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Publication Date: 
October 17, 1960
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A bag giba CIA-RDP78-0 365A000500050012-0 25X1A9a 25X1A8 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 25X1A9a .integrii integrated prior to individual, class/rice SENIOR MANAGEMENT SEMINAR - DIRECTOR'S MEETING 17 October 1960 1. Mr. Baird indicated that the purpose of the meeting was to arrive at some tentative conclusions, admittedly early in the game, concerning the value of the Seminar to the participants. 2.1111lopened the discussion by stating that, as a man coming to the Seminar almost directly from an overseas station, he found that the coverage so far reflected a direct parallel with problems overseas. BC also felt that the principles of marmsgesent were the same in the cases we have studied and in the actual situations with d which he is familiar and that failure to observe these principles produces the same unfortunate results. He also cited the value of an f.9 su intellectual exercise free of the day-to-dayproblems of the job. 3. Mr. Dulles asked if could be more precise in describing specific ways in Which the Seminar would be of help on job. ( 0 ) 4. responded that the points which came ismediately mind were the dangers inherent in failure to commit time to training; hasty decisions; weak communications, both upward and downward; poor timing in both plalmalasg and action, and too much attention and pressu in the sphere of one's own office with the resulting failure to pay attention to the other messbers of the team. 5. Mr. Dulles cited the problem of heavy cable traffic and the r4W resultant demands on his time, and wondered whether anything in the Sns Seminar had given anyone a lead as to how to get people to concentrate on essentials and reduce the amount of writing which they do. He stated, "I'll almost always read two pages." Mr. Baird asked to reply to this one and reminisced a bit about one White's remarks in the Agency Management Course to the effect that one should spend the Government's dollars as if they were one's own. continued with some generalities about the value of attention to such as organisation, leadership, morale, etc., etc. Mr. Dulles then posed another of his problems to wit, extensive use of cryptonymns. said that he thought we were making progress on this. Atter a short amount of by-play, this subject was discontinued. 6. Mr. Baird directed a questianto Din Carey, asking whether we should put on this course agein and if so, wham would he, Mr. Carey, send. Mr. Carey answered that he has learned a lot about rationalization; that he has tremendous pride in 00, and that he now knows we have a lot of brains elsewhere in the Agency. Mr. Carey said that if Mr. Dulles would authorise a new ceiling and permit him to proselyte, Mr. Carey GINALCLBY 061750 EXTSYNO YRSB?14 AEASON 3 d (a) 19D9/09/26 : CIACONT0DEgaouu050012-0 cL) ,nt part of classified vldual classifica Approved For ReleaStr 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP78-0636=000500050012-0 err. 25X1A5a1 25X1A5a1 25X1A5a1 25X1A5a1 25X1*5a1 25X1A5a1 25X1A9a 25X1A5a1 25X1A9a 25X1A9a would gt busy right now. On the serious side, W. Carey sail he would like to come down agein himself and that the greatest value to him so far has been setting to know the people whom he never bad a Chance to meet even though he had talked with many of them on the phone. Mr. Dulles said, in essence, that we don't used a Harvard profeseor to accomplish thia and then asked whether had any ideas about bow we could get our job done with 10% 7. Ite. Baird called onitr. Garrison for a few remarks and Mr. Garrison said that be thought the course was worthmbile having given him added know-bow and, particularly, insights into reletionships, responsibilities and the way in which we actual:n=4k. Mr. Garrison commented favorably won the case method and complimented Professor 1.11 Mas a teacher. Mr. Garrison also enthusiastically endorsed the "back of the neck" idea. 8. Mr. Dulles asked if we were going to get ideas that might lead to a major reorganisation. Mr. Baird said tt inhis opinion won't give us any answers but that it is possible -flisTiliTs7A5irlarthis sort might came from members of the Seminar as a result of the thireeing vhicb has made them do. Colonel white endorsed this position, saying that we night well get idess from the group but not directly from because this is not that kind of a course. CCLenellibits vent on to mention the briefings which had been given to and the latter's reaction to them. 9. commented that emphasis is on waking the orgenisation that you have work in theStiMy that you want it to. believed that this part of the course has oome through most strongly. Hence, the direct value of the course in terms of effect upon job performance is difficult to estimate or describe. However, there is a great value in the examination of principles and underlying attitudes. 10. Colonel White commented that, in his opinion, there i. no way to reduce the management art to a check-list, for just as soon as something begins to take shape, along vill come a situation that knocks everything to bell. The primary aim is thinking, along sound lines and not acting in a "canned" fashion. U. endorsed the -value of association with other managers away from the pressures of work and said that be tbousht the value of the Seminar so far lay in the *trees on ability-to meet change properly; the careful study of alternatives, and the oeneitivity to proper timing. He tied these observations to the Agency by noting that we are constantly facing the used to change direction and emphasis 2 Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-R 000500050012-0 Approved For Releas-6 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP78-06365=00500050012-0 25X1A9a 25X1A9a ' 25X1A5a1 25X1A5a1 25X1A5a1 25X1A5a1 25X1A9a 25X1A5a1 25X1A9a et priorities. Madly he pointed out OS triuing in the 'ease of samples set by deciaio 12 said that he believed he bad profited frau additional inatht into problems which will probe:W.7 confront him in his new assignment. He was particulsrly impressed with tbe attention given to the fact that there is no pat answer to any given situation. He also cited as valuable the cross-fertilisation aldose which comes frau close association among individuals who -work in different parts of the organisation. 13. said that he was struck by the parallels between the cas s and Agency situations, particularly in terms of underlying causes. He felt that all that was necesearywas to change the nes and the cases could eacilyheme cams out of our organisation. Mr. Dulles brought up the question of personnel intake philoftlityand asked whether we are on the right track. This point did not engender any significant discussion. 14. Mt. Baird commented that baa been impressed with the caliber of the group. In response to Mr Dulles' question (facetious) regerding what other groups bas worked with, Mt. Baird described the kinds of people who attend the AMP at Harvard. Mt. Dulles replied that had told him that he was impressed with both the abiliti and the sincerity of the group. 15. Mr Borel, a graduate of the Harvard Business School some years aso, said that he has r000gnised certain changes in emphasis and that he approves of the attention devoted to problemi of inter-personal relationships. He said he felt that one of our greatest needs is that a thinking ahead in an effort to influence the fUture rather than sieply reacting to events. Mt. Sorel said he would be very happy to send a Division Chief to the course if it were held agein. Be said he would take away from the Seminar an understanding of the importance of communication in all directions; the on-the-Job training aspect of every decision that one makes, the value of letting someone else male the decision and learn theregam, and the valve of more listening and less talking. 16. 111111111commente4 that he was intrigued b1 by particular y, ' by-the way he summarises and repeats in an at the heart of a matter. IIIIIIIIIIalso said that he believed the basis of good administration is good human relations. 17. Mr. Dulles commented at some length on our need to keep of the things that axe apt to become critical and the difficulty of 3 Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP78-06365A000500050012-0 Approved For Releale 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP78-06365A000500050012-0 25X1A9a 25X1A5a1 25X1A9a ,25X1A9a iie we are so deeply occupied with thet is al said that be believed that no majo reo way and that be is inclined against any setjo or eU3thiation of function. Be cited three problems which need on: (1) cable routing, (2) the fact that those engaged in one tend to forget the intelligence aspect once au ectivity operational and (3) the tact that good security is desirable not achieved exclusively by withholding information that should eminated. ? indicated that be fOund the informal association personnel quite valuable; that the cave method is shoull be made more specifically appropriate to our believed administration and management to be two or skills. Be stated that in the clandestine servioess leinagement is re cools* than In an of the cases on which ye have worked and that whatMIMts aPPerently advocating is fairly commonplace administration involving an efirProach requiring time which we do not have. 19. Colonel White suggested the possibility of eh participant's vztttng a caee from his own experience. These cases could than be esed as the basis for a course like the one we are now mimed in. said that this idea appealed to him and if the were more sp.eiftoally tailored to our needs and the interests fUture student* were wafficiently coincident, the effect would probably be good) however, felt that there are inevitabl,y too many pressures to permEt7hii-d-ily at this time that be definitely would be able to send anyone to a subsequent course. 21. Mr. Dulles Suggested that a ?reunion" of the participants at some indefinite date in the future eight produce some valuable observations, appraisals, ideas, etc. Be returned to an earlier point, clooletes that we have a tesilency to be "misers" with information, holding on to what we have for so long that when it is possible to release it no one is any longer interested, being &named whall in new affnirs of the moment. 22. Mr. Baird said that he would. liketo 3ave the Gerona's office =wider assisting an esverienced man of Training itr about a year to dredge IQp ms,terial and pector the Office, writ. cases. 23. Colonel White said in essence that we are all administrators but either don't %now it or doe't like to admit it. He wondered whether this idea had rubbed off on any of the Seminar participants. 25X1A9a There was a scattered chorus of yeses, aided by "Donned rieht." k Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP78-06365A000500050012-0 Approved For Relean 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP78-063651A000500050012-0 LOKIDENTIAL 24. Mr. Dulles inserted the problem of close supervision in an effort to p.vsnt unfortunate incidents such as those which have happened to other organizations in the recent past. Some loose discussion WEIS held on this point with Mr. Dulles emphasizing the apparent paradox between the organisational requirement and the necessity for avoiding overt involvement in the private affairs of people. He also stated, citing the illustration of our new building, that the human problems are important. 25. Mr. Baird stated that a man NAIAD spend 60% at his time on mama netters is inevitably neglecting operational responsibilities and asked Whether we were ready to !hoe this problem. Apparently we arenot for there VSS very little discussion on the point. 26. The meeting broke up in a flurry of scotch as Mr. Mulles departed in the dark of night, several deer having been Cleared frau the runway befbrehand. Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP