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Approved For Rele a I 99 ' 11 -RB 0636'5'A000500050009-4 THE BACK-OF-THE-NECK CLUB ALPH& FLD NO.._. DO C. NO.-!t--N0 CHANGE 'DEL TO. `TS S C RBI'.T ST... NEXT REV URiLv }_.t- v ,- ...,g-a--tt C3i Cx Dear No. PGS_ L__CREATION LATE O.3.. c C:OMP4i_OP1 LI REV CLASSi.J.-REV COOR'D._AUTH: H'R 73-3 25X1A5a1 Grand Can Master Matt Baird reminded me the other day that Master of the Mirrors asked us to provide some of the old feedback after about a month following the end of our conference. Matt and I are faced with a bit of a problem. To begin with, we want to 25X1A5a1 know - both for benefit and ours - exa t what your evaluation of the conference is - no holds barred. That's clear enough, I guess, but we also need to know the answers to a few specific questions and we don't want to confront you with a long, highly-structured form complete with spaces yearning to be filled with check marks. As a result, we have decided upon a compromise, and we'll warn you now that we may have to come back for additional information if this approach doesn't produce helpful results. Our specific questions are these: 1. Should the conference be conducted again for another group? Explain, please. 2. Should the composition of another group be changed? In what specific ways? Should the substance and/or method be changed? In what specific ways' 4. What specific improvements would you suggest in the administrative handling of the conference? Can you cite any concrete, specific, short-range advantages or values accruing to you as a result of the conference? At this point in time, what benefits, if any, of long-range value do you feel you gained from the conference? 7. In what ways can OTR (and specifically the Management Training 25X1A5a1 Faculty) further the effort commenced by Believe me, Brother Alphas, we can think of a lot more questions, but we'd prefer that you carry on from here in your own inimitable ways. Remember that if training - of .any type - doesn't help the participants, there isn't much point to it. Furthermore, if the assistance is of marginal utility, it can probably be provided in other ways. On the other hand, training that is valuable and helpful to a significant degree should be so classified in order that it may be continued. We'd like to have your written opinions on these matters by Friday, Q Pooembor. PIPsee Pend t..hA comments to me at 2104 Alcott. Many thanks, Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP78-06365A000500050009-4