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Approved For Rebase 1999/09/26: CIA-RDP78-06.05A000500051000 Aside from the costs above there will be a cast per man of approximately $5.25 for the thirty-five cases I hope to use, of $2.25 for fifteen reprints, and of $5.00 for one book each. This totals $12.50 per man, and the actual cost will be within one or two dollars higher or lower of thmt figure. The participant enrollment shoul4 be at least thirty, and ten arty, would not detract from the gain to the individual. Many forty, or fewer than twenty-five, would reduce the effectiveness cussion eessioos to its participants. am delighted to learn that Red and others would, be willing to come up here to give me orientation on the management problems they face. It would be invaluable tome, not merely as general background, but of ate utility in selecting the cases for the program. I can most ie available between now and May 10 by which date I shall be whollY rged until after June 10. Often I can free an afternoon from one to vel or an occasional morning from nine to one. Ask them to choose three four of theee as they best fit their schedules. I will adapt all of I can and propose alternatives for those I can't, then we'll be in iness. There nay be eimilar dates, if necessary, in the latter half Awe, but I hope to use that for a bit of change Of pace for I'll need it. As to future dates I shall hold in mind possible two week stretches ch or end of October, 1961, though Ramo Woolridge - displaced for this r - still has a seco:d choice for the March, 1961 period. It is my do not choose that, but the earlier January-labruary, 1961 period. I have filled oat one clearance paper in pencil. The second one, d looks so much better that if you vill send ne a second blank I would fer to send both to you typed. I must add that, as I strove to be pre- e sbout thepast I was eempelled to place an occasional question maft t ea approxim:te date, certain persons'titles, and even to offer a in place of men's names for whom I worked. (Quick! Who was the boss bows you worked for during June, 1916?) Will I be put in durance this? In closing, I'm pleased to learn that Red is ple ed for, as you th4nk he holds an enormemsly important post and I am? eager to have employed in whatever ways promise to help clear his path somewhat vms a3s0 a pleasure to cross paths with someone who, like yourself, d for the saddle horn and wakened with a cactus apple in his Womiog, Arisonia, mama cows and brats' mamas in their way hold the interests Special Commission does now. 255( 1 A5a1 With best regards jogoe IN CLAEMOVDE DAT ApprOvIFAVaffel= RUT MASS d EDI CX:',311D. _rox NO. Sincere y /1/ !!!..1111MARIRO.j_NO CHANGE D TO: TS S C RET. JUSTaZ TIff A, I 10,7 AUTH: HR 70-J Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP78-06365A000500050007-6 MISSING PAGE ORIGINAL DOCUMENT MISSING PAGE(S): A/etd...? --)14, 44144o Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP78-06365A000500050007-6