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(P) A roved For Releastr1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP78-06365*000500050013-9, 7r.q' MOFLD _ :=0C. NO. /2_ NO CHANGE TN CLASS /DIX, ? TS S C BET. JUST2.2._ NEXT REV D TEC. F DAT 1.1 NO. PGS_a_CrEATIOil G COMPR__ OPLLLORG CLAS REV CLASS_E_g REV COORD. AUTH: HR 70-3 DTA 4270/08 - l AND 20 OCTOSIIS 1960 xe. Bard met with the Seminar participants in three separate sessions, talking to the DZ, Dra and DOS groups separately. The purpose of these meeting, was to get a preliminary estimate of the willinipmess or the groupa 25X1A5a1 to endorse further exploitation of and the case method. SMART QV DDP COMSTO 25X1A5a1 25X1A5a1 services. There was egreement that himself is an outstanding Mere was approximately majority assent that the Agency needs and an artist in the use of the case method. There was a protracted 25X1A5a1 discussion on the question of whether the industrial cases which uses could be replaced by Agency cages without damaging the effectiveness of the Seminar. Mere were two distinct viewpoints. One of them WM that the primary value of cases lies in the requirement that the student derive Several theoretical points from the specifics of the case and make his own application, if Any, to his present job. Therefore,replacing the present cases with Agency cases would not necessarily accomplish anything that is not now being accomplished. Strthermore, the adherents or this viewpoint felt that Agency cases might produee an unwanted effect in that the participants In discussion would find it extremely difficult to move intellectually from the specifics of an intriguing case to the level of theory. The opposing viewpoint is based on the idea that the Agency has a sufficient number of relatively sell-defined problems which could be put into the form of cases which would then encourage the intellectual and emotional involvement or the participants to a greater degree than at present. The first viewpoint, on the other hood, emphasises the 1344 value of detachment and non-involvement. 25X1A5a1 There was a suggestion that we might try to have conduct die- 25X1A5a1 cussions of Agency cases, thus preserving the value of as a teacher and focusing attention directly on Agency matters. This idea was not given very strong support. Apparently most of the participants believed that one 25X1A5a1 or the critical factors in performance is his intimate knowledge of the ease material with-which be is working, a factor which would not be present if he were to try to handle an Agency ease. The question of whether the length of the present course is adequate for the job to be done was answered, in the affirmative. A suggestion that it might be compressed to allow for the discussion of some Agency cases was not generally accepted. The most clearly defined suggestion was that we sponsor a two-week 25X1A5a1 course conducted by who would hold two case sessions in the mornings, one ease being industrial in nature and one being a typical Agency case, and 25X1A5a1 would leave the afternoons free for aill.MMr discussion of current problems of an Agency-wide nature, such as the career service, promotion policy, retirement palmy, etc. Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP78-06365A000500050013-9 -MOO, Approved For Releaff 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP78-06365A000500050013-9 There was general agreement that the participants In future Seminars Should represent the major seements of the Agency in approximately equal proportion. If the suggestion in the preceding paragre0h ger, to be adopted, the afternoon sessions would have to be built in such a Ivey that only those PenPln 10130 are directly concerned with and interested in a particular problem would discuss it. There was a brief exchange concerning the possibility of using 25X1A5a1 as a consultant as well as a case discussion leader. This was not strongly supported, apparently because most of the group felt that it might 25X1A5a1 take an inordinate amount of time to =eke knowledgeable enough about our problems to be able to provide expert advice. Mr. Baird made the suggestion that we could hold meetings (conducted by Avner personnel) devoted to problems of mutual concern to two or more eomponents. As an example he stated that OTB and the Office of Personnel *debt well get together to work out some of the pussling problems involved in the JOT Program. This idea brought forth two additional ones. One member of the group suggested that various elements within the BOP attempt to come to grips with the problems involved in running a geogrwhien117 decentralised organisation in which frequent face to face meeting' are qui** impracticsl in most instances. Another member of the group suggested that the problem of managing research and development activities woUld, be tackled by several elements within the BOP as well as several in the MO1 and MOS. 25X1A5a1 The overall impression left by the discussion among the DOP members was that the present Seminar is valuable; is of the right length; is worth doing again for other officials of the Agency!, and that we should give quite a bit of thought to trying to use at least a few Agency cases, as an experiment if nothing else. mom or mgpm COMMITS This group give the same impressions as the BOP group did and was more willing to endorse the course as it stands now. There was agreement that the course is valuable from the standpoint of helping the participants to analyse concepts, develop principles and to think constructively about the business of management. The length of the course was accepted and a suggestion that it be lengthened to three weeks was not given strong support. The question of whether Agency cases might be more appropriate than the present ones was answered in the negative the value of detachment and Objectivity characteristic of this two weeks' ;sort being particularly stressed. There wes one suggestion to the effect that we might be trying to relate material to our own problems too quickly. The =Mbar who made this remark felt that the effects of a course of this nature are long range rather than abort sense and was of the opinion that we have plenty of people who can profit from the course as it now stands. 2 Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP78-06365A000500050013-9 Approved For Releaff 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP78-06365A000500050013-9 On the question of whether the can group discussion would:be more or less productive if can group members were all from the mime general component, the members agreed vigproumly that the opportunity for cross- fertilisation is one of the greatest values of the Seminar. The Samerel 25X1A5a1 impression left by this group was Unit they endorsed heertily course; they have quite s. few associates mho could, profit by the course; that the course should, be aimed at people who are being groomed for super grade responsibilities and for slot-bound 00-13's with five to tan years of service ahead of them. 25X1A5a1 25X1A5a1 ??????? =IMAM OF DOS COMMENTS Mr. laird summarised the major observations from the two preceding groups and asked whether the DOS participants felt the sane or differently. The group reaction vas that the DDI and BOP groups had assessed accurately the value of the present Seminar. There appeared to be general agreenent that the Seminar should rely on industrial cases rather than Agency eases; that more outside reeding could:be Absorbed by the participants, and that is an outstanding teacher.. There was also aereement thmt there are quite a few other people in the DOS Who coed derive some benefit from course.. (The difference in length of the foregoing paragraphs Is accounted for by the feet that all three groups were swing essentially the sane thim46 and there appears to be no purpose served by fUrther repetition in this report.) 3 Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP78-06365A000500050013-9