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Publication Date: 
March 17, 1964
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.~ .i / fr ved For ~e~r 2002/ V /`v 44 tw P C k Ladies and Gentlemen: If know that you have been brought to DP78-0636,5A0012QD020~ If y - C graft 17 March 1964 you must have some question why .4 f:e...c...; this meeting and why this program is being put You have been asked to come here because I have directed that all / supervisory personnel be reindoctrinated and reminded of their responsi- bilities as supervisors in the CIA. Why, you probably wonder, would we i want to choose this particular time and this particular method? Was there some special provocation that brought this about? Several weeks ago I directed Col. White, Deputy Director for Support, ~ lolv~~ to take the steps necessary for a reorientation of all supervisory OCH`'I U) 03 CA pU personnel because I believed that it could be useful to us all and I Z*- WO have approved of this program that has been developed. The history of CIA is replete with case after case of outstanding i.. - aq accomplishments, individually and collectively; of growth professionally and a steadily growing role in our government because of an impressive ability to assume ever more complicated and responsible burdens. There 110-1 LN~ 0 z Ewa ca v3~~, 0 1. ~.; (J AI'4 Approved For Releas : CIA-RDF 7.$ 3 JM O1k00020024-2 111AC1 rz Approved For Release 20 have been numerous instances of heroism and brilliance. Instances of outstanding dedication to duty and the Agency, are legion. Our history is also one of continual growth In numbers of people and amounts of funds, which in fact, has been a recognition of our ability to perform more and more services vital to the security and welfare of our country. Today, however, I am sure that you are all aware that we have reached that point in our history where growth in the physical sense -- that is, money and people -- has reached the plateau above which it is not likely to go within the foreseeable future. Growth, however, in the sense of greater achievement and greater accomplishments from this same basis of assets must continue and more efficiencies, more achievements will be expected of us. In order to meet this kind of challenge and opportunity, it really means that we must get more value per dollar and more accomplish- ments per person. This responsibility rests first and foremost on the managers and the supervisors of this Agency. Management has been defined as the accomplishment of goals through the utilization of money and manpower. It seems only appropriate then that we look at our present and past management and, inspite of so much of which we can be proud, that wAppP@Jfdd1Ft l R@ a 2002# t /O8 i:clBliN P T-9365A*D't2Q 2 Approved For Rele se 2002/05/08 : CIA-RDP78-06365AOO Q0020024-2 inevitably been shortcomings, inefficiencies, and failures of one sort or another. And recognizing without equivocation that this is true, we also see some guide lines to help solve todays new requirement, that is; to do more with the same assets. This doing more we shall accomplish by finding ways and means of improving the capabilities and utilization of our present personnel. It is within this context then that I have asked that carefully selected examples which can be used for the instruction of us all be brought to your attention. That guidance resulting from the unique capabilities of some of our offices who are in a position to review our collective weaknesses be shared with us all. In these next six to eight hours there will be a series of presentations especially designed to acquaint you with that somewhat less obvious area of your responsibilities. Because we are an organization of many specialists, It is very often difficult for us as supervisors to fully appreciate those aspects of our responsibilities which lie outside of the technical speciality of our work itself. By this I mean that the area-specialists, the case officers, the linguists, the economists, and the scientists Approved For Release 2002/05/08 : CIA-RDP78-06365AO01200020024-2 Approved For Ref ase 20021 8 CIA-RDP78-06365AOQ400020024-2 tend to devote their energies and interests to the basic requirements of the work itself. They somehow feel that the other responsibilities of management, that is, the utilization, training, and development of personnel; the maintenance of security; the insurance of fiscal integrity, the maintenance of suitable standards of fitness and conduct can all be left to staff elements $004-as wall Support Offices such as Personnel, Training, Security, Medical Staff, and so on. It Is true that these offices are competent and prepared to render many assistances, but it's also true that all of these elements are part of the responsibilities of each supervisor. These are not new thoughts. To varying degrees, we have long since been aware of these factors and in the official issuances of our Agencyidirectives, handbooks, notices, etc. have treated all of these considerations. Nonetheless, we are all aware that there have been and continue to be too many cases where waste and serious difficulties have arisen directly attributable to irresponsible supervision or at least the evasion of supervisory responsibilities. For example, it Approved For Release 2002 5/ -RDP78-06365AO01200020024-2 Approved For Release 2002/05/ RI P78-06365AO01200020024-2 recurringly comes to my attention that from time to time the personal conduct or job performance of an employee is so deficient that it is at least highly questionable whether he is suitable for continued employ- ment in CIA. In few instances Is the deficiency or transgression a spontaneous or Isolated affair; rather, investigation usually discloses a lengthy process of deterioration in performance and/or moral fiber. Far too frequently there is evidence that supervisors at all levels have not taken reasonable corrective action to guide, criticize, and discipline. In some instances most serious defects have been quietly tolerated or even concealed for misguided reasons of compassion or friendship with inadequate regard for the vital interest of the Agency and the Government. Agency regulations and procedures for the official investigation and handling of these matters if complied with should assure discreet, equitable, and effective solution to any questions of employee suitability that may arise. These are some of the reasons why I have directed that all supervisors from the deputy directors on down through all levels of supervision be Approved For Release 2002/05/08 : CJArsRDP78-06365A001200020024-2 Approved For Releaw 2002/05/08 : CIA-RDP78-06365AO01200020024-2 brought together to have impressed a greater awareness of their total responsibility; keener appreciation of the necessity for meeting these responsibilities and an increased understanding of the capabilities within the Agency that are available for your assistance. I want to stress a few simple principles which will be repeated and elaborated on in the oncoming discussions. The first principle I want to stress is that we must at all levels think in terms of the Agency's mission -- the Agency's goal -- and that we must subordinate our personal and compartmental pride and prejudices to the greater tasks of the Agency. Our actions must be dictated by the best interests of the Agency. We cannot tolerate delays, wastes or conflicts based orIparochialism, "empire building" nor any other form of subjectivity or pet#iness. A second principle that I wish to stress is that all supervisory tasks and responsibilities must be faced up to no matter how unpleasant they may be. To evade, avoid, or cover up potential conflict can only undermine the whole organization. The third point that I want to impress deeply is that the burden of professional and personal excellence of our entire organization rests Approved For Release 2Qi1 9W :, CIA-RDP78-06365AO01200020024-2 Approved For Release 2002/05/08 : C heavily on your shoulders and you must be continuously aware of the fact that you are at all times, by both commission and ommission, setting examples and training your subordina i. Our growth from here on must be in the form of higher standards, improved skills, and greater competence. We must, therefore, demand more responsible, more able supervision. We must make more use of our ability to discharge from the Agency the incompetent, the irresponsible, the morally deficient and any others who weaken our ability or endanger our security. If our mechanisms, policies and procedures are inadequate to your tasks it is your responsibility to help find a better method. There can be no compromise of integrity, fairness, or justice in our dealings with either our personnel or our public trust. Approved For Release 2 8': CIA-RDP78-06365AO01200020024-2