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January 1, 1958
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Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06365A001200030024-1
Excerpt from Weekly Activity Report #29, dated 24 July 1958
Civil Service Commission Meeting
Mr. attended a meeting at the Civil Service Commission
on Friday, 18 July, with Mr. -. The final item on the agenda for
discussion was the training legislation, S. 385. Mr. Ross Pollack conducted
the discussion on this bill and after a few brief remarks opened the meeting
for questions from the floor. Considerable concern was expressed by repre-
sentatives of the Departments of Defense and Army regarding the restriction
placed by the bill on affording one year's training for every ten years'
federal service. Mr. Pollack stated that it was the philosophy of the
Congress that this bill was not designed to subsidize federal employees
for formal education or for the acquisition of advanced degrees. However,
he did not think the legislation applied to what was referred to as the "co-
op" program. The Defense Department was also concerned over the restric-
tion imposed by the bill in providing training for those with less than one
year's service, particularly for scientific and technical personnel who are
generally placed in a training status with industry or research organizations
during their first year of tenure of office. It was Mr. Pollack's approach
to defer a decision on these points and say that they would be jointly worked
It was announced during this meeting that during the week of 21 July
a series of smaller meetings would be held on a scheduled basis. The
Commission intended to invite four or five agencies at a time to discuss
the implications as they affected formerly authorized training for these
agencies and to seek the advice of the agencies regarding the responsibility
of the Commission for the development and issuance of regulations concern-
ing the implementation of the training act.
S. 385
On Tuesday, 22 July, Mr. -discussed the training legislation
with as part of his initial briefing and at Mr. request
called to learn the status of the Agency's exceptions the
training MR inquire as to the desirability of establishing liaison
with the Civil Service Commission regarding this legislation. The Deputy
General Counsel, advised that a draft Presidential Directive,
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Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06365A001200030024-1
identifying those sections of the bill for which the Agency was seeking
exception and requesting that exception be granted, had been submitted
to the DCI. It was the General Counsel's opinion that no liaison should
be established with the Civil Service Commission or any other agency or
department until exceptions to provisions of the bill had been granted CIA.
Civil Service Commission Meeting
On Wednesday, 23 July, Mr~ Office of Personnel, advised
Mr. that the Agency had been invited to participate in an advisory
meeting to the Cavil Service Commission on the new training legislation
on Friday, 25 July. Mr. had suggested that he attend as the
Agency representative in order to obviate any embarrassment to the Office
of Training in dealing with questions pertaining to the bill. Mr.
suggested that he talk to the General Counsel before accepting the invita-
tion from the Commission. On Thursday morning Messrs.
and brought to the attention of the DDTR the opinion of the
General Counsel that no contact should be established with other agencies
or departments of the Government regarding the training legislation until
exceptions, had been granted to the Agency and acting on the request of
the DDTR, the General Counsel was called to determine (a) whether Mr.
had made known the fact that he intended to attend the meeting
called by the Commission on Friday, 25 July, and (b) whether the General
Counsel had agreed that this was a wise step. When the General Counsel
was advised that this meeting would be for only a few selected agencies,
he agreed, to call Mr. and advise him that it was his opinion that
the Agency should not have a representative at this meeting.
Approved For Release 2000/09/08 : CIA-RDP78-06365AO01200030024-1