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Document Release Date: 
December 29, 1999
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Publication Date: 
July 1, 1962
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PDF icon CIA-RDP78B04560A000400010039-2.pdf233.68 KB
Approved For Release 2 25X1 C S 456OA000400010039-2 N P I C/R-1031 /62 July 1962 SA - 3 SAM LAUNCH SITE NEAR MOSCOW Approved For Release 2d4)17SEQ' X-RDP78B04560A00040001003 -2 , Excdfrom dc..nvrnding and deuoli.:..i on Approved For Release 2000/04/17 : CIA-RDP78B04560A000400010039-2 This material contains information affecting the National Defense of the United States within the meaning of the espionage laws, Title 18, USC, Secs. 793 and 794, the trans- mission or revelation of which in any manner to an unauthorized person is prohibited by law. Approved For Release 2000/04/17 : CIA-RDP78BO456OA000400010039-2 25X1 C SECRET Approved For Release 20 560A000400010039-2 NPIC/R-1031/62 SA-3 SAM LAUNCH SITE NEAR MOSCOW An SA-3 SAM launch site, as seen on recent small-format photography, is near completion approximately 46 nautical miles west-northwest of ? SA-3 SAM SITE ? SA-1 SAM SITE ^ MISSILE SUPPORT FACILITY ROAD Approved For Release 200_1 47' :SMRMDP78B04560A000400010039-2 25X1 C , dET Approved For Releas 78BO456OA000400010039-2 NPIC/11-1031/62 Moscow at 55-52N 36-18E (Figure 1). The SA-3 site is being constructed approximately 1,900 feet west of the western ens of SA-1 SAM launch site I?-28 (FF igure 2). `I he SA-3 site is served by an access roac which ties to the western end of the median service road in the SA-1 site. The road leads west from the SA-1 site in line with the median service road for approximately 1,100 feet, where it dips sharply to the south before entering the SA-3 site in a northwesterly direction. I he center of the SA-3 site is 1.30 feet south of an imaginary line extended from the median service road of the ~')A-1 site. The azimuth of the SA-1 site is 280 degrees and that of the SA-3 site is 300 degrees (l,'igure 2). I he quality of the photography limits interpretation to gross aspects such as the size, shape, and orientation of the ;kite. A number of smaller objects are visible within and about the site; however, they are not specif- i.cally identifiable (Figure 3). Most of them ar, 2 probably associated with the construction work. .I he general layout of the site is similL:r but not identical to that of the Palanga SA-3 SAM site. I/ The angle of p. sting of the service roads at the entrance of the site is less acute in the Moscow site. The pads and service roads are approximately the same si:_:e as those in the Palanga site. l'he revetted area within the site appears to be similar although construction is not complete. At this time there is no indication of a revetted area at the immediate entrance to the site; however, some uniden- t:i.fied objects are deployed in that vicinity. There is a possible hard- stand under construction just before the ent ~-ance at a position which approximates that of the hardstand at the Palanga site (Figure 3). Construction of the site appears to be completion. Continued photography of this area. would yield valuable information for detailed reporting of the SA-3 SAM system if photographic quality can be improved. Approved For Release2g Q(04, 1E ,?,CIA-RDP78BO456OA000400010039-2 25X1 C SECRET Approved For Release 2000 560A000400010039-2 NPIC/R-1031/62 \r l rl i l~jl ----------- \\ CLEARING j ----------I Approved For Release 20?6161 17 SCP TRDP78BO456OA000400010039-2 25X1 C SECRET Approved For Relea B0456OA000400010039-2 NPIC/K-1031/62 DIMENSIONS TO ?5'7 OR ?10 FT, WHICHEVER IS GREATER 100 0 1 . I . 1 100 I FIGURE 3. SA-3 SAM LAUNCH SITE AT MOSCOW SA-1 SAM LAUNCH' SITE E-28 (including inset showing comparison with Palanga SA-3 site). Approved For Release Q04L'L7ft lA-RDP78BO456OA000400010039-2 25X1 C SECRET Approved For Release 20 4560A000400010039-2 NPIC/R-1031/62 25X1 D 25X1 C ACIC. Air Target Mosaic, Series 50, Sheet 0167-4/2 MA, 1st ed, Jan 59, Scale 1:50,000 (SECRET) ACIC. Air Target Mosaic, Series 50, Sheet 0167-4/3 MA, 1st ed, Jan 59, Scale 1:50,000 (SECRET) ACIC. Air Target Mosaic, Series 200, Sheet 0167-4A, 1st ed, Jan 59, Scale 1:200,000 (SECRET) 1. NPIC. NPIC/R-1022/62, SA-3 SAM Launch Site Near Palanga, USSR, May 62 (SECRET/ Approved For Release 20064A / 7 :9&CAERDP78BO456OA000400010039-2 ECRET Approved For ~b Jase 0456OA000400010039-2 Approved For Release 0456OA000400010039-2 25X1 C