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Publication Date:
October 4, 1967
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Fifth Meeting
4 October 1967
'25X1 A9a
1. The Chairman, Mr. called the
meeting to order at 1400 hours. Present were Mr.
from DDS offices, and noted that not too much progress had
been made during the summer months, with the exception of O
vice The Board reviewed Quarterly Reports
one office.
a. Mr. pointed out that the first part .?pji w
of the Comoro history had been completed and that
Mr. - was working on the second part, which would
run up until 1951. After completion of this part, he
will be unavailable, and Mr. feels that they
will have to get another contractor.
b. Mr. - reported little progress in the
Office of Training, although there has been a con-
siderable amount of research accomplished. He is
retiring in May 1968, but hopes to give full time to
organizing the Training histories between now and then.
c. Mr. who is taking the place
of Mr. as the Office of Security member
on the Board, reported that he was having a very hard
time getting people to write and, as in the case of
Commo, the office has a large number of technical per-
sonnel who are not writers. It is very hard to sepa-
rate higher level administrative personnel from their
daily duties for writing purposes. He feels that the
early history of Security will have to be written
under contract, but he thinks that from 1953 on, the
history can be written in house.
2. There was a good deal of discussion in regard to
the problems inherent to the historical program. Most of
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this boiled down to the difficulty in finding people who
have the time to write in addition to other duties.
Mr. said that at present in the three Directorates --
DDI, DDS and DDS&T -- there were only five people under con-
tract, and that he had no objection to hiring additional
independent contractors, although the number should be held
to a minimum.
3. Messrs. suggested greater use
of debriefings. There are many knowledgeable persons in DDS
who will retire within the next year or so and possibly have
neither the time nor the inclination to write histories.
However, if they can be debriefed on tapes, it would be a
great step forward. The text can be corrected by later re-
4. Mr.- brought up the question of completion
dates and pointed out that they were unrealistic. No office
will meet the original October date. Obviously, the com-
pletion dates will have to be moved ahead, but no formal
action was taken to establish new dates.
5. Mr.
Report form use
passed around a sample of the Quarterly
by DDS&T and everyone agreed that this
would be a help.
Mr. iiiwi will modify it slightly for use
in the Support Services.
6. Mr. spoke for a few minutes on Professor
w o will shortly come on duty as a con-
sultant for a one-;year period to advise on the various his-
torical programs. He said that as of the moment, he did
not know what Professor approach would be, but he
hoped this would be clarified in the next week or so.
25X1A9a 7. Mr. - said a few words about coordination
with DDP. He felt it was essential that this be improved,
and that when papers are written in regard to support for
25X1A6a etc., they should be
closely coordinated with the appropriate DDP personnel. In
a number of cases, DDP may want copies of these papers to
attach as annexes to their own histories. He suggested that
25X1A9a it would be beneficial if all writers stopped in to see him
and Mr. has a vast number of index
cards which would be of value to the writers, and they can
also be put in touch with the appropriate people in the
Clandestine Services.
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25X1 A9a
8. Mr suggested that in the Catalog of
Histories being maintained in the office of the DDS, there
should be a short, one-page summary of each paper which
would briefly describe the contents, give the name of the
author, etc. This was agreed to. In addition, two copies
of the final approved manuscript should be forwarded to the
Board Chairman, who will have it bound in blue covers. One
copy will be returned to the originating office; the other
will be held by the DD/S.
25X1A9a 9. Mr. suggested that there should be a
change in the proposed numbering system. Originally, he
had arbitrarily assigned numbers to the proposed papers in
the various office programs. This will be changed. Papers
of each office will be numbered chronologically. In other
words, the first paper of the Office of Logistics will be
OL-l, etc. In the case of over-all narrative histories
which will be written in two or three parts, various parts
will be numbered OTR-la., -lb., -lc., etc.
25X1A9a 10. Mr. - suggested that there should be a meet-
ing of all the Support Services.Historical Officers in the
near future to discuss all the matters considered by the
Board today and any others, as appropriate. The Board
11. The meeting adjourned at 1520 hours.
25X1 A'9a
Executive Secretary
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