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Approved For Release 2feJV8/2 EffffP78BO456OA000100010017-6 Copy 5 9 NPIC/R-5/61 IN THE EUROPEAN USSR IDENTIFIED ON MISSION 9019 Handle Via TALENT - KEYHOLE Control Only This document contains classified information affecting the national security of the United States within the meaning of the espionage laws U.S. Code Title 18, Sections 793, 794, and 798. The law prohibits its transmission or the revelation of its contents in any manner to on unauthorized person, as well as its use in any manner prejudicial to the safety or interest of the United States or for the benefit of any foreign government to the detriment of the United States. It is to be seen only by U.S. personnel especially indoc- trinated and authorized to receive TALENT-KEYHOLE information. Its security must be maintained in accordance with KEYHOLE and TALENT regulations. 20aR9/21' &S Approved For Release : P78B04560A000100010017-6 Approved For Release 2X081~1 r CIACRDP78B045VOA000100010017-6 IRBM/MRBM LAUNCH AREAS IN THE EUROPEAN USSR IDENTIFIED ON MISSION 9019 September 1961 Ni NATIONAL PHOTOGRAPHIC INTERPRETATION CENTER Approved For Release 2001/08/21 : CIA-RDP78BO456OA000100010017-6 TOP SECRET CHESS RUFF Approved For R119L AMR : CIA=RDP78B0456OA000100010017-6 NPIC/R-5/61 PREFACE This photographic interpretation report has been prepared by the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Central Intelligence Agency in answer to CIA and Air Force requirements for analysis of missile facilities iden- tified in the USSR from photography of KEYHOLE Mission 9019. The CIA requirement (DDI/RR/E/R-27/61) requests an analysis of IRBM/MRBM launch areas and associated facilities. The Air Force requirements (AFIC-10/61, AFIC-11/61, and AFIC-14/61) request an analysis of SSM launch and support facilities. The scale of this photography and the amount of halation around the items of interest dealt with in this report make measurements presented herein inaccurate in varying, unpredictable amounts. All mile distances given are in nautical miles. -3- Approved For Release 2001/08/21 : CIA-RDP78BO456OA000100010017-6 TOP SECRET CHESS RUFF rp 9X1*- 0 7R&MA000100010017-6 PIC/R-5/61 EUROPE 100 2O wo Hd. Hr>eC"o F R A N C E Ln ,7 +boy M. ..aY ~?'~?Los S p eAaw N ^m".n NEM ~OELC';,.nl G?~' ?1 F p I T E R 7 A !. G E R I A R.~.c C0"( A LWMAdL i cou~hq.F . 1ty~ ~. Tu- KASEA ,uwl ,,y/~ yt' id f LIEPAJA/KLAIPEDA CHERNYAKHOVSK 6 R EAT....~ D A V 61 `G AP~w 3 ly FEDERAL _~ GERMANY ..,..._ T Fe.,wUwe ~' .. +Jumcer `' 9 GE'.:.fA"Y UCH FIGURE 1. LOCATIONS OF IRBM/MRBM LAUNCH AREAS IN RELATION TO POSSIBLE TARGETS IN EUROPE, AFRICA, AND THE NEAR EAST. Launch areas Initially Identified on Mission 9019 are Indicated in red. TOP SECRET - C,HE$S RUFF `~ OHYC aQL'~?? 0,UMAN' 2.. s ~S AN IivAV ' ` ,.~ i 'S A 0 A E N A1A~ /DODO L SKI '?.J ..., H E V ~: ~ '~ o' G?Onn, U 4t . -..a , 1. A c K Approved For RQe+ase'i00'I'J 1 : GV-W78AYf60A000100010017-6 NPIC/R-5/61 SUMMARY KEYHOLE Mission 9019 has revealed nine previously unreported Soviet IRBM/MRBM launch areas along the western perimeter of the USSR. These installations, combined with the 25 launch areas (19 firm, 4 probable, and 2 possible) identified on KEYHOLE Mission= give a 25X1 D total of 34 IRBM/MRBM launch areas located in the USSR. Each of the newly identified launch areas has four launch pads and associated support facilities. All except one of the areas are deployed in pairs. The two launch areas comprising each pair are separated by a distance of not more than 8 miles. The single launch area was found in an area generally obscured by heavy clouds, making a complete search for other facilities impossible. The nine installations are dispersed over an area extending from the Baltic Sea southeastward to the Carpathian Mountains. The confirmed launch areas identified on Mission 9019 are in the general vicinity of the cities of Liepaja and Klaipeda (four launch areas), Drogobych (two launch areas), Mukachevo (two launch areas), and Brest (one launch area). There is no photographic evidence that these cities are specifically in- volved in IRBM/MRBM deployment or directly associated with the launch areas. On the photography from Mission 9019 covering this whole area, weather conditions ranging from scattered clouds to widespread overcast prevented examination of most of the previously reported launch areas and of many areas made missile-suspect by collateral reports. INTRODUCTION This report presents a detailed photographic analysis of nine IRBM/ MRBM launch areas in the USSR identified from photography of Mission 9019. The launch areas have been divided into four groups based on lo- -5- Approved For Release 2001/08/21 : CIA-RDP78BO456OA000100010017-6 TOP SECRET CHESS RUFF Approved F P elea gg~/08/2 ' CTk-&DP78B04560A000100010017-6 NPIC/R-5/61 cation, and are referenced only for convenience to the largest city in the vicinity. It is not implied that these cities are involved in IRBM/MRBM deployment or specifically associated with the launch areas identified. All the launch areas are road-served only and are located in dense, coniferous forests. As at launch areas previously identified, security precautions are generally not evident, although fencing is probably present. These launch areas are generally similar in configuration to those 25X1 D identified on Mission _ However, it should be noted that reference to any of the identified IRBM/MRBM launch areas. as "Inline," "Dumbbell," or "Rectangular" type installations merely indicates the relationship be- tween pads within an individual launch area and not the service system and flow pattern. Several of the areas have variations in layout which cannot at this time be stereotyped. Where possible the type will be as- signed; in other instances it may be necessary merely to describe in detail and show an area by means of a photograph or line drawing. Figure 1 depicts the location of all identified IRBM/MRBM launch areas in relation to possible targets in Europe, Africa, and the Near East, 25X1 D including those identified on Mission - Table 1, at the end of this report, is a tabulation of all identified IRBM/MRBM launch areas. LIEPAJA/KLAIPEDA AREA Four IRBM/MRBM launch areas with a total of 16 launch pads have been located inland from the Baltic port cities of Liepaja and Klaipeda (Figure 2). Two of the areas are designated Inline types while the other two have not been assigned a designation. Rail lines are located near these launch areas but a firm candidate for a rail-to-road transfer point has not been located. Two surface-to-air missile (SAM) sites, one of which has been identified as a probable SA-3 system launch point, have been located in this area near Palanga. 2/ -6- Approved For Release 2001/08/21 : CIA-RDP78B04560A000100010017-6 TOP SECRET CHESS RUFF Approved For ReIQ 4;l retse ZU0I%d'8711 : CiA= 780 56[A000100010017-6 NPIC/R-5/61 Inline Launch Area, 56-24-40N 21-16-OOE (Item 1, Figure 2; Figure 3). An Inline-type IRBM/MRBM launch area is located 10 miles south- east of Liepaja, 6.5 miles west-southwest of Paplaka. The road pattern servicing the launch points at this facility is dif- ferent from that observed at other Inline-type IRBM/MRBM launch areas. However, the alignment of the four launch points in a north/south line indicates that this area should be designated an Inline-type facility. Two drive-through buildings are located near the pads. The launch pads are grouped in pairs 680 feet apart; the pads in each pair are separated by a distance of 535 feet. Parallel north/south roads are located on both sides of the launch pads diagonally off which a service road leads to each launch point. A small support area with at least seven Approved For Release 2001/08/21 : CIA-RDP78BO456OA000100010017-6 TOP SECRET CHESS RUFF Approved Fo rIlease 2Df1TA121 :"CIA`Rt7P78W4fA0A000100010017-6 NPIC/R-5/61 small buildings is located immediately to the east of the pads. No secu- rity is evident at this facility. Inline Launch Area, 56-22-50N 21-16-?OOE (Item 2, Figure 2). Another generally similar Inline-type IRBM/MRBM launch area which is partially obscured by cloud and cloud shadow is located 11 miles southeast of Liepaja and approximately 2 miles FIGURE 3. INLINE LAUNCH AREA 10 MILES SOUTH- EAST OF LIEPAJA. south of the launch area described above. The four launch pads are in a north/south line and the support area is located just to the east. The quality of the photography at this point is such that individual build- ings cannot be identified. FIGURE 4. LAUNCH AREA 26 MILES NORTH- EAST OF KLAIPEDA. Approved For Release 2001/08/21 : CIA-RDP78BO456OA000100010017-6 TOP SECRET CHESS RUFF Approved For Nfse 20K0$72'1 : C:1'Q-%98B945f 0A000100010017-6 NPIC/R-5/61 Launch Area, 56-02-OON 21-42-OOE (Item 3, Figure 2; Figure 4). An IRBM/MRBM launch area of an irregular type is located in a forest 26 miles northeast of Klaipeda and 4.5 miles east-southeast of Salantai. The four launch points at this facility are grouped in pairs approximately 1,000 feet apart. The pads of each pair are in a northwest/southeast line and are served by wide-radius-turn road systems. The pads in one pair are approximately 400 feet apart while those in the other pair have a separation of approximately 800 feet. Each pair of launch points has a drive-through building associated with it. Immediately to the southeast of the pads is a support area consisting of at least 10 buildings. A road pattern in the forest, approximately three-quarters of a mile south of the launch support area, probably indi- cates the location of additional support facilities. Launch Area, 55-59-30N 21-39-10E (Item 4, Figure 2; Figure 5). An IRBM/MRBM launch area of an irregular type is located 4 miles south- west of the launch area described above, 5 miles south-southeast of Sa- lantai, and 24 miles northeast of Klaipeda. The four launch pads at this facility are grouped in two pairs; the pads of each pair are aligned north- -9- Approved For Release 2001/08/21 : CIA-RDP78BO456OA000100010017-6 TOP SECRET CHESS RUFF Approved Fo Tfease 2Db'1108'/21 :I -786'd450A000100010017-6 NPIC/R-5/61 west/southeast, but the pairs of pads are offset from a straight northwest/ southeast line by a distance of 400 feet. The pads in each pair are approx- imately 500 feet apart. A drive-through building is associated with each pair of launch points. A support area consisting of at least six buildings is located immediately to the south. Another support area with at least nine buildings and served by a network of wide-radius-turn roads is lo- cated approximately one mile to the southeast of the pads. The smallness of the surrounding forest may account for the area's unique configuration. DROGOBYCH AREA Two Dumbbell-type IRBM/MRBM launch areas have been identified near Drogobych (Figure 6). These facilities are located in forests and have support areas associated with them. Two IRBM/MRBM launch areas 25X1 D that were identified on Mission_ (listed in Table 1 as in the vicinity of Stanislav) are located 30 miles to the southeast, between Stryy and Kalush. These areas were cloud-covered on Mission 9019 and could not Approved For Release 2001/08/21 : CIA-RDP78BO456OA000100010017-6 TOP SECRET CHESS RUFF Approved For We+ase ?0'0?1'921 : OW78AY560A000100010017-6 NPIC/R-5/61 be re-examined. Two SAM sites have been identified in this general area. Dumbbell Launch Area, 49-25-OON 23-34-30E (Item 1, Figure 6; Figure 7). A Dumbbell-type launch area is located 4.5 miles northeast of Drogobych near the village of Vatsovitse. The four pads of the launch area form a parallelogram, measuring approximately 300 by 950 feet. Each of the two pairs of pads has a drive-through building and a network of wide-radius-turn roads. A small support area is immediately south of the launch points and contains at least five small buildings. No security is evident on the photography. The Drogobych/Sambor rail line passes 0 1;1-- 1. %Mm ~+.i.a .r,.,i~J?.,.Y,.. a? FIGURE 7. DUMBBELL LAUNCH AREA 4.5 MILES NpP c G-A772 FIGURE 8. DUMBBELL LAUNCH AREA 10 MILES EAST OF DROGOBYCH. .rte ~a ? ~. ~;ri ~ ;; ~ify ?wJ~ +~: wow y. d ~'Y'A_ .....-t Y '.~ _ .:'4.. IT. ,'`a1) V?l: ~.k 1'.. r\l, Approved For Release 2001/08/21 : CIA-RDP78BO456OA000100010017-6 TOP SECRET CHESS RUFF Approved ForRela sef21 :cM-789U960A000100010017-6 NPIC/R-5/61 just to the west of this launch area, but the heavy forest would prohibit any ground observation of the facility. Dumbbell Launch Area, 49-22-30N 23-45-OOE (Item 2, Figure 6; Fig- ure $ . A Dumbbell-type IRBM/MRBM launch area is located 10 miles east of Drogobych near the village ofMona styr'-Letnyanskiy. This facility is positioned in a forest 7.5 miles southeast of the launch area described in the preceding paragraph. The launch points form a parallelogram, measuring approximately 500 by 950 feet. Two parallel roads service the pad areas. There is a possible drive-through building located on each of the parallel roads. A support area, which has a network of wide-radius- turn roads, is located approximately a mile to the south of the launch points. No buildings in this area can be identified on the photography, but there are a number of clearings in the forest which probably have buildings. MUKACIIEVO AREA Southwest of Mukachevo near the village of Cat', and near the Hungar- ian border, two Rectangular-type IRBM/MRBM launch areas under con- struction have been identified (Figure 9). These launch areas and two other facilities possibly missile-related are located within a triangle formed by the rails and road connecting Mukachevo, Beregovo, and Uz- lovoye. Also located in the Mukachevo area are a SAM site at 48-18N 22-24E and a LOX transfer point at Kolchino. 3/ Rectangular Launch Area, 48-18-30N 22-30-30E (Item 1, Figure 9; Figure 10). A Rectangular-type launch area is under construction in the forest 12 miles southwest of Mukachevo and near the village of Rafaynovo. The four clearings for pads have been made in the forest and form a rectangle, measuring approximately 500 by 1,100 feet. No definite drive- through buildings or support area can be identified, although the road Approved For Release 2001/08/21 : CIA-RDP78BO456OA000100010017-6 TOP SECRET CHESS RUFF ^ a- Approved For RPe se 7Agkffl : Z1 WAY560A000100010017-6 NPIC/R-5/61 5 0 5 10 I, ,I ,I 1 I NPIC G-4713 MILES :LAUNCH AREA U/C MISSILE RELATED ACTIVITY it SAM SITE KOLCHINO --,- 5A~ FIGURE 70. RECTANGULAR LAUNCH AREA U/C FIGURE 11. RECTANGULAR LAUNCH AREA U/C 72 MILES SOUTHWEST OF MUKA CHEVO. 8 MILES SOUTH-SOUTHWEST OF MUKACHEVO. pattern in the forest indicates where they will probably be located. No security fences are evident at this facility. Rectangular Launch Area, 48-19-30N 22-37-30E (Item 2, Figure 9; Figure 11). A Rectangular-type launch area is under construction 8 miles FN-PT-C- M G-4714 NPIC 5'4715 Approved For Release 2001/08/21 : CIA-RDP78BO456OA000100010017-6 TOP SECRET CHESS RUFF Approved ForT9ase'Zfl/21 :DP789i90A000100010017-6 NPIC/R-5/61 south-southwest of Mukachevo and just west of the village of Gat'. This facility appears to be in an earlier stage of construction than the one located 5 miles west-southwest which was described in the preceding paragraph. Measurements of this road-served installation are similar to those of other Rectangular-type IRBM/MRBM launch areas. Missile Support Area A missile support area (Item 3, Figure 9) is under construction at 48-17-OON 22-33-OOE in a forest near the village of Malaya Began, 11 miles south-southwest of Mukachevo. A road pattern with wide-radius turns is evident, but no buildings are apparent. The facility, which ap- pears to be in the early stages of construction, is located within a few miles of the Rectangular-Type IRBM/MRBM launch areas identified in this vicinity. Possible Missile-Associated Activity An area of scarring in the forest, 3 miles southwest of Mukachevo at 48-24-30N 22-41-15E, may be some type of missile-associated activity in early stages of construction (Item 4, Figure 9). The facility is road served, but no definite road pattern can be determined. Missile-Related Activity Near Kolchino This facility was cov- ered by Mission 9019 but is in deep cloud shadow. The rail spur can be identified, but a detailed description of the area cannot be made from this photography. Approved For Release 2001/08/21 : CIA-RDP78BO456OA000100010017-6 TOP SECRET CHESS RUFF Approved For case ?0'0'f' >?121 : C'IA' W78M56bA000100010017-6 NPIC/R-5/61 BREST AREA. Inline Launch Area, 52-33N 24-07E (Figures 12 and 13). An Inline- type IRBM/MRBM launch area has been identified 32 miles north-north- east of Brest in a forest near the village of Myl'niski and close to the Soviet-Polish border. This launch area appears on photography in an area generally covered by heavy clouds. This condition and the fact that the area is positioned near the edge of the photographic frame preclude a thorough search of the area for additional missile-related facilities. The four pads are aligned approximately 550 feet apart in a north- west/southeast line with a series of interconnecting roads. A small support area, containing at least seven buildings, is immediately south of the launch area and along the access road serving the facility. No drive- through buildings are discernible, but such buildings could be present in the cleared areas in the forest. FIGURE 12. MISSILE ACTIVITY IN THE BREST AREA. - 15 - Approved For Release 2001/08/21 : CIA-RDP78BO456OA000100010017-6 TOP SECRET CHESS RUFF Approved For'F ffase''2'b0'1'/0'8T1 :cft 789Wf0A000100010017-6 NPIC/R-5/61 CONCLUSIONS 1. Nine deployed, fixed, IRBM/MRBM launch areas with a total of 36 launch pads have been identified in the European USSR on KEYHOLE Mission 9019. These are in addition to the 19 launch areas with 76 launch pads, 4 probable launch areas with 16 pads, and 2 possible launch areas with 12 pads which were identified on Mission _ making a total of 140 pads with 34 firm, probable, and possible launch areas. 2. The newly identified IRBM/MRBM launch areas are similar to those identified on Mission - 25X1 D 25X1 D 3. As with those identified on Mission = there is no photographic evidence that the launch areas described in this report are intended to have an ICBM capability. -16- _a 25X1 D Approved For Release 2001/08/21 : CIA-RDP78BO456OA000100010017-6 TOP SECRET CHESS RUFF Approved For 1499se 9 Ui57L1 : C1 WAYi A000100010017-6 NPIC/R-5/61 Distance and Direction From Reference City Construction Status Liepaja 10 miles SE 56-24-40N 21-16-OOE Inline Completed 11 miles SE 56-22-50N 21-16-OOE Tnline Completed Klaipeda 27 miles NE 56-02-OON 21-42-OOE Irregular Completed 24 miles NE 55-59-30N 21-39-IOE Irregular Completed Chernyakhovsk d 22 miles NNW 54-58-30N 21-28-50E Inline Complete 24 miles NNW 54-58-30N 21-36-30E Inline Completed 9 miles NE 54-43-30N 22-04-50E Inline Completed or 9 miles NE* 54-41-OON 22-04-50E Probable Inline in late stage Probable U/C 22 miles WSW 54-32-50N 21-12-OOE Inline Poss mid-stage 21 miles WSW* 54-35-40N 21-12-OOE Probable Inline Undetermined 29 miles NE** 55-00-50N 22-21-30E Irregular Undetermined 25 miles WNW** 54-45-05N 21-09-OOE Irregular Completed Brest 32 miles NNE Gomel' 10 miles W 52-24-45N 30-39-45E Inline U/C 10 miles SW 52-18-45N 30-42-15E Inline U/C Ovruch 33 miles WSW 51-08-50N 28-00-30E Rectangular Completed 30 miles WSW 51-10-OON 28-03-OOE Rectangular Completed 20 miles W 51-16-50N 28-15-OOE Rectangular Completed 29 miles NE 51-43-55N 29-12-30E Rectangular U/C 27 miles NE 51-42-OON 29-12-50E Rectangular Completed or Uman' 13.5 miles NE 48-53-40N 30-27-45E Dumbbell in late stage Completed or in late stage U/C 49 miles SE 48-02-30N 29-33-30E Inline Completed Kamenets-Podol'skiy 20.5 miles NW 48-51-30N 26-08-30E Dumbbell Completed 24 miles NW 48-53-OON 26-03-30E Dumbbell Completed 12 miles NE 48-51-ION 26-43-OOE Inline U/C Stanislav 18 miles S 48-38-45N 24-43-30E Dumbbell U/C 16 miles S 48-40-OON 24-48-30E Dumbbell Completed 26 miles NW* 49-06-OON 24-08-OOE probable mod- Completed Drogobych 4.5 miles NE 49-25-OON ified Dumbbell Probable mod- ified Dumbbell 23-34-30E Dumbbell Completed 10 miles E 49-22-30N 23-45-OOE Dumbbell Completed Mukachevo 12 miles SW 48-18-30N 22-30-30E Rectangular U/C 8 miles SSW 48-19-30N 22-37-30E Rectangular U/C * probable launch area ** Possible launch area Approved For Release 2001/08/21 : CIA-RDP78BO456OA000100010017-6 TOP SECRET CHESS RUFF Approved For f ase RM21 :c1'78 96 f0A000100010017-6 NPIC/R-5/61 REFERENCES PHOTOGRAPHY Mission Date Pass Frames Classification TSR MAPS AND CHARTS ACIC. Operational Navigation Chart 152, May 59, scale 1:1,000,000 (U) ACIC. Operational Navigation Chart E-3, 2d ed, 24 Sep 59, scale 1:1, 000, 000 (U) AMS. Series M 508, Sheet R 56, 2d ed, Mar 56, scale 1:250,000 (U) AMS. Series N 501, Sheet NM 34-9, Isted, Aug 57, scale 1:250,000 (U) AMS. Series N 501, Sheet NN 34-12, 4th ed, Nov 57, scale 1:250,000 (U) AMS. Series N 501, Sheet NN 35-10, 4th ed, May 58, scale 1:250,000 (U) AMS. Series N 501, Sheet NO 34-11, 4thed, Nov 59, scale 1:250,000 (U) DOCUMENTS 1. NPIC. R-3/61, IRBM/MRBM Launch Areas in the European USSR, Jul 61 (TSR) 2. NPIC. OAK 9019, Supplement 2, 25 Jul 61 (TSCR) 3. CIA. PIC/JB-18/61, Probable Missile-Related Activity in Car- pathian Military District, USSR, Mar 61 (TSR) REQUIREMENTS CIA. DDI/RR/E/R-27/61 (TSR) Air. AFIC-10/61, AFIC-11/61, and AFIC-14/61 (TSR) Approved For Release 2001/08/21 : CIA-RDP78BO456OA000100010017-6 TOP SECRET CHESS RUFF A Approved For Release 20 1( 121 CcI TAMp781304560A000100010017-6 NOFORN ` Copy v 1 Page NPIC/R-1/62 January 1962 AIRCRAFT MOVEMENT AT SAN ANTONIO DE LOS BANOS, CUBA ARMY AIR FORCE This document contains classified information affecting the national security of the United ithin the meaning of the espionage laws U. S. Code Title 18, Sections 793 and 794. The law s its transmission or the revelation of.its contents in any manner to an unauthorized person, as w use in any manner prejudicial to the safety or interest of the United States or for the benefit o ign government to the detriment of the United States. It is to be seen only by U. S. personn Ily indoctrinated and authorized to receive TALENT information. Its security must be mointaine accord- ance with TALENT regulations. TOP SECRET / Approved For Release 2001/08/ RDP78B04560A000100010017-6 I~F / ~~ Approved For Rele+lfse ft001/08/21/,CIA-irDP7>JO0},660QAP0100010017-6 Approved For Release 2001/08/21 : CIA-RDP78BO456OA000100010017-6 Approved For Release 220kdiff ?kJR > 560A000100010017-6 NOFORN NPIC/R-1/62 AIRCRAFT MOVEMENT AT SAN ANTONIO DE LOS BANOS, CUBA The major changes in aircral the jet aircraft. showed 17 FAGOT/MIDGET, 2 possible FRESCO, 2 FARMER, and 4 probable T-33. The second pass, at approximately 1628GMT, showed 2 possible FRESCO, 5 FARMER, and 4 probable T-33. 17 FAGOT/MIDGET aircraft were either airborne or moved under cover. Three FARMER aircraft were either airborne or under cover at the time of the first pass. Mission Date Camera Frames Classification TSC/Noforn TSC/Noforn Approved For Release 20110$/2g , ElA.F3DP.7.$,Bp4560A000100010017-6 UN NOFFOtR'N C.IitSJ Approved For Release -T"K,, l-RDP78B04560A000100010017-6 Approved For Release 2001/0$/21 : CIA-RDP78BO456OA000100010017-6 TOP SECRET NOFORN Approved For Release 21 8/2~E~A ffP78BO456OA000100010017-6 Approved For Release 22Qfb8/s'SIE PI DP78B04560A000100010017-6