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PDF icon CIA-RDP78-06367A000100150023-9.pdf81.34 KB
Approved For Release 2000/08/21 : CIA-RDP78-0631fA000100150023-9 CIrQQ DD/S 66-6393 5 DEC 1966 MEMORANDUM FOR : Chairman, Training Selection Board SUBJECT : Support Directorate Nominees for Career Education Awards REFERENCE : Memo dtd 13 Oct 66 to Senior Training Officers fr Registrar, OTR, same subj 1. The Support Directorate nominees for the 1967-68. Career Education Awards are: GS.-12 SD GS-12 S 2. Applications and related material will be forwarded under separate cover. t: L. Bannerman Deputy Director for Support 25X1A9a 25X1A Excluded fran altematl (- 1 4jp dawner?Gi g a ti Approved For Release 0 / T :CIA- 3!66 000100150023-9 'Approved For Releasem2000/08/21 : CIA-RDP78-06367AN0100150023-9 NOMINATION FOR CAREER EDUCATION AWARD ITEM #19 During my ten years of Federal Government service, I have had a variety of adntnistrative assignments with each one offering new and rewarding experiences. With this background I believe that my potential contribution in the public service is greatest in the area of administration and Would like to exploit this potential by additional academic study, form4 , government training and by receiving increas- ingly responsible and challenging assignments. Since the world we live tt is becoming more complex each day, it is difficult to fulfill this desire'~without further study of these complex- ities. For instance, in the past tcn years the field of Automatic Data Processing has affected business and technical force that continually d government activities with a human pws and changes. The machines and methods used to process masses o information are becoming more nding. Undoubtedly this is sophisticated and as a result, more den having a tremendous effect not only on inf mation processing but on the in this area is vitally human element involved. Indeed, knowledge important if I am to perform effectively and u gation. Of equal importance is a knowledge of i mately fulfill my obli- ternational relations, the federal budget and its effect, psychology in m relation of the Federal Government with the public. agement and the A Career Education pwledge of these Award would provide the opportunity to increase my and other subjects and allow me to assist the Central in fulfilling its obligation to the public. Iligence Agency STATINTL Approved For Release 2000/08/21 : CIA-RDP78-06367A000100150023-9