attention of a new member toNis staff to head a new personnel research department to deal largely with matters of technical concern such as wage and salary, organizational "structure, and the like. Might be helpful to secure an evaluation of the administrative capacities of the various individuals involved but the area is a staff one which would perhaps not be of major interest. Marginal. CamL-ati_.onur Good organizational level involving the controversial appointment to the presidency of a large public utility holding and operating company disrupting the morale of the senior personnel. The strengths and weaknesses from a management standpoint of the various contenders are discuased. This might be a good one. Approved For Releas_e)1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP78-063600500050003-0 ? Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP78-06365A000500050003-0 National Elevator ComosAY A case in three parts dealing wdth a middle management problem and a highly Skilled technician whose first-line supervisor would not entertain a request for transfer from one area to another because of personnel reasons. The case involves the regional managers, his special assistant, the president of the local union, and the job foreman. This one has possibilities. Ontario Manufacturing_Company A labor relations caee involving special leave privileges wherein it seems to the line supervisor that .the situation involved not only the individual but the company ys relations with the union. Excerpts from the labor contract are in'bluded. The foreman refers the case to higher authority, and this in0;ance, the assistant general manager. The management dilemna is a bOic one, namely, how much exception from the rules can be permitted in a highly structured work situation involving production. Marginal. 10. Pan American Steel Company Describes what may be a fairly common situation in private industry where the on of the president of the company, in this case pOssessing considerable ability and intelligence has gone into the father's factory and been given the voriety of assigreents which he performs capably but has not been fitted:intekthe organization, which is dominated by the old man. The son'relateaan instance of how his father operates. There are parallel's in the government perhaps not on a blood relationship basis but it would appear doubtful that an agency group would make this parallel. Marginal. arly A first-line supervisory problem involving censure by the general office manager of tht supervisor of the order division who is allowing his employees td take advantage of the work-privileges. Not advised. Porter Manufacturing Company The expected increase in production in a new manufacturing plant, added to three already operated by the company does not take place and top management begins to question the ability of the plant superintendent to handle the job. He is replaced over the pretests of Approved For Releari999/09/26 : CIA-RDP78-06365A000500050003-0 Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP78-06365A000500050003-0 - 9 - the foreman Froup. The case inVOlves the appraisal of why the results did not come up to expectations and the wisdom of the president in taking the step which he did take. Possible use. Postal Retail Company A two-part case Involving the management of regional warehouses of a mail order company and the analysis of the situation presented by a young, newly employed junior management assistant in the Inspection Department. The results of assigniw.! 'this indivdual to a line position to correct the. deficiencies he had noted from part 2 of til,e -.;ase.with stress placed on the interplay between the various personnel and middle management level. The case requires an explanation of the schedule system in the mail order business and appears to have limitations because of the amount of business detail entering into it. Not recommended. Prometheus !kine Stresses accident and Safety 'prf.,gram administration and the relationships between management and skilled technician in a hazardous work situation. Not recommended. Providence City Bank ? Relates the dissatisfaction of the vice-president with one of his division managers who has a long and satisfactory .record of service. Describes the manner in which the yice-president-moves in on the situation. Case hits possibilities. Ripton Company Describes the situation whereby an auditor from the general office of a manufacturing concern reviewed the records and personnel of each district office of the distributing organization These reports resulted in- establishing the expenditure level, the separation of unsatisfactory personnel and the like. Place emphasis on the separation of one particular individual and the manner in which this reflects on the program, the local office manager, the auditor, and company policy in general. It is difficult to relate it to the more humane and rigid government situation. Not recommended. , ? Approved For Release 4. 99/09/26 : CIA-RDP78-06365AT00050003-0 Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP78-06365A000500050003-0 Rockville Quartermaster Depot Describes the personnel and organizational problems in manning a depot where a new commanding officer believed that personnel were not effective and better organization was essential. A young management expert is brought in from another depot, who succeeded only in disrupting things and antagonizing the work force. The case is set at a law organization level and is too close to our awn logistics depot situation. Not recommended. James Short A dialogue between a Management consultant and a friend, executive vice-president of a corporation who is about to leave the corporation for a second time due to dissatisfaction with personnel policies and with the crotchety old presidtnt. Not appropriate. Stubton Coorany The situation in a shoe manufacturing company involving demands by the workers for change in the pay basis and in staffing arrangements were violently resisted by the firgt-line supervisors and straw bosses. Too law an organizational level and,, too much a production problem. Not recommended. AtXUMNSPOLAISEULILABt The Director, of the-Bank through the president asks the vice-president in charge of the credit department to check up on a young man in whom the director's daughter has become interested. Not recommended. auverior Slate Quarry An industrial relations problem involving Yankee, Irish and Welsh work groups and the suspicions and distrust of each other which was interfering with production despite wage increases. Contains two appendices on the technology of elate. The case would probably be interesting from the standpoint of informal organization and the use by management of solutions such as wage increases which really had nothing to do with the problem. However, it would appear difficult to interest the class in it. Approved For Release /09/26 : CIA-RDP78-06365A000050003-0 ? Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP78-06365A000500050003-0 Tr - ? Sussex Oil Comically A breakdown in morale oL.eurs in the regional division of a company where top management believed in maximuM delegation to the district managers and compiled with the recoimnendations of the district managers except in one ease where they forced him to move the distriet office from the central downtown location to a building at the storage terminal in order to reduce costs might have some application. Universal American Corporation Top management becomes interested in future developments in labor relations and asks the geographical divisions to submit- a memorandum on grievances troubling employees in their divisions. The reault, or course, is a series of lists ranging from long itemized lists to brief statements that there were nogrievancee. Despite the labor relations context this is a rather intelfesting approach if no more than to ponder on what top managementis going to do with these lists. Recommended. Vande cook Chain Stores jem. An outsider brought in to the kesidency to the company sets up a task force to study the operations of the real estate department headed by an old timer. Case also contains excerpts from student examination papers. There is no detAil on the real estate department and examination of the case is limited to the approach taken by the new president. Recommended. Imailtutintilmanx Friction develops between the vice president ,in charge of manufacturing and a newly appointed and ten years younger production superintendent despite the fact that the VP had recommended the younger man's appointment to the job. The preeident of the firm calls in a management consultant in answer to the vice-president's complaint and requests that the superintendent should be removed. Case limited to bare facts necessary for management 'eonsultant to make his repoit. Recommended. Amando Vitale Production supervisor refers to the production superintendent the case of one of his employees who is jumping out of channels in his attempt to get into production control with his main qualification that of his Wets insistence that he get as good a job as her brothers. Not reCommended. Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP78-06365t500500050003-0 Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP78-06365A000500050003-0 - 12 - 141.ittier School Parent Teacher Aisociation Boy Scout Troop 3 gets into difficulty in an election for senior patrol leader, presenting difficl4ties to the scout master and one of parents. Not recommended. , Wort.hY muta0.121UEUIESS-22MOITIT Employees grievance against supervisor is taken to theunion steward and blows up into a full-dress review involvAng efficiency reports and several middle management? levels. Not reconnended. Zebra National Bank A top management situation -involving the review of the performance of the various vice-presidentl and organization .of the bank. Recommended. 14. _ 4 Approved For Relea41999/09/26 : CIA-RDP78-063600500050003-0